
The peeler is at the Daiso, you don't need to eat the potato today.

All those tools, in the department store.

Muji or Niko And... 

(3 dot, Niko And "..." )

Daiso is all the branding in Japan. 

The City Super is those new development mall (the Department store like Sogo, Hugh gone to).

When you calm down, we talk about how you end up.....those 1 week and half...or saying 2 weeks. The things hit on people, their Nation, so....that is emergency becoming like that. You need to get well, these are the fresh air, you can go hiking, so those long bottle water, you need it to carry with you in your hands. Sometimes, at home, you storage for some water. Later, you cook. This week, its not a super big deal you finding any tool to cook a meal, seriously. Those things can last for 2 weeks. 

You don't need to care about it, you can throw them out. Things change, you guys keep changing, so things will have to change. Not these one bag here, two bag there, those 3 carts necessary its everything leave it there, and you get to the taxi and go home? Its not a big deal !!!!!

Things like these, you can eat the whole week takes out, you don't eat a lot.....Japan is cold, you take the soup, the boiler, those are important. 

Yeah, you see the Department Store what do they have, you take a paper, write it down, tomorrow you run over there, for a lot of the things. Do you get a food blender (for the banana), a water boiler, or the rice cooker. You got backpack, you carry a water boiler in, and those extension cord + your electric blanket. If there is a Directory, you see your shoes to walk, or the scissor (the cute scissor 3, cut the tag, the clothing tag, your every purchase tags. ).  Yeah, they are the safe scissor for the kids.

You go to the directory first. "Daiso" will have the scissor and the extension cords (3).

The cooking department will have a boiler, and you go to the blanket (electric blanket) + the bear furry blankets (you wash up til tonight 11 oclock, the washer and the dryer)

Tomorrow you go again the Department store. No, not this store.

If you found you have no detergent, actually those kitchen detergent can use it in there. You just drop those bear blanket on those ground, just leave it there, its a bag. How many blankets you can carry today. 2 or 3? Just drop all of them there. 

Can you take a shower, 1 or 2 towel at least? You can just drop them on the floor, no floor mat, tomorrow you get all of them again. 

Tomorrow, you go there just to buy the bathing towels, the long, medium or the small. Then your floor mat, and some entrance this floor for. You can just do the laundry tomorrow.

Everything you do that tomorrow, you drop everything again there, you just run short on the laundry powder, or the softener, you know what to get yet?  You drop everything on the floor tomorrow. All of that.

You go specifically just for the laundry detergent, I think its one softener for the clothing, one if powder, and you need the dryer's sheet those. They are heavy, you get 5 each, I know. You stack them up on the floor first, you sort those shelve later. Drop everything there.

I don't know what exactly look like. 

That.....you need a curtain, or they have? You might have to hand made I tell you. 

Just drop everything keep throwing over there.

Okay, tomorrow these fibric, you have to cut the tags? The 5 Large, the 5 medium, the 5 small towels? You finish cutting those tags like 1 oclock, you throw all of them on the floor there. + your blanket, you specifically go to the store to get the laundry powder all that, you realize how much you have to wash it.

You know when the roof leaking these snow if were, these towels are throw to the ground, you know that?  You don't have anything to clean those up. You only buy these to see, if you have a storage room there. Later you might buy some darker navy blue, or darker color, emergency, those towels are used for the water on the ground. Whatever that is. 

So when you throw everything there, tomorrow, later you do nothing but the laundry, today....you try to see how cold you get, the blanket or you leave the bear blanket on the top a bit. Tomorrow, you by the way have to see the bedding. You like these color? That is another load of everything to keep washing and washing and washing. 

You just keep throw them on that ground.

Yeah, you take your time to shop. Tomorrow, those nice branding. Nice walk around, relax, you hat, your jacket, your clothing scarf, and the hand glove, you can see it, you buying all, its 2 days laundry. Some of them cannot use the dryer, lady.

You sort that tomorrow if open at 11. The towel never mix up with the clothing to wash. 

One piles here                              One piles there                              you have the space.

Blanket is with the towels but separate, too giant.  One blanket per time. 

Today, the electric blanket (how giant ) in your own hand + 2 bear blankets, or 1.

Check is a shoe branding near in that department store, you just wear it out. 

A portable heater if they have

3 kids scissor to cut tag, the 3 extension cord (like Daiso), they might have something for the detergent ball, or something fragment. 

If they have a mountain hiking backpack.

At the elevator, you decide these sequence, or you already go up...fine. The Directory

No, I don't know.....not sure. I see the wrong image, what is on the top again?

You tell them to cut the tag, you walking out these shoes. Your hand, "cut cut cut" your 2 fingers, they know that is the scissor means.  You smile ! Pointing down. ▼

Ko ni gi wa  = how are you

Su mi ma sen  and pointing it down.

No, I drag Hugh down here that is a 6 star hotel, that is where he saw all that the first time, Olivia can take a bath that time. The otter remembers? He was? He was running his July 4 like 74 away from his original hotel, W or Hyatt, he keeps running. I say you don't need to keep running, he went to the cake place next. Nope, none of the hotel was like that. No, they were all 5 Star.

No, I know what you see, NOPE. The correct location for that store should be at the Breeze mall those, the department store. It just happened to look like that and their hotel.....he gets his bigger room there. 

No, I don't know one thing about Japan at all, seriously. 

Your height, those hanging things.

They all should have a transparent wrapper, you have to carry it.

Maybe not the pillow, right? 

The hiking backpack, the guy's session, the shoes, the bags and those furry hat winter.  Then your scissors and the 3 extension cords !  It won't matter on their head, or the model's head, or on my head! You just look at that entire guy's model, anything front top to the buttom, its your height, right?  The winter jacket, its very cold in Japan. Anything near by lady, those are fine, too.

You are shopping so sometimes they have those man's bag, you see what style they got. But you need a hat. Cover your both ears, seriously. The girls or the guy's are fine, and your winter socks, keep warm, and if you can sleep in your bed.

You know you guys are running, so these are the place....you have everything to change it. PM has to send a card, and you get the mirror, you sleep on one of those floor, and take off. You thought about that? What you guys are doing? 

You and your kids luggage, you never imagine that. You just keep changing changing and take these model's fashion wear, and put it on, and run off these escalators if the elevator doesn't work.

No, I don't live that life, but I seen it TV.

Those hat, and sheep made glove, colorful even the kids? Are those hand wash....You get another kinds of the plastic hardware store those, to leave them soak it by...."the hand wash detergent for some fabric" I think. You rubs them, and leave them in the cold water. The hot water gonna efface those color right in the water. 

You want to use that pillow tonight? You spray some alcohol, the energetically washing it, the side your head goes on top of it, let it dry a few hour, and then you sleep on it. Tomorrow, you put that near the windows, those....sun bathing....both side, and you find your pillow case that time or your wrapper around the mattress, all of that. Get a new set, if the geese comforter, its what the people use. It will keep your feet warmer. 

There is ABC Mart Japan branding, too. We have near the Taipei Station, they sell those shoelace to change. Technically their shoe is very hard to walk on, but if you buying some new shoes, and you change the shoe laces, they sell those. No, you get a new shoes to play, not those dirty sneaker running shoes. I am just saying...that is a Japan branding, too. Because...they sell some camping gear. Not that store, but I have seen it. 

The thermal bottle you really need it in Japan. 

Your water boiler.....you really really need that. You have any flu medicine? 

No, you don't need the extension cord tonight, you have time.....I think your blanket is on the wall plugin, you need to make sure that bed is not at the plugin, move your bed out of it a bit.

The sheet to the plugin, those are the electricity, you have to adjust that a bit, I don't know where is the wall outlet. You find out, with.....you touch with your hand, near the bed, a 4 square edge things, that is not the wall.  You don't put your finger in it, just if that is the bed on it. You find out where is the correct plugin, so if you know how long the extension cord tomorrow, you have the blanket to use tomorrow night. Today you just raise the temperature higher the house.

Yep, the time to go. You get everything else tomorrow, you get your two hands full. 

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