
Japanese that cartoon Formula One, Ancient Chasez, and his bodyguards?

All the movie sequence.

You want to all just drop that bottle of the beer bottle, or the smoking. 

Thinking for me? This whole world full of the people thinking for me 幫我思考很多人 !

What if I gone to heaven, where a lot of this protocol like you yourself personal life has to see so many people, be welcome, almost similar to my brother's Chinese movie in 3310. Why that is side by side? 

Do you all want to drop that cigaret and the drinking the beer bottle, testing on the movie sequence?

So many things someone like me can write or talk, what I would say.....about anything on anybody to any world or on so many gossip, I have to talk about the 10 rudimentary subjects, the animals or the cooking, or the typhoon. Someone like me?

Imagine the heaven the happiest things to be, or with the system to figure it out, the closest the friends from the college, or the graduate students, or then the outside like another the crush or the first love in Westlife, or the sequence of the movie, or the position of the ancient Chasez, so what if meeting them to the heaven, and those past be throwing away?

They are the real tall guys.

You mean that Ankeheseamen? 


You know what is someone imagined truely to be a doctor to be gradually really be at this Zawanna says, my mother probably meant too stressful to be a real MD, that kinds. Its to press the wound near the heart, or the head.....one of those movie imagination. We just watch that movie, so I went to ask Nicky, that is the car smash in the house, its not his head. 

You like Westlife, still? Is there much difference Mark and Brian from that time, near the country, if I was near by here.....Hong Kong or Japan. Japan won.

" Its the same cow." (movie: Twist)

Your parents' movie, both of you. How your parents meet?

"Its press near the arm, or the heart. To stop the blood keep coming out. "
Press the head. 

The cloth to press the skin, "That is just a skull, has a force, relax. We have a white uniform looks like you, Nicky. You are a navy? " "The blood clot outside is not inside, that is the stroke, it will stop, I cannot let go. Just 5 mins. "

"What if the blood cannot stop in 5 mins?"

"Then it must cut to the artery, here don't have an artery, the worse I use those cayenne paste. It hold that as a form stabilize the wound, no air sipping through."

"And why the air doesn't get through? "

"The bacteria is the infection from the external environment, but the first its to stop the bleeding, then we disinfect."

"You cannot disinfect the same time to see if stop bleeding."


"And where you disinfect?"

"Wipe away all the blood from the skin, and just all around there, the cayenne pepper actually is disinfecting itself already. "

"So it can disinfect!"

"Correct, but we are the 21th century modern science."

"Just another layer on top?"

"Iodine can sip through that outside skin, just near by where the cayenne pepper form the edge with the skin wound, that should sip through the skin near there."

"Not on the top of the cayenne pepper?"

"I want to disinfect in the head through the skin. The harden paste outside just the solidfy that blockage to stop the bleeding. "

"We have those Japanese machine, probably you all gone to Japan, I was thinking to get those. The octopod bites balls. Its a smaller machine. You just stay there, close your eyes and sleep a bit. I get some warm water first. You sip it through down."


"Is this the time taken those supplement? "

"Yes, you can, the same formula, the bone and tissue."

"That is the bone? "

"The skull is the bone plaque, this is the warm water, take 2 of that. You drink some soup, and lay down."

"And you don't need to swallow with any food?"

"That will be the food, the supplement, those are just the herbs. Its not a synthetical drugs. You read about this, or you heard about that? "

"Just random ask."

"You close eye a bit, and some soup has things in it, but you might feel better close the eyes don't talk. I go and make something like that. If you fall asleep then you get up to eat. I make something else the mean time. Get the blanket covered. The pillow, your head behind."

You don't think of the MD world because that is not the most urgent register, its another person on another sphere's life. Like someone done that 20 times, like it sounds familiar. You imagine washing a vegetable, someone done that before. Someone picks the store with those green, someone done that before. Or the potato or the sweet potato those, everyone knows very very sure. But if that is the green session, there is the leek, the green onion, or the chive, or the mustard green (by the smell), or the collard green, or the red collard green. Every other types of the Italian parsley is a curl parsley, so it is the regular parsley, the bigger leaf.

But someone is on that path. The classmate many don't rise up.

The future those are too magical its on the movie inside the TV.

Then what we gonna do, the movie or the heaven lies to me, or lie to that material? How to move in, or shift in, its not the most common compatible sign to live together?

I mean the future.

What about the current? To engineer a conversation? To get near the situation.

You are not talking about the real things you done to them.

I did.

You willing to use the most cruelsome methods to suffer the humanity, and you feed them these food, to say.....

I am the only existing reason Eon of every World. None of you have any value. Its every 20 years the alcoholic beverage and the sport athletics, together goes down dead in the Bermuda Triangle. The same things never ended. The human debts, the human low IQ, to this math.....this is unbelievable, the organizing methods of the rebelliation of their mind to say...1 month the mail receive in the mail box.

Are the people dead, the typhoon or the high tech?

That is very unfortunate, it wasn't a testimony, its a real scenery. The TV makes a saying, that's worse than that saying most of time, to watching that movie or the TV drama.

I am very sure no one asking them to quit drinking, all the girls love to drink with us, or dancing with us.

They are so conditional, a certain attribute is a free medium when the time comes I guess, just not right now. I do a talk, or I do nothing. That standard is never will reach. But the TV has a say, nearby them has a say....I check a several time, I am not changing that, so someone realize that is the bargain, or we continue to play fool on every sphere.

You don't care about the math, just because its said?

Getting near, its not getting the math to my eyes. That is every lawful I know what it is. I never just pretend why it is, or it is not. Its done talking, they say that is finish saying. Its them.

You seen the hell of those helmet?

I feeling in it, but I got told, then I got told. You and me, its me going through every 10 years this, until you all losing the operated mind, til 35 years old, to 45 years old, this every Class people dead in the car accident to the cancer, its not going to get that age of the people back. That is the movie says. The same age Class year, its getting lesser and lesser, they can die in 20 years old in the car accident.

With the Power, don't you do something more real in the real life?

I am doing the real things with the real power, exactly like I said !

Like the typhoon is not a real thing, no one sees the ship on the sea?

There are the human living on it, what are they doing?

That is not the Power we understand it.

You mean the people-to-people Power those, the chapter or the section, the protocol those proposal. You doing that?

No, a little bit.

Those ...

You want to learn?


A lot of the people doing that.

No one does that. People do the Youtuber, that is what people should do.

I think you mix up something on the table to sign something, that is the power to-do.

A literal pen, and me?! I say those on the facebook, they didn't do it, or they done it in the vision or something worsen. Never those sign. And they re-engineer the vision to ....the church red wine small cup. That is the church small cup. "Is that Mason?"

Why don't you ask the police if they really doing that? Hanging?

No. I becoming the iconic long big sky drop down of the me like ... + an automatic hang on another 5 ropes at the neck up, coming the crane up. None of those things I said.

That is to sign something, I am very sure. The real power does those things, not the typhoon, not the Hunger Game, we participate a little bit, but none of them required to exist, like you said.

So isn't the real Power like me, to tell them Mason sign uber, no more cooking, no one cooked this generation on.

You believe that?


You are not coming here to tell me this simple thing, I didn't know what the Power means?


I go to my phone or I go to sleep. No more typhoon this summer, its over. You all leave by next summer, no one will even remember this year, at all.

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