Maybe you ask your father, if you cut your parents the last time when they sold the house and leave, and now the baby is on his own a bit growing it up, you Hailey telling them....its best you focus on Adam's life and his creativity, and how to move this whole things safe and sounds back to Utah, and he once again deals with these MD 4+2, he heard my side, but these are his family member including his dad.
Maybe you just do exactly what is told, and stay with them as long as the time allows for Adam.
... ...
Your nail to your father's mushroom? 戳破? that is not the American English saying that.
You can just get rid of your father, not to make him looks like that and swallow those food in front of everyone. You didn't think to take Adam with you and settle down a right table meal? Because you are a star, and so cooking is not your air to say bow low someone.....he is not that important?
You know your attitude is like that, or you believe your channel is going strong, like that?
The Asian has some traditional value that the women be a lot more behind, and since I have to eat, I only tell Shane how we eat together. But I think they all know how to prepare their own meals as the guys, long time ago. Organize, too, run about in life happily.
You want to fiercely make that statement in English, or in Chinese both?
No, English doesn't have the words I use in Chinese.
You just simply say, "My father is a side role here, and guest invite to our show today."
你只要簡單的說: 你爸爸是客串的角色 !
They know what that means.
Is something any of them always offending you, to end up any of this says, or show up...or you with Owen too tired, you need a break? You tell Adam to show up 52 weeks schedule of the spring, summer, autumn, winter. You tell him, you don't want to input too much of the brain jobs, too tired. You want to hang out your own friends?
(One of these things my mother previous yelling this Taipei mayor)
You want to see some other gf that everyone else to see you all fit together?
Its a safe bet for the guys, you happy things, or your area of the youtubers things.....You didn't really think your father or Adam has any presentation, like the girls giggling, and you don't like these man's too much air and when the audience seeing you...
(Exactly I said 跟我講得一模一樣 )
Like Westlife their TV wife, or Kian those put up the many girls to hang out those air, only the girls, its safe and the far away the guys thought you are happy and being attractive and happy without your man, those kinds?
Taipei eating out
They are all very very expensive, to social together outside. You mean you want to collect each other's experty, you don't have the classmates are just this competitor, they are just like their TV shows, everyone is genuine to say the guys without, they hate?
Socializing at your own "compete world", you connect behind because its through the church.
Or you imagine they all dying out soon, that kinds? My world?
Me and Shane stays indoor, its just 2 of us.
You and Tina a bit alike, or that Kate. Your body as a women, to be with a guy....its being together. And you burn out with the kids? No, its not to blame you, you go out for an air, and a walk, get 3 days back your breathing.
You sleep better, you vitamin better? You hydrate better, and you just lay down more, no one bothers you the noise, keep sleeping and you only prepare the meal on the table.
Its just the food, and you want to go back to sleep, for 3 days just keep laying it down, the bathroom, the drink, and the hydrate, the food prepare for them, and lay down without the talking. That's fine. You know you recuperate from? You just tell him, you need to close your eyes for some times, sleep, and pee and poo and vitamin with these food, or hydration a lot, and keep your mind back. In 3 days, you can work on Owen, but your food will all be on the table.
A very very simple thing, that is 4 bowl.
Those white noodles it doesn't need to be fresh !!! A very thin thin noodles, you seen those very very thin, white WHITE noodles? With the seseme oil + some peeled cucumber, shredded and some carrots, and 5 boiled eggs, and unshelled, and cut in half. A package of the ham and the cheese stack it up together, in the oven melt, that is your side dish !!
There are those very very thin noodles. You can present it, after they eat a bit.
You get the French bread, some creme cheese or the sour creme. That is next by, not all that without the American color food.
You getting the avocado, some banana, its all the room temperature.
They can scoop the avocado just by the spoonful and put in the mouth, some washed sprouts, the organic container, if you found them?
A bowl, a plate ham and the cheese, and those next by the French bread, the sour creme, the avocado scoop, and cut the root taken out the washed sprouts, And you taken a 2000 mg vitamin C and 1 L-lysine down with some water.
Later the multi-vitamin, and sometimes the B complex?
You guys stay in your own kitchen, right? They are in the hotel those??
You buying the extra French bread + the avocado and some fruits and given to your father or mom, she knows what to do with those? Isn't that my kitchenette things, I was saying to Shane.
Your father knows how to do this things? On the hotel counter top. A thinner smaller weight of the cutting board. Only they sell that in America?!

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It means you can cut on the cloth, too?! Its a bathroom washing, and scoop in the mouth?
He prepares in his hotel room, its you and Adam doesn't have the food in the proper kitchen? Some people just prefer to sleep in the bed, none moving anymore !
Are they staying here over the Chinese New Year?
When is that? Another 2 weeks at least?
Your eating out expense, and having the extra food at home, at the hotel, anywhere to just eat eat eat, and drink drink drink? Any of my photo near the Taipei station front?
Your father doesn't often show up?!
No, I don't usually go there, but that day.....I check it.
I don't usually buy this kind of the food anymore. I hang around the city long enough, usually its at the Family Mart or 7-11.
If you cook one package of the pasta that is 454 gram, that is 4 serving, so you just dump the whole box in the boiled water, and wait for 13 mins on your phone. So you have done pasta in the end, you put some oil in the container. That can be eating with some salt, or some white gravy. The flour in the oil ....thicken and then the salt and the black pepper and the water.
Its a very simple eat at home, never running out with the sneakers.
The guy's fingers are bigger
The girls are a more thoughtful.
So they can lift those and carry the food, and you just boiling a water.
Right now they are still young. You want them to stay with you, you decide your life, that is a career, or running no food, or just everyone eats out. You thought about that seriously or sit down to talk, or you put your ego in it while you talk. Why you cannot cook?
You organize all that, or they let you and are you determined your kids will grow up with all of these their food, his food, your food, and Adam's food? You make that decision clear, that is 3 meals a day?
Taipei, where to eat good, and eat out? That is 4 people's expense.
You dedicate between your food and theirs, less to know if that is me and Shane to talk.
They are the guys, they eat a lot more?! Those video on the table?
The City Wall to breach....
uh.....its just one person entering in. He feeling the pressure with the Ireland Potato's.
1 day I did that.
You don't want them to eat the fried rice from 7-11, any of these convenience to seat and EAT. And why not? They are your parents and Adam. Its all over your face, everyone is hanging on the road.
Can they go to Breeze, or 101, they can go anywhere ! The price for the 4 people all set lunch, or the dinner.
You all have to travel, or that is a set location, everyone has to come out to eat, anything to bring home, the container were in their luggage?
They microwave and leave it in the container and carry home?
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