You lady know why....the court room has him, and has Harry must do good things for their petty face?
The first day was a lie, it was his crime verdict, so there is you, Middle school, you think?
Your real worth is not on those TV movie, right? Those years, you reckon?
What is the worth to get near a court room drama, anyway?
(Watching the news)
He miss his mother's face, or the personality ....which father.....should you calling him for their lunch? !
Sorry, meaning he is not busy, you Kate is busy, that's fine. I talk to him when ....." ENTER" click click click.
I saw the panda's video and the "young inspiration", his brother.
I say that many years ago.
UFO Seth, Ola, Dean ....those, or my half part that is not me but its me. Jailing here, or testify to each other, those OU language when you alphabetical .....per sequence.
Will, do you do on purpose?
One memory remembers of that red paint top mansion sprinkler, everyone will know how much you are upset over your mother, you have a crook father.
English dictionary, what is a crook father, per word label?
I am just curious, you Will fully understand you are under your entire Palace Mansion, was nothing but Glue on all universe, "You are nothing but do on purpose."
Agree? Sign.
You are not required to.
Tell me, Will, you think you have a worth?
Its none. Understand? You use every life Eon, to occupy this physical merits because you thought you have a right, whom I am, you stood upper to pee imagine that is the True North and saying....3310 was a blastomny to soothing your....every life you think you will have the eyes, the ears, the limbs, the mouth, to ever.....exist before my per second why you should be here?
So many argument, its fear....should be bow, kneel, flat, seriously like everyone understands it.
So this Harry Potter....the entire movie inside per details stories.....
Someone the old maid come forward turn around 90 degree has to hug whom? An adult or a kid? You all know, what is me so capable of ....
Curl hair, older, thin. pale blonde or white, you don't even know !!!
My eye brow just burns with all of this.....
So the upper world all aunt knows, your father knows....what's a single parent the kid playing right or left.
Since that young age, if the mother dead, at least the father will get near.....
That is your heart true voice resonance in that big room ceiling all space, you were so much shorter. All this royal channel aunt and uncles, you never knew was distance long ago, so you knew that felt.....
But that is why you don't feel anyone supporting you how to be an England King.
(hmm...... )
So you know all the kids are distance away from you, so when Middleton shows up....sorry Kate, you were so happy, but she is also doing the same, trying to steer away from you, or trying to, every single time.
You roaming in the palace how your father step his feet outside inside busy.... That was before you met that Kate.
Everyone knows what is a single parent's kid, if were Lee like the TV then, and now, or that is
1) Harry Potter 2) Princess Diary 1 3) Anna's Linkedin.
??????? ??????
So ....
I can go to Lee, sorry, it would be together the kids go and pounding on the father. oh ~~ I never had a father so I never knew that !
But if Lee were then, it is NOW, I can go and swaying that Lee to scream, shout, yelling, message, texting, or doing that to whom?
A my side of Dean anything to do with the gang ....? The bad one?
You....have a record at my side, the only record I guess. This is the 2nd times.
Mark is a far away celebrity, in that big giant room, so airy ceiling top, you remote control the American cable those star, Mark...therefore? Its that TV remote controller in your hands, on a bench you move near your bed, those? You trying to then go to school, or later playing some sports. This is the real life?
So its not Mark's life !!!
No, you were shorter. So Mark was older than you were, taller.
oh ~ we were the same time shorter, I got it. My 8th grader.
So what have all of these to do with that Harry Potter?
When you clutch in that bench, that is not even a sofa, look shorter.
You want a bean bag?
You don't have an IQ, or you really need that clutch, crutch .....scenery of your back spine to what bench shape of the Victorian looking gold embroid? Harder cushion those?
So love the concert those far away a celebrity far away. Is that even Mark's concert.
Its your best friends those car pool. You talk like that? That is a car pool. You wish to take them in to show off your mansion with your father so you will feel justify that makes the teens heart feel....there is a worth of thy eyes, you exist before your dad? Mark doesn't exist !
Does these UB + their parents ending up orientation in your mansion one room, sitting in those ground chair one by one.....That is really happened, or how I imagine if they were all get drugged the next second, I thought I saw them in UB that area. I was so screaming the day your father and I finish that 1 lawsuit 1 month all that with these ...I said very little I see. Is that I literally seeing it, worse or worsen at all.
My news earlier, did I hear the carnival ....Lee.
If .....
Lee is not that older than me.
"He is a perfect."
(turn around)
What is a perfect so important, you go lamenting to him back and forth as Lee, not as that Harry Potter Perfect, you seriously putting a person in the mind as the Harry Potter school, that is a perfect ....?
You are so much like your mother, you got a scarf on your forehead? No, right?
First line
Second story
Third moving on ....
You didn't do anything in your life with that Harry Potter story its to Vola?!
I have to turn around to look at the American which president, to blame them, with my stare face to eyes?
Whom is this story narrative ?!
You had a granny and uncle....anyway. Forgot. So sick of this reading a story cover what is this 1986......
Your grandmom says, I should watch the news.
Its your detective, solving one police case in that Harry Potter period time of era, you will have something England unsolved case be heard more, something like that. So its Conan Detective.
Its = your mother is the biggest crime / or the sin.
They never let you know, your mother is the biggest crime against of all of them, no one likes those stuffs. Your father around? "That women"
Flying flying....flying....
You were both chatting in the palace to where your father says something, you Will volunteer to keep flying with Kate.
Will, you ever met Wing? Heard Wing?
If you have a pavilion of the student body. (a schooling boys dorm those looking)
They going up together for something.....they thought their Facebook believing it all together. It was on the facebook. Then Sailor Moon, Conan Detective, to land on the past memory of the Moon, SMCH wasn't exactly they meant...Eben, it was
Lalla and Eben, She and Dr. Janez Slovernia President. (That TV is on and on)
One day, all of them dead. ( the list names above, they aging to die. )
It has nothing to do with you. For the first time ....
Instead, you ran home, you go and grab your water gun, your laser gun, to....
When they land, you gonna kill them all. We have a laser gun?
Its your face, you run back to the palace the day you know. You were which age? You were married when this film out, George already born, right? Avenger ~~~Gomora, that guy, kidnap the youth spiderman, that Bill Ryan almost looking guy.
You know, what I heard things between the 1st born and the 2nd born, seriously !
The destiny gear up different. Bible used to have a 2 brother fight. I keep seeing these every guy fighting to the next by assign guy, I assuming. Too many guys I just look at a girl.
Its annoying.
I cannot change the flip page.
Other than DDJ you becoming your 2 ear puff off.....its not a straight down, and you had no make-up with the other 3 bold guy + Kate and your aunt. This is not the fat like me to lose the 10 pounds, yesterday I was hungry, I ate the I know my calendar date today.
Anyone in your secret modeling, someone you emulate to become a public speaker type, only you know, other than DDJ? That is the 17 Again, that 1 guy, if Craig with Eben, he is a confident gay.
You were soften if Craig was real. You know it won' what do you want to become, for the next 40 years this you roaming all over the palace, to every activity you going to, you hate them. Its not personal, but every job you know its your duty, you hate them.
You sympathize with Kate, you know she hates it, so she hates you, not telling you, so you sad? That is her problem, William. Anyone ever saying that to you? That is entire her choice to be there, her problem. All the time, Will. That person makes a choice, that is her only problem, she chooses that life.
You choose another person to stare on, other than DDJ.
That is not a lot to ask. You doing your normal jobs daily, not those puff your 2 ears, if that is the drinking, then you stop that, just the water. Or you look you fit, not the weight issue? You just gone to those big stage talking on the TV.
Kate, too.
I can tell a certain thing, they meant you both use 40 years, no one forcing you to do anything, free roaming those world live your life, no one you eat your food alone, those.
You realize, you two need to get on the public television other than that, its every 3 or 4 other choices. 1) The meeting hash words to you in business. 2) The Youth soccer / charity 3) Public TV including the Holiday like your grandmom.
You two look up to her as all these passing by and gone?! Or she was too old? Her pass and gone documentary, how she begins, and then gradually in years?
I put 3 there, imagine there is 5. You still both doing it together, just one slack off a bit, be away. - this is your main realization, not the panda I hope. You two coming here, were for that 3 also in mind in the future reason, all that. Be apart, be together....its ONE England?
( I am asking you, that is your main realization, all the time? )
Anything my side, or I say, its not your instant manifestation until your next born.
When you being strong inside you, not shaken, its always your fault.....that is that person's problem. I mean the strangers on the road, except us. I draw a circle, they are in the dumpster. Your person-to-another person daily in reflection how God made man in his own image....those.
You winning per stand of those daily life in the next 1 years, or 5 years, do you feel good about yourself, if you imagine that? Winning? Not us here...your real life in England.
That (1) (2) (3) things above, you imagine that ever? If you can master yourself in those conversation saying to, saying for, training more fit, and less bumpy....whichever they look at you, or hand shake you, its all of them against you 1.
My wall is knocking......How are you, Hugh?
This is a youth. Not the winning question, right?!
(2) and (3) is about 2 mins to 10 mins, if you succeed...that is what we see.
So left (1), its...the birds say the bumpy throat. I mean the bumpy a bit road.
(Shut up ! ...Hugh? okay. )
You need to put your mind set when I AM NOT here....~~~~~
When Kate sees the (2) and (3), same Meghan, they will do better just the (2) for 30 second, or (3) for 5 mins, yours lasting longer.
So if (2) and (3) got only had (1) to go in yourself !!!
You care about that public image, so its just the personal interaction, and they are nothing but the youth those rubble.....brain IQ.
You could think like that? They are not your fate determined factor, you got your own life to becoming a better person, a more confident than you used to. You want to do that, right?
Rubble, not rumble.
They are the human, nothing but the rubbles.
You could put that in your mind?
You have an enemy in England?
You are at 1 oclock, to do these Sailor Uranus action transformation.
Toward 7 oclock, your back head right hand to your left arm back....its a behind your neck aim that thing.
You....flip that thing behind your head, and your left arm, hand to pulling (right hand pulling, aiming to...) behind your head.
right hand around the hed
Left hand pulling that line is 彈弓
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