Like forceful someone's phone is not using for a month, no upload, or up photo stream to the facebook. To use the PC? I tell you, they told me when you want to heck anyone's phone, its always their Apple account and the wallet.
I don't have an Apple account sign in, anything too much, where you see a money?
But what he really aiming to do is used the keyboard sounds to hurt both of our head, but knocking from every wall side to look like he does for the birds favor on stock or something here. Its by 1000 hit, this person's head, shower, wash the hair, or massage chair, and the door slam, to hurt that person's psychi sense, or the physical brain sense, and I feel it. He is hurting my mother as long as how long this is.... I used to hear the balcony door, but not as this visible sine the elevator went up this time.
He pretends these are the Facebook issue, if I turn on the flashlight, or the camera from the pull down menu, he responses to the walls, its every function in the phone being watched, so when the phone is not being used, I shut it off. So the inside is early where my mother cannot sleep, and everyone got hurt, and he is killing the 2 older parents there with a young guy 20-25, running about. (2 of us on the left, 2 of them on the right toward Trio that side0
I think he plans to do that, targeting to every kids and kill the parents + scam the kids away. I think that is not just me. That run about guy, is shorter, and running around those kinds.
So why the idea someone's phone shut off, and be caged inside the door? Indoor?
The novel....probably those.
Say that again, someone forces you to shut off the phone for 1 month...
I got no friends, no contact, no one ever visits, or every show up, or it was all mental hospital, or something something, so this is the time to make a mess, or there is an LA fire, or he puts forth, or I found out its heck.....he didn't think we know our phone got hecked. Look like "the soft tofu."
Like the yellow flyer says, he needs a secretary. The Iphone "Setting." "In General" "Read the air drop".....
To get to the keyboard like a secretary to fill up a form, or answer a question in English.
You know what that is?
He doesn't know how to speak in English.
And that is the plan, or that is suffocated someone with a lie, and he thinks you are like that?
He imagines like that.
What a novel again?
Beating, or hurting in the car plate those says, but we never have those in contacts, and because the other floor got involved, I never knew whom has the problems. "Sorry, confused me."
If your phone is shut off one month, what makes him think you will just do these 1 -10 things on the phone, filling the blank with what he says to travel to Cambodia those scam site?
Technically how the scam newspaper says, its we get the ticket, we stand in front of the air-counter, and says we travel to Thailand like Ku by ourselves, not with him, and he got kidnapped too as well.
How does he plan to scam people to use them, and sent off the airplane.
Persuade. We are the best friends.
Like the talking?
Talking like that is a normal conversation, "If you want to come with me to the Thailand for a trip?"
I think that is exactly what they say, I think he can do or will do.
Anyone can say no.
He believes shut off your phone for 1 month, you will say yes?!
He has a black or a pink together to talk to you, at home, or outside?
His kid and his wife come back at night, I think just he comes up and knock the door. I locked it. That's it.
He doesn't think you gonna lock it, if your phone is off for a month, and on the keyboard to PC he doesn't know what you type, and one of you die on the head injury, your mother?
No, if I used the iphone. If I stop that phone, nothing happened. So it won't hurt my mother. We recuperate for a week.
So, its just 1 him, imagine to do that?
Yes, I think that is what it is.
Your mother knows that is what it is?
I told her today. I don't think she knows he imagines that. But she did tell me the scamming groups, that is what she told me. She probably thinks like my father those friends, or the bad people, she got hurt badly, or the troubles he ever causes. You know how the kids today, Pang, Tina, Annca those....any friend says a thing, its "Let's go together."
So your mother knows they all doing that?
She understands you will be a prospect?
She tight her lip inside today, that means she got shocked, or she knows its his gang, with the black friends on his line app. Or she told his wife already, or know there is a pink friend.
You know what it means?
1 person, 1 month phone cage, like a novel, its not about asking out, its about....scamming if the door opens?
There is a function how to lock these door outside, its 2 door he won't see me even as a shadowy.
You tell Shane, he understand what that is?
I written them more in details, so everyone passes it on. Because I think its the luggage you all fine, with these hazard ashes to breath.
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