
Ronan, that is simple.

No, its your precious thing in Christianity seeing your future.....looking great?

So the next 10 years, he will not talk. He can ask for the food or buying the food, keep traveling and diary on this God is the greater race that land like Gregg Braden the God Code, meeting Darryl, if his gf was Vietnamese short girls Cindy in SMCH Toronto center. In VS. chess ~~~~ Darryl is the best friend of Nick, that Loving the silent Tear, 4 hours has to stay on the phone with the best friend, why doesn't he just go and slap that nick's face 1000 times?

Ronan, your job is to be like Pane Andov, and Gregg Braden, all these pilgrims, of every wall, for that 3 or 4 years fame will die down after 1 year, you have 10 years, when you do come back....everyone grows up without you.

The air is smooth

No one talks

No gossip

No fashion

No image

No autograph

No book, no saying, everyone is calm to where you don't exist in this human world.

This 10 years is how you New Age like Gregg Braden and Pane Andov, the God is the greater race of the UFO landing of all the marvelous indegious culture, keep walking, keep seeing, keep knowledge vibrant on all those learning curves, keep hotel, keep living, keep breathing, except what you reap these 3 years fame, me and Shane suffered.

You use 10 years, without 1 more sound of the human remembers you, including all the media, all the newspaper, all the agent or the journalist, must be dead or unheard, or fired, until...not 1 sound of this TV fame, I given you, or the birds given you.

That standard is eternity, bow, kneel, flat them and your langauge will only be UFO = the people that land, everyone claps and laughs

It was the greater wonder of the race brings down the civilization of the all the Project Camelot, its the great wonder of all ET race, of great wonder of the marvelous the God can create the human nor the soul. The God can, the God can, be like them 10 years.

Be just like them.

Be only talking like them.

Be only that saying like them, to make all the greater wonder race of this America, only Bashar those people show up, its the drum, the dance like Moses, like Eben. only only only, these new air of nothing but that....Ashram, the lemon talk, the fasting, the barefoot, no shoes, no necklace, no perfume,

You know you like it.

You know you agree to your inner core.

Tell them before you go on.....

No, you feel you won't hell those. You Ronan, all of the above, per line, you know you won't hell those belief, those are okay.   Don't dress like them, but you have this sleek or happy or easy going outfit, and you go visiting this site, make 10 years away from this any drama. They say okay, you tell them okay, you plan, and you come back.

America is fine. If the Park set up, or I still be here.

No, the thing makes you believe the Heaven those, just don't sit with them in those India, I say Jewish Wall or the hotel those traveling or Pane Andov which island has the airplane lands or seeing the visits site.

India is the 3rd world country, they die in the malaria. You go to where all the public sight seeing the greater wonder race like their book. You be happy to offer them things including whichever that Jewish wall, or the Muslin wall, but in the hotel, not the India those.

No, not all that dress to meditate or fasting. A little bit okay, just walking and relaxing and hotel, and the beach air, or with your friends, talking is fine. Just....any malaria those through the water. The things you believe is God and New Age, those are fine.

No, you don't need an excessive mediation. Yeah, you can stay your home, but you walk a bit air out of your lung. Traveling.

ANYWHERE, except India and the water usage of that malaria, they are. And they throw the dead body in those Gandhi's river like Real Love or Loving the Silent Tear. The real story behind, her 2 years.

This is the only requirement, not there.

Anywhere else is fine.

You make a plan, and you tell them where you want to go, or you want to call New Age Crag Braden or Pane Andov....like through somebody else all that.

Their face is on the TV, I am very sure both of them were in SMTV, I have people I can see where you suppose to be other than in India this time.

This life.

No, they modern India did fix that river. Its called the Gandhi's river, the real story was she jumped in the water counting 5 to get out, its the icy water, and more than 7 second she dies in there.

She puts her nun cloth because someone assault her, so she went with the tourism groups, she was so short, so she was the last, and absent minded, she lost all of them, and met him Indian 500 years old.

That name was in Chinese here in Taiwan. So is SMCH in English. It wasn't the Indian 500 years old given her that name. But the disciple repeated that name. Saying she has no lineage above her. No Master.

That is the India Real Love, the real story?

Can you just do one thing when I clean up this humanity out of my way, and never that India ever again?

And you feeling this Heaven strongly...you want to do your way, I give you one diary way, that is to write it down, and the hotel, and the holy site, the Jewish has the money that wall. The tourism usually has the guide be bribed, someone can look after you all that.

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