

Some people don't require to talk about it, but probably I have no one to be near by, to seeing the things I imagine what I should be saying from the 90s Susan's Show, or some American TV still having those calling in to the station people to ask a question.

The kid's college saving, per monthly if that is deducted in your both couple's account. Even 500 dollar to say a saving. You utter your words to the people around you when you be more resourceful. Talking like per term.

The saving account, or the checking account, you have the house utility to pay, that is the gas, the electricity, the water bill, the heating, or the maintenance of the house in case for the roof.

They have the mutual fund, that is not the stock market, you staring at every single day, the longer term or the short term profit, so you sit in those "trading center", those Wall Street in America, or which city, you using that to imagine one of those words near "the currency". So the mutual fund is less risky, but less yield.

Your bank interests if you say 10 M, you know that is per monthly, or 12 month for 1 year saying. Do you still need to say saving? I believe because you are all too important, and actually getting into that habit, just repeated that those words, or the terms like the economically you don't gamble to ensure your every back end exit, its with those you produce the family, your entire flag down people don't worry, if they all be dead because of the war, and because of you all since 1999.

You have these health insurance talking about if your have your saving up to 10 M those lifes, and saying that you talking about this words, you make sure the near by staffs knowing what you do inside your own room, all the time. Not disappear like that Wing. Its circled in the middle of the map, at all. 

Meaning the accidental insurance or the longevity insurance, or my mother doesn't know what that is, or I listen to what she says, and I asked her, say this again? I put my money somewhere else. Looks identical, or look like a saving for me, not all these Asian chaos, we are about to die.

The health insurance its your after 65 years old in Europe, 1 year you can go into the hospital twice + the prescription counter drugs + the CAT scan + ..... The accidental insurance or the longevity insurance, that is for your spouse, or the kids to be the beneficiary meaning as long as you shall ever lived or as long as you have so many travel plan.

There are probably a lot of those other insurance company, they can double or triple your saving, so not limited to your bank account saying the interests its when those newspaper big come out, and say this year, we have the inflation rate, or the consumer index report, or the Forbe 100 which news, that each of those big company, can ever subscribe to, listen to, read about, and be understood. None of you require a desk to write, a desk to sort, a desk to be organized!

If you have so many this best friends, those whom loving you, other than me....they give you money, or you keep the saving, or you saving for the kids' college tuition, you feed those words starting young, and telling your kids, why that education you value, why you speak an English will come to the economic term, someone else put that forth for all of you, or for your kids, or for your parents. Meaning there is a reason other than writing to this wall blank out, to the people's blank memory, its you in person sending them well wishes, the greet cards, or the show up and utter this words from 1 to 9 lists of these saving methods. Sound like you plan your life, with all of them as the family household, and they understand they do that inside your British Empire!!

*****   Come to the tax season

In America, or in the dual country citizenship, your passport !

So were you on-time, did you know you are file-ing no more dependent. You filed your tax since you were in college, and per check per state ID, the per tax payer's exemption you reading online because they switch that in my growing up year about 20 years ago. Its a computer software they make it easy online in America. The dependents in your household will be 2 or 3 almost every single year up to when they are 18 and get out of the house and finding another gf, or the bf to get married like you 2 couples be that presenting under your father's nose. You telling him? 

This is 1-10?

For the housing plans, because you can tell your house tax, to a different land, that is your father's working on, or me screaming about, without him. Since this Ella Enchanted, we are officially enemy 2014. So my housing is in my country, your housing is in the flat ground - that is the land tax.

( look at me! )

The house tax, is when you purchase the house, so in China, that land is not the buyers. When the government issues the land back, you lost the home entirely plus the land. What did you all two might end up doing without me knowing it !

The land tax, the house tax.

We are the Asian apartment tax. 

So I creatively to tell you I used to be a middle school major on the water usage in the house, with these birds are OUR enemy. So you have a mansion what Harry creatively did or done. That is a fine, or including all the things after when the Parliament finds out. You lose the mansion and the worth, and be fined. 

In my own land, I don't do these TV developer's side. This is my mother, or that will be my brother, if WE together to strive for our future, its only 1 apartment, if the rest of the 6+7 unit +14 expired before us "to go". Me and my mother, or I just never stop using it for my beauty treatment, I have no more guys, because they are in an angry mode and we were in the summer.

Me and my mother doesn't do the drugs.

If you realize you utter these words when someone asking you, or they are the experty to go near you, and you spot them, and in the party, you realize why they are near, or how the people talk, you inferior complex, or you pretend you didn't hear them, you put up a little bit defense mechanism, by knowing it what they are talking about, and what information can you give to them - YOU REALL KNOW THIS STUFF.

You organize your stationary, or your palace staffs will have all the yellow pad, or you remind you yourself what you forgotten. Sometimes the date to see the accountant, sometimes to see the lawyers or the doctor's appointment. Do you always prepare a sheet, what you wait til the end of that year, or the next year, you calling your accountant to ready to listen to asking him about your own finance other than the tax reasons? 

You have the recipe, that is at your secretary desk. You telling your secretary, "I want an excel sheet, the date, the amount, the formula at the end its one click, one drag, one total sum. And make it horizontal after you finish the vertical line, whatever that looks right. "

This has nothing to do when you all facing all that mansion business, your father and all those people suppose to stare at those workers, what they do from the buttom up to the roof.  + your other store producing British logo branding in the cheese, or the diary farm (the meat) included. That will be called it "The Family Business." 

The King's family business.

That will be your main residence, your grandmom's office I remembered + all the seasonal mansion or the cottage + the diary farm, and that town the produce your family carried the business for how long. You checked it. I am sure you did checked it your own TV documentary, or you asking your father, or you asking your secretary. That is still the part of the family business. The same.

Your entire life only need to stare at these 20 lists, and your moving during the seasonal traveling or the seasonal housing, the seasonal mansion to near which local farming produce logo, you go near and visit the shop and see it. That is your only jobs, not the movie, not the TV, your have the whole legal team will ensure, there is nothing like that inside the TV. 

I am so sure the least thing they ask me, so far away this Taipei and England....its how amazing the neighbor Ireland and her, is extremely continentals far apart the 2 worlds, including with us. Not one sound she ever heard if we take that camera going through all the barren land to sound the map is in yellow, the Earth crust color, that must be so fast and far remove to sound like she lives in the city, and that is not built like NYC with the blacks.

These movies

You be in your country court room.

I am not in it, but America them UB is in their court room.

You all have the same exhibition trait. 

If 25 years ago, or 10 years ago, because you all have a different money account to say finding someone truely professional, or you get lucky. Your lawyer do their jobs, this is the time for the movie: Frozen them to return time. You don't usually have this Time return scenario, but I guess we all understood what that is. 

How many parents go through the trial to see their kids to get jailed, I got no data here. 1 time, 2 times, or any time to send to the mental hospital included. that is very exaggerated, and very expensive, too. Stay away from them all together is the best. 

I believe the American police will find that kid's parents when the trial going, even just one parents have to go through that the kids its the jail inmate, its very tragic, or finding it out they are the true mental, or that is a true criminal nature. Even in 100 family, 1 family got affected, all that is very sadden.

A guy to say a true love, if just one time.....one time like I used to describe one scene, your entire life or the reality will shatter. I never forbidden any of those far away we don't even meet the girls to say, what those guys are with these movies. Or those near girls in the clubs, we cease the communication already. You or them suppose to tell your parents, what is "one scene" will cease that reality, from the first day on. I don't find out, I don't want to know, I don't care if that is once of the lifetime you find out.

Is the time return have anything red means?

The judge will be evaluating that when those people submit their file correctly again after consulting with the lawyers. If the judge doesn't allow, that means this person didn't get the concept right, or the understanding, so the judge shut it off. 

So it will always be the judge's calls?

They are guessing what is the original file claim to be modified in the next 10 years to use the movie: Frozen, has nothing to do with them in those claim. The judge can always shut down immediately. I personally don't think they have one IQ correct to know...it has to be in which format, or in which claim I given that 6 or 8 combination as an example.

Its only 1 scenario for the next 10 years, one combination correct. 

They put 6?

That will be last week, or 2 weeks ago I written that format + some other formatting issues a month ago or 5 or 6 months written it in combine. 

You sure its one of the 6?

That is actually a very vague to tell you the truth. I wrote that, that doesn't mean ....its in 3 proposition to say "original" in 6 combination only....

Its more?


The location, the name, the latitude to refer to one current map country other than the Persia, those kinds of the claim, kinda of? 

Like I mention their IQ is zero. I don't usually put those demonstration because they doing nothing to make it worse or worsen before the judge. Its to copy me. 

In the proposition of the last file 10 years ago, we have these presenting the true people of the true appearance in the film and the last criminal background check in this 10 years, if one of them got compromised in this nature to say submit in the common profile, its to cross off these original claim of the participants to say, the reality in life, these people's name _____, _____,  _____, _____,  _____, _____, or the pair of each when we investigated in 10 years that meets the current maintenance of the statues quote: we told each other to keep or to lose, these are the new data or the new relationship statues, its not we always kept in contact. 

To the last file-ing to this period of time, we find out the communication or the interests to this profile has coming it down and down between this each pair of the couples or something spins up, they no longer keep the communication whom interests into what or against whom and what, to say, this is 1 person file-ing as now, will be modified as the original file claim back to: 1 person claim to the 1 betray will never happen. I cross off the last whole profile, and these 6 pairs, in total. I start a brand new file claim without any of them. This is to cross off the original file statue, one of them got jailed or tow, or something one of them told us really happened in that life and we contact with the parents to find out.  

So, this is the time I will spend to delete this entire profile for the last 10 years, in the details written.....

And that has to be written like that, until where is the combination to 6 participants?

Not that 6 true people's faces, no more.

It would be them claim as 1 them?

Probably if they ask me 10 years ago..... maybe they just ask the lawyer if they spent more time how to erase the past 10 years in writing, to sound like the IQ click, so there is the next part, in the new file to search or investigate or the file-format needs to totally completely destroyed,...by how. One of those questions, to start new.

I meant, not one sheet is 2 pages. 10 sheets is 20 pages, I am not sure they really know that is a paper to write.

Why ...they need 20 pages that is 10 A4 Sheet?

I didn't do that, so I cannot tell you its just 10 sheets for the last 10 years, but.....I am sure they didn't do that, they will be keep writing, researching, investigating, communicating between the parents groups and the kids, finding the facebook someone blocks them, or research research research what's real what's the facts, all that....to make just only 20 pages, that is not a super too long profile, the judge willing to keep reading at it.

They hire the lawyers to write it?


If Shane or Westlife not drunk to die, to get to DC those eating table, they find these?

They travel high or low throughout the universe, someone willing they pay the money how to write this +5 writers none stop writing and emailing them per day to say 3 months they can by themselves cut and paste these paragraph of 10 writers jobs the money, to re-write on their own to get their points, and get the second opinions of doctors or the law firms....when this files disappears, they don't remember the brain, starting at their health of another body, travel high and low of another 50,000 years, how to talk, how to present, success or fail....not those table. Its a lawyer.

Stop, not that creative !

No, each movie is only that one profile. Just that ONE movie, or the sequel. Not those creative thought, of course not. One against the 2 combines, NO!


But you know, if the ideally, the other ones is the lawyer, so me plus together, the entire franchise, probably just a happy world for the hobbit a different says. And....that will look out totally different, as 1              1    1 movies.

Not talking, not chatting, not eating someone's home.

How does Shane or the hobbit writing on theirs?

(raise my head and look)

You believe a word I said?  Simple, Shane start writing that one line cross the Star Enterprise Ronan did that day, which date of the Earth existence, his which finger's ring cross Zawanna put their invisible ship flying throughout the universe, evidence 1          1   1

They are colleague, starting young as the competition, but maybe they are all best friend together doing that......I would never never join them.

Do I suppose to know Nicky and Kian, those says?

No. I just look after my mother. Not even Nick I thought about.....

But you tell them....

I communicate. Just my mother is fine. But you know, I say something else. Not right now, but they are getting old. We talk about all kinds of the stuffs.

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