
I'm back already. Just watching video. When you get up Prince....我回來已經,在看影片,當你起來的時候王子 ....

Its the movies telling me, or its they telling me....there is difference if you realize, Westlife + Ronan we retired, and we are far away from the American side and put right where next by you this scene. Whenever you feel get out of to the America. Justin, or Hollywood, they are the main focus, including this Iron Man, Avenger, American Captain, Dr. Strange, and the politics world in America.

This is not what they tell me, Shane, Ronan and me? Like I wrote this morning?

這是電影告訴我,還是他們告訴我 ...這有不同處如果你知道,這西城男孩 + Ronan 我們退休,我們離美國最遙遠,然後擺到你的旁邊場景,你什麼時候想要去美國,賈斯汀、或是好來烏,他們是主要焦距,包括這鋼鐵人、復仇者聯盟,美國隊長,奇異博士,跟美國的政治界

這其實不是他們告訴我,Shane、Ronan 跟我? 像我今天早上寫的?

Olympia Ice Skating 2014 Gala, Ancient Chasez

奧林匹亞冰刀 2014 舞會,Ancient Chasez


Your main focus in front of you Crown Prince, its America - England alliance, and that will be the Hollywood you could see. About 20 years ago, that Hollywood or the child star all grown up with you all side by. And then Simon by himself 20 years ago, also set foot, and 10 years ago got married. Keanu he is an Canadian.

England - American Alliance  |   Hollywood All these Big Franchaise  |   American politics world

This is the movie telling me Shane is Dorby, and I told you Ronan, and you can see me. But its the movies telling you our image somewhere with the birds? You conclude that with your brain?  I just want to know if the movie you conclude that.

你皇冠的王子的主要注意力,是美國-英國的結盟,會是你可以看到的好萊烏,在 20 年前,這好萊烏的小孩童星長大再你的旁邊,這西門靠他自己 20 年前,也抵達他的腳步,在十年前結婚,李維他是加拿大人。

英國 - 美國聯盟   |  好萊烏的每一部連鎖商品  |   美國政壇

這是電影告訴我 Shane 是 Dorby,而我告訴你 Ronan,而你可以看到我,但是這電影告訴你我們的形象在某些地方跟小鳥? 你自己大腦結論的?  我只是想知道這是不是電影你結論的。

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