講價錢,還有王子與我 (電影)
Talking about the price, and Prince and Me (movies)
The regular train station lunch boxes have other veggie, that is what the news says.
他們在說你們自尊高,不會去買淫,收現金,旅遊被卡住等等等,可能沒有臉見朋友大概,待在家裡不知道幹嘛 ! 這高科技不用,蘋果,我昨天講的資訊世代的一些,或是亞馬遜,你們也沒有試過 ....賣家
They say you all have a high esteem will not go prostituted yourself get the cash, travel got stuck etc etc etc, probably no face to see the friends, stay at home don't know what to do ! This high tech don't use, Apple, yesterday I talked about the Digital Era some of that, or Amazon, you have not tried out - the seller.
Looks a bit like this morning, wearing the simple clothing, and say that is the poor man's meal, that kind of the representation.
他們說你們作美、有健身、有補品、A Day in life 之後就去找台灣 Youtuber Joman 出去約會,遊樂園跟一桌好菜 !
They say you keep your beauty, fitness, supplement, making a Day in Life after, you go to Taiwan Youtuber Joeman to go out on a date to the amusement park and one table full of the food.
我媽每一天都在講你們這個柯文哲很好笑,她說最大贏家就是這柯文哲,算錢錢,因為他是民眾黨的,他出來做那個黨派呀,所以在民主世界,你講政府有給補助多少錢假設你拿了多少票如果他輸了,我媽在算 ....
My mother every day is talking about this 柯文哲 so funny. She says the biggest winner is this 柯文哲, count the money, because he is the 3rd Party, he comes out that whole Party! So in the democratic world, you say how much the government make-up that per voter voting you, you can get how much money even if you lose. My mother counts....
她還說這柯文哲就是跟你們年輕哪一輩,在 Youtube 上面跳來跳去
She talking about this 柯文哲 with you younger generation, on that Youtube jumping back and forth.
你們就說『今天只有洗菜洗到這樣,我待會再洗其他 ! 煮好的鮮這樣,我有事情,要先去忙,這有一些外帶我叫湯,你們就先吃有的東西,就這樣,我躺一下十分鐘,打個坐,我待會十分鐘起來,我們一起吃,你先吃也可以,我待會出去,等下回來我會順便去提湯』
意思就是你們知道洗菜、做菜很累,那就跟男孩子說,你需要躺一下,躺個 20 分鐘,這水濺到身上要下去地板擦,換掉衣服,擦完整的地板,想躺一下『這隔天,我們都吃這比較美國的東西,你還沒有給我菜單,有中文的名稱,我上網看我才知道,我只會這義大利之前男朋友,只會這些,而這美國菜是認識他之前,我其實不常做,突然現在你需要看到,你不想每一天吃這種,你可以跟我說呀 ! 其他這種美國惡魔蛋在冰箱,有些人喜歡吃冷的』
你們如果會什麼,你是真的可以這樣跟哪個男孩子生活一段時間,你們可以去找他們問呀 !!你可以切芒果,可以切台灣綠色的棗子,這雞蛋類就是馬上處理兩三盒,你可以自己醃那種國外哪種墨西哥,加拿大maple 樹的糖漿,或是 BBQ 味道,問好這他們想吃什麼,臉書上看到的 !
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