I saw. I understand, correct 我看到了,我懂,對!
She really did that, or I imagine the otter saying the arguments correctly.
(we all watching in a story, the otter describes a story, everyone looking in.)
Someone run about a circle cut tail to seek life 斷尾求生 my mother always say.
Nicky Byrne and Georgina the only gala on the facebook was in Ireland.
Not England Gala, not American gala.
She decides to ….
Show up a man before Nicky doesn’t even know whom she is, or we all imagine she was in debts. An 75 years old women. She gone to Nicky.
Rewind the murdering trail tape.
It’s Nicky and Mark, she gets. So these sky photo a hex and 2 rings “Sharing” OU language …
My mother kills me, the camera from Mark, Shane and Nicky fallen.
Mark freeze, she kills him.
She could have been Prince William’s evil step mother or the England Queen next by the King.
Kian freeze next by, Ronan entering room cannot handle that.
Brian at Boyslife, Trump if anything, Peyton’s cancer he cannot handle himself.
She could use the Legally blonde attitude to Nicky at the gala and without the man, “not you of course, it’s Mark”, the exact movie script and the attitude. Mark is the gay that’s on the witness stand, you didn’t kill your husband. It’s my mother kills me. Shane and Nicky fallen.
Left Kian. Far away an Eben.
It was we are 45 age bracket 43, 48….she is 75. In front of Kian, she kills all his friends. At the concert tour, she kills the all Westlife and a mother and a daughter for her show-off real love games.
She was train all the presidential letters magazine, the correspondent and the charity works.
None of us doing anything because every circumstance is pressing is limited. And the police every time with the legal including Tina or Hank, they sent 100 people to keep pulling every situation away. If we stop that frame….
A 75 years old women runs out in the middle of circle, everyone sees.
2 ring OU: “sharing” Mori.
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