
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 亞洲的跟美國 Asia and America ⭐️⭐️⭐️

你們一些事情必須做.     You have a list of to-do things.

1-30 很多事情做出 

30 items lists must all do it.

1. 煮菜中國台灣有很可愛的鍋具,電子鍋

Cooking China Taiwan has this very cute electric pot, the electric.

2. 銀行賺錢到把誰的屋頂,頂下來變成巨型窗戶,那種你們夢幻裝潢裡面

The bank you earn money to where get the roof, and make a giant windows, the dream home interior design inside. 

3. 組織能力,紙張

The organization and the paper works.

4. 靈修或是哪種把動物變成,預知者,救他們的意思

The spirituality or what to makes the animal prophet, saving them.

5. 煮菜有很多種,墨西哥、日本 …

Cooking has many kinds, the Mexico and Japanese …

6. 去日本成功、日本、日本

Make it to Japan, make it to Japan, make it to Japan

7. 做麵包 1 2 3 4 5, 就是特別沒關係

Create the bread 12345, being special is perfectly fine.

8. 做餃子 1 2 3 4 5, 鍋具特別沒關係或是冷凍

Creating the dumpling 12345, the special cookware okay, or the frozen dumpling. 

9. 很多特別的煮菜,當地的

 A lot of special cooking type locally. 

10. 你們自己朋友、同學

Your own friends and the classmate

11. 還有其他皇室、名人、演講者

Some other royals, the celebrity or the public speaking. 

12. 熊貓是中國、水瀨是日本、小鳥是自己家屋頂

Panda is China, the otter is from Japan, the birds are self roof.

Etc etc etc 等等等

13. 骨頭醫生在亞洲跟美國不一樣,算嗎?

The chiropractor in Asia and America is not the same, counts ?

14. 中國有些煮菜 Youtuber, 男的女的老的

China has these cooking Youtuber, the guys, the girls, the old. 

15. 健身、你的平衡、或是武術

The fitness, your balance, or the martial art.

(  有在講武術,是不是男孩子之間? )

(  There is these saying martial art, is that between the guys ? )

16. 跳舞



These you all often see and watched video. 

17. 軍事影片或是電視台上面,跳舞綜藝節目

The milltary video, or the TV station, the assort TV programming those shows, the multi-talents.


I probably cannot put up these video. American cooking is very cold. 

你們看 Mummies 嗎? 所以這有些影片我們不是在看同樣的事情

You watch Mummies ? So these video are not what we are all watching the same things.


The Asian has some cute these cooking sets.

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