Is this AI generate? With that Ma Ko Otter. You mean William doesn't have the legs trembling, just the left hand?
The otter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcn_liXSx0Q
Westlife CDUK 2001
Today, I have the girl's period.
Its a lot further down this video, it was Angel (darkness) Westlife on the left. Its already at the vision? He finish crying parts? The birds hurt me the hell of it the last 2 or 3 years, remember? I don't really have those sensation anymore. There is somewhat on the pads. The half body below.
It means he kept the sunglasses on it to weep, right?
I think he was just in the hot water the day before, one night before tonight.
No, its not related. It was the Pizza Hut here.
But Brian is the sunglasses. Did we talk about that before, that 3 Brian, ....the green lady.
He shuts off the things one by one, sleep better, rest better, hydrate better. Those cargo distilled water in his room, but the maid put in those rectangle container, right? So that he is easy at getting his water. All his kids can go in a couple week, those chair are, the kids are worried.
Its a lot of the works keeps going to the bathroom, drink, and lay down. Yeah. Including that is the "hot water bath", but you find a way to keep that space warmer. The heating and you let the door opens, 1 or 2 maid rotated one at the door, one at the chair outside the bathroom. The door opens half.
I can show you what the other people invent to do, but you can just do it at home.
You have to stay in your room, that kinds of the bathroom, to your bed, and your maids are near. You can tear down your eyes glasses walking, and tell them both, I need to take my eyes glasses down here to there, we put a chair near there, when you sit down. I might sit there too and get up and walk again. ( to the bathroom).
You keep your eyes close, go to sleep, go to the bathroom, the hot bath, if you doing that on your own schedule?! That kind of the schedule?
Per day you doing a document and tell them both, and tell somebody. You cannot reduce your shot immediately if the pain is too severe. But if you don't have it, you don't need to inject, of course not.
You write it down, so in 3 weeks, you know if that is persistent.
You open your eyes in 3 weeks, that eye glasses.
If that eye glasses too strong? You tell them if you can get immediate check up your vision if that is the same prescription. You doing another 3 weeks?
Your 2 tempo is used to wearing this eye glasses, you know that? If you do decide to do these, in 3 weeks, you will wish you never use the eye glasses again.
You use the IPad maybe, like your maid if they can adjust those font to that website to bigger, and for 3 weeks, you don't use the phone, you use the IPad with the larger font. You still have the LED light at your eyes, and the font you read, you using your eye muscle to see a bigger font, a brighter light, your room light is not too bright.
You reading that on your bed, and you lay down, and you go to sleep.
With your tissue box. You can hug a teddy bear !
Well nothing in it, the lyrics, that is the water....no, there is the chlorine in it.
You guys can place an order from Dr. Gabriel, that is the iodine. But, you have to lock that up with that older lady, or the security. Only half drop or one drop, she got on her finger, at your neck, thyroid. No, not drinking.
She writes a note next by: Cayce Edgar 1900, the Atomiodine.
It won't be there next day, when you place the order, if he still has it. If he knows that.
Tamang's TV, that Ankeheseamen ending. That bottle vile.
You gonna sleep, but slowly.
When you get healthier, you need to stop moving your 4 limbs per increment of Time, not to fallen down, that is what it means.
3:43 The vile.
2:37 given a box.
You know this mermaid story, or the Cinderella, your party now if you using this Water, because....your party might be like 6 hours. You need to get back to your mansion, your room, 5 mins, or 10 mins lay down. Warm up your 2 hands 2 feet, and get out again.
Sometimes when too many people, you expose yourself to the people, these clock hitting its not at 12 oclock. You need to get back to your room, you might be shaking, too cold, or too hungry. The people's effect, when a lot of the people exist.
The Essene.
The 7 Fold Vow, you can read, if you listening to those.
The castor oil and the olive oil can be used for your head.
Your 8 oclock behind your head, below that hair, no one touches there, ...the last time ET if that is what I see. You putting that castor oil see if those pain will not be in the future.
Just a finger, near the hair edge, massage, if there is a pain starting.
When someone hurts you in thoughts, you will get a response from your left side of the head, behind, at that left eye side behind, the vision center.
No, I no longer have that.
You get rid of all those stuffs. I don't care whom what hurting, or reacting on their own head, except on my head any space and time around me. I don't want to know, I don't really care, I don't care about the human, that is what I mean.
The future when you if using the herbs + this Dr. Gabriel iodine.
The chlorine will take the iodine away ( organic - the better leaving group)
Some organic store has these shower filter for the shower (that shower room's head). I did have it. You need a wrench. But maybe you are using the more modern those bigger shower head? The Buffalo was a lot older, everything is old.
If that iodine is to work up 3 days a week, half drop. You always rest on 7th days.
Both that and the herbs, the tincture. Its in the booklet. 7th days you stop everything.
You may not always rely on this iodine, just when you get better, but when you want to boosting your immune system, sometimes you need that bottle.
The iodine is a poison, too. It disinfect on the regular wound.
Here, no I don't have it. I wipe that on my neck before, I don't have that anymore. The Sweden iodine, the emergency, I did use it.
You aren't starving to death, but...all these remedy, are those thinner people, the blood works + 21th century all nutrition such as from the herbs, or the medicinal soup, or the vitamin boosting methods, the multi or the vitamin C or the L-lysin, everything is very very fast.
Your eyes (the last frame), your right....
Dream Exchange Games
So this comes to this guy in front of you at the end of the red carpet.
The most modern copy paste that longevity master, he is the original. That instruction he did give out. A lot of this modern to where the past if were meets the present, you hear, or you documents, you remember their per instruction best.
Oh, the ending?
夢幻遊戲 52
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