Kate, you are fine.
You are fine, you are fine and you are fine. Right, you don't need to hold your pillow first, that you customize something, my mother does that here. Or you buying a lot of the pillow cushion, a different sort artistic color, you might like. You just only wash the outside that piece, like 3 or 4 to decorate your room, then that color. You see, you shop, you re-arrange. You get 2 or 3 that pillow you did yesterday, those are fine. You are fine.
How they train William or his father is when you are not there. Any of that might hurt you, its not in person they need to hurt you if you want to keep doing his Will. That William saying all kinds of the garbage. You are good, Kate. Not those things. I told you those profiles, you only had that, nothing else, you have a better life without from that 3, and 2 are dead, you can carry on your better life. That's it. All the shopping.
Are you happy more these 2 or 3 days, no more that 1 and half week?
Is that I told you? You are fine. You are fine, you are fine, you will be another week, another 3 months, you see if you are fine exactly I said? You calm down ! Everything hurts you, I know, not right now. You wait 3 months, no, they are not targeting at you, you might be thinking all kinds, good or not good.
They are not a good people, 2 of them, and when they discipline them, its very harsh. That is why they put William on that job. The Royal idea is not as contemporary since the Queen's time, they take care of that in the 1950 those Era, its not our concern this world having a Royal or not the democracy debates.
It was 1960/ 1970, the Queen might dead already, that one is a nurse to get on. The lady with the Mad King, none of us know what that is saying, real or not real.....you stay out of it. Not you makes the whole Royal Family the first Citizen Queen, all that. Drop all of those thoughts.
Every thought, you ask me.
No, not him William said, those are very childish. When I exit that UB 100 them, its they nagging their parents. 40 years down, their parents training them best. You remember I said that? That is William, too. My background here has a drizzling machine to the wall, my neighbor. Hugh? They are all the same.
Kate, you have an IQ, you can learn things, you have a learning curve. William has none. His IQ is none. You quit your smoking, you see your own new life your health all that issues.
When you getting your pillow yesterday, it didn't need to be the first thing, correct. You usually write them down, and you put behind your backpack, not too many things because if you carry them, you be careful. That is fine.
You check per list, that mall opening, if all are 11 oclock.
Listen, you shopping 30 times, you become good at that. None of that is the IQ, you say, you get on your public duty, or the future diplomat you already done that for the 25 years. The shopping is not the biggest things, you use your IQ is a thing.
You breath?
Breathing up breathing down (inhale the air in, exhale the air out), your two shoulder up, your breast up, the nose breath, the mouth closes.
You calm down a day by day. Every single day, you pray to God, today is better than yesterday, any time, any turmoil, if that England things you just keep insists you doing that, running Scotland, he and his father running. William might be a beast head monster, so his father has that kind of the behavior running out of the England. Right now, he cannot walk, so the King can return. If you are not there, they only have 1 human to lock up. That William. The King is finer.
No, its not you the issue, your profile happens to land at the same time, they have to lock down one. You want to do that again, you will be lock down, you get a blanket, you tell them, and get a pillow. Not that kind of the night sleep at the wall. You imagine I catch that, or I knowing that where is your profile, included.
Right now, you are in Japan, you are fine !
You are fine, you are fine, you are fine, you can tell you yourself that? 1 week, 1 month, 3 months.
You get your shopping done, you gonna running up and down with your head, those movie, or Will plays games with EVERYONE, not just you. Its an excuse. He gets too many blames, so you are easy to be blamed, and easy to get killed. He tried those things in his life, not like that, Kate. So you needs to create your life. Be happy with your life, not anything the other people say to you, or he keeps saying it, or guess saying it. NO!.
When you out of his life, everyone around him can train him a lot a lot a lot of better. I am seriously telling you, including hand coff him, with only the underwear. That is how bad his characters is.
So now, today you can come out, or stay in, sleeping one day, if you are tired. You do your laundry if you get any 1 detergent, those boxes, or the washing detergent. I didn't check yesterday. I got very hurt in my head.
My head was very very bad yesterday and today.
Do you know how far the distance your taxi to home, and that grocery store, or the mall, or yesterday if you get to Muji or Daiso another further places?
You need to write them down, draw them out, A4 those a stack of the paper, you keep drawing to know your distance, and the taxi time. No, no me. I am not that high tech. I think you went a little bit far. What you can do would be, if any time you decide your schedule....
You leave your things inside that taxi, you only get 1 detergent small box + 1 softener bottle + a dryer a box sheet + some green scrabble in the same area + some sponge. In that check out, you only spent 5-10 mins, you tell that taxi to wait there.
Let's say you gonna get tired in the afternoon, you get out by 2 oclock, you went further to see the boxes, or the containers to organize your anything, so when you fill up that the taxi, you told the taxi driver, 5 mins.
You need a detergent box.
That day before 11 oclock, you will get one load or 2 load laundry done. Understand?
You didn't need to do all the laundry together, but you will have the new towel, some towels, or some pillow sheets, or the cartoon towel, even just 3 towels got down, got dry, you will have something stack up with your new boxes. You wipe all the things with the alochol, the energetically wash them, wipe them with the kitchen towel. The paper towel.
You can do that today. You get more relax, and start to fill up your laundry materials to the washer or the dryers.
You get the 3 big containers, and 3 small close container, and those buckets without the lid. You get 3 and 3 and 3. You will realize by next week, you need all of them 9 stuffs.
You finish filling them, you get 2 more each if that is what you need.
You need to be on your own today. My head hurting. I sleep early, they hurt me at night time. The water facet none stop those things.
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