
Prince William, they left yet?

Teddy bear... I given Nicky those glasses human, you Prince William holding George like a teddy bear? Nick hugging people with the bone structure, you can learn that for your kids and you yourself being hug a bit. That is what the Panda says. Hugs.

If you learn your social skills, and watching your own kids more dedicating, and watching your father, your entire Upper class garden party + the Parliment, or simply just be like me laying on the bed doing nothing whole day, drinking the water, checking the Youtube, text message Kate, or your brother. Moving away too many noise people, you getting to retire before your father mode. Keep yourself hydrate, the fruits diet, or the veggie soup, or some lighter meal to exercise in your own gym, write your own speech be more attentive, and put some fake smile, or some presentation.

You aren't the TV celebrity, but no one can talk to you other than 1) Your PC on making the money   2) How to plot the human to the next level with the movie to think or the story to believe.

The first one, can you just ask your secretary to manifest these economic structure how to gain money, authorize your account to someone other than you doing that with your heart.

The second thing, you are a crown prince. You seeing your grandma doing nothing but her palace office front to saying she reads, she check, she sits down for every known letter to her. Your father isn't doing that TV scene, but he is delivering his speech part every holiday is coming. 

What they gonna all eat, this morning, Prince? Including all your military England coming in, or drifting apart where they end up, we are pouring rains right now. Its autumn, somebody, the air gets colder, the air-con be watchful, the immediate day, like TODAY.

You want things to be in your control, and then you run away. These breakfast is the immediate things to a lot of the people, its your first time here imagining to live, or to stay, or to excuse something Panda is God saying, or cover your track with Mark the first day you seeing your mother, or in my vision?

The military eating those white bread soft + a kid beverage, or an apple with it?  ACE bread or the baguette, its their real bread, or its white loaf those bread? The Asian bread they only eat those very loosen inside.


Its humid when it rains. Cover your throat, your mouth, use your nose to breath the outdoor air is fine, but be aware this cold air gets to your external skin of your throat immediately, Your nose is fine, just not your throat, that bare skin throat, anything right at it. 

Don't your use hand touching your mouth, your nose, your eyes, especially anything your finger touch, never touch your eyes. Washing your hands 100 times, then touch your nose with your back of your hands. NOT straight at your eyes.

Straight up your back, use your nose to breath, close your mouth. Don't talk too much. Raise up and down your head, your spine is when your chin is down, that is the correct spine, you cannot see your side way.


The bread is fat ....

The fruits you cannot die on it, even you just had 1 banana, or some lighter meal + unlimited sleeping in the gallon water. Keep drinking the water or the apple juice, or the kids beverage juice. Those milk tea even if you find it, those are giant fat !!!!

You lay down sleep a lot, you are fine. You eat something later. Just keep taking the water and lay down. Your vitamin C its when you get up and eat it with the food after. When you are away from home, you just keep taken your vitamin C. 3 times a day 3000mg its 1000 mg per correct American bottle, here they given you only 500 per tablet your mouth to keep it inside. You can just drop in your cup of the water, and drink it when you get up. 2 tablet.

You have diarrheas, that is when the vitamin C too much. That is the A C D E as the soluable vitamin. Meaning? Wash away vitamin. 

You take 3 or 5 days the first week you immediate landing, anything funny your nose, your throat. You always rest every diet plans on the 7th days. That's it.

Washing your hands with the soap, the finger tips, near the nails, your thumb, just count 1 2 3 4 5 to 10, then rinse your finger tip count 10 second, keep rinsing at it.

Straight up your back, you are all too giant tall, your spine back and your head up or down, to chin down. That's a very simple routine every morning to feel like you are resting mode, or traveling soon mode. Just lay down, close your eyes, cover yourself with the sheet. Always cover yourself WITH THE SHEET or the blanket. 

Stay indoor and sleep.

We have the bagels and the Mc Donald muffin, just more expensive for the local those price.... Its all in the Mc Donald. You are all group meals to something you recognize, but each bakery, they have the "soft bagel". The correct bagel.....its near 101 or Breeze where Kate is right now, 1st floor.

Taipei the students format of all breakfast will be cheaper, but.....its not when you venturing out, someone given all to you. You can just get to see it, and make a habitual ordering out of the 7 oclock before or after. And you don't eat those. They have 2 white toast without the edge to make....a pork pattie inside. Your breakfast is not actually a real meal, right? Some fruits, and some kid's milk or the apple juice is fine. 

You need to be going to the bathroom every morning. You eating less, you never need to move out of your room, or your bed. Sleep whole day, and get up later to eat and walk around chatting around your room.


Its gonna be brick cold, same Korea, same China, the same latitude.

We have....I am not sure what we have. Not this seasonal change, I tell you today, I won't be knowing one thing in Japan, and you all probably it is, or it will be join in Mably no food table venue, or you all already been to the ranch, where you can tie your ship. That lady Kate....supposed to move in a little bit Japanese residence than mix up with any of you.

They have the warm ramen soup noodle, they cook their broth, and some sushi. I don't actually eat those raw fish, you suppose to sanitize your everything including your luggage touch the ground floor, with the alcohol wipe here we have....its a whole box, your finger tips and these....anything you cannot just put it on the counter, or find a rack to leave it on top of it?  Other than the floor? You know what is a rack? The American hotel usually a lot a lot bigger, I am not sure Europe is all very small, too. France.

3 month its Jan.....1st.

Not the Chinese New Year. The correct winter is Dec, Jan and Feb. 


Amazon America they speak in English, transaction in English, when you get to Japan? 

Like you plan now, how long you living here before you get to Japan, another 6 months, in the hotel, or the residence place, you will have your own time for a lot of the things, you don't feel sleep, or watch your bag, or your room, or anything up or down. Rest and going home when to get back to your school and all that.

Your mind plan now. 

2 Panda gone to north Japan, that will be called 北海道


and get to go home. They probably have those straight flight like here, too. Directly at London. Very very cold, not to get out of the airport terminal, you straight back down is best. Not those air at your throat, Japan is very high latitude, never those place 北海道。

Japanese they eat tempora, I think that is you all liking it, the shrimp. A light batter to fry the shrimp.

Something wrong? The eyes, or the make-up? You are young, and....eating the less thing, and improve your vision, you mean? Don't read without the desk top light. Here we have, Japan has....for their studying crowd. Learn about your eye muscle around your eyes. You get tired then you go to sleep, you build up those tolerance as you grew up, not one day you becoming.

Whom supposed to be here cooking?

We have the shrimp, or the fishes in the freezer session. Where they getting their water place....Do you filter your water? From the facet, or checking this water quality, I do that in America, too. You can get the soup from the restaurant, and dilute them. You aren't really eating the soup as the Western sphere all people? The thick soup, right? Too hot temperature on the mouth, you cannot take it, those?

I have this locally, so I drink their soup, I usually just.....drink soupy these stew for hours.

You boil for 20 mins, leave it on the stove covered, for the rest of the day. I stay indoor that's why. The Chinese big white raddish. I don't think you all eating that neither. Its thin soup, not the thick substance soup like the milestone, or the pumpkin / the butter squash those soup. We don't have the butter squash here. Its in America, similar to pumpkin. Its the autumn season, its your pumpkin Thankgiving season.

Meaning, you all American its the time to get those pumpkin someone does those chop the ENITRE giant pumpkin, to cook, to blender, to lay flat once cool, then pour in the plastic big bag. That will be your next 6 months freezer storage the pumpkin soup base. You do that 1 year ahead - the fall season / the autumn before the winter, before the Thanksgiving.  }

When the summer ends, you suppose to get those giant bushal tomato, one entire freezer nothing but the tomato, and then you put some soup base. To be that exaggerating on your eating quality. I don't actually like the tomato, not the sauce, not the soup.

But when you freeze the tomato, that is icy, or already a lot more soupy when you actually start cooking them. Its those red sauce you eat on the pasta + the basil + oregano, those spice. The oregano, you dry when you harvest them, laying dry in your basement, away from the sun, so you have a brown bag to keep shaking that entire things, its your home base oregano. WE DON'T have that culture here in the city. Everything is the pest eating it down. Too warm.


When you all going back if were......you be around those you care about them, and observe them behavior how they talk, how they phrase things. Not input your too many opinions of the views. For that, you have many years down to learning some of the matters they say, they talk, and you inviting them to speak. Not looking at you, no one can ever talk to any of you, seriously.

You are not smart, that is what it is.

Not that comic book ....Kail and Queen Tonawanna.

You Prince William will be the face, that is how they shape you, that is all we get in this world. Not me get on the TV.....be that clear. They put the efforts in, it will be you Prince William one of those day, its not today, its gradually like your father. 

We here don't have the Hunger Game beliefs

WE don't believe those movie inside, we have Mon-Fri schedule, you walking on the road to actually visiting, the walking....people enjoy to shop, to dine, to eat, to venture, to park....WE are like that. Its a very relaxing idea, and to organize all the paper works, including the near by court room if American sent someone in. Its all the local court the paper processing. Its not the TV giant media advertising, or hire-to-do, or I don't know what anyone else doing, I only have

1 me + 1 my mother. WE NEED TO be only that useful for the situation here only I know.

The rest living in their perfect freedom life.

WE DON'T have that power to that last says.

We eat, we sleep, we travel to America, we night market, or buying the Department Store or the Shopping mall similar places, We wrap up, we mail, we ship it. The pacific ocean is the only thing we know of ever get to America, that is how small tiny we really are.

Not Lee's direction, WE don't speak English here. The news, the news agent, the exhibition, the expo. You learn about it, and you don't make your family worry, so here I am. You go to China, do you tell your parents, they worry, they believe?

You plan to do, not you ought to do, ever hear those?

We don't have those Christmas here, but outside will have the lighting made near Breeze right next by 101, or A9 those area. 

Its a Constitution Day. 

If you all making it in Japan in 3 months, they don't have the Christmas neither. 

Forever Goodbye?

One of those claims again....Can you just live your life, not getting this reporting methods to the judge with I say, or your Father says, Harry? A lot of the fun things you can do, see, and listen to other than the news. Some people they making money its to relax, and be with the family. All of them be with their family, after getting out of the school. 

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