
England Prince their next destination - Germany (Loving the Silent Tear)

Next to France.

The birds say you all do crime in England, that's why you get out? I thought that is why you are the King proud world never leave, because you can keep committing the crime there. They know everything. (Cinderella), the birds say that is why it looks like that. Its the crime they keep doing it and got found, the past and the future. To their own people, their own circle and to their PM too. They can say anything they want, so the paper comes down.....that is where they set off. They probably got warn though when this book came about. Not you know of.

No I don't know of, he didn't tell me there is a book, he just leave it on the side of the high stool. I running around whole day in the house chore.

My Power

You all want to ask me the business the Asia,....these. No, that would be America they side has to sort, you would almost mean the exact Royal Family, so you asking the Power to assist you, and you pay me that kind? Right, the birds told me.

I seen a lot of these home cleaning supply things. The Asia here how we live, saying the Urban planning stuffs. Right.

Is you want to asking that Babaji idea? He is in hell, but he runs that side their world galactic guidance stuffs. Our world probably will never get there. Never that page 4, so they don't need to do the page 2, France or Germany. No.

You go through the real seen TV personnel, those politician, like the president or the legislator you trust. If you are the women, you go to the police, they willing. I heard that. I start to getting very strange things, not just this birds say.

1) The women.....you can just go to the police they handle everything. They have a mail box, you can write and put in there.

2) The business, you go to the business beauru. 

The birds talk about the (2), I remember (1) now.....

You want to talk about Conan Detective from Japan these handsome son and their father, I think I meant to say the police branches in different province in that cartoon.

You can trust China, Taiwan, Japan police, Canada and America. All of them correct. They immediately reacts. No, no bribing, you just call them, send them a message. I cannot enter the line, the drawing line on the ground, but I learn how to message them through the instant message chat box.

My family they are all mental. I told Nicky, no. My mother goes first. I cannot care less how mental that person is at the hospital I saw. No, I have no heart, care about a love, one of those things. Its a very severe mental retardation. That is so so so so bad. I did ask Nicky first. he says no. His family probably. Kian says no too. Birds say he is very very very retarded.....

Every time they start to tell me something horror horror, I think its Nicky called.

How I talk to Westlife ?

I just ask Ronan if he has every seen on his kitchen table, those plate....you use the IPhone emoji at the facebook chat box.


This is not about how much you love Ronan, the girls?

They are all probably nice guys, but that is an industry, how they....put it together. Not that everyone just go near, and say the family home, you have the background, or you saying what home you carry through. I think they are all nice guys, right.

I will tell you, I don't have a name to talk about anything, a literally real life in front of their face. I did heard some name. But....that is if you gone to their modeling, or the musician, or the height, or the Ireland business, or American side those "entertainment" TV big name big fame world.  If they are all mental and iliterate all that....I have some other upper things, I need to talk to Ronan, I will find my way how to talk to this guy, right.

A little bit like Keanu that situation. Lion Gate is where Hunger Game company that given that movie franchise. You know that. When I gone to AGT....one of these garbage 1900 things, he was a girl, and I imagine I am Tesla, and there is an Astor, right. If you talking to CC, you will sound like you talking to a correct format. Why I am = Tesla, to talk to Sarah Berdbhard, so Barbra Streissand has her collection in her basement to say she is the best friend to Tesla, she was the Astor IV. 

I never told cc that, 3 Art very short man, Keanu is like 181 cm.

Right ... I am too occupied to my existing works. To be put together with which guys, I am so confused, but I stay on that Kian and Nicky, right. Something happened, so they go and processing their paper works, and I figure it out later the rest of it.

I have the things to talk, I will find my way how to sort this things, one by one. Ronan you all love? I think he is a nice guy, he cooked his meal, and carry through those 2 plate in his hands running out of from his kitchen. He is Jesus.....?!

You want to be in the same industry with Ronan or Brian? It would be around them to be their ladies those things? Its Ireland a big world, just meant its the Irish ladies there?!

They say no, one of them. Okay.

Is this about how to enter their field? Someone is taken the military action in his brain or his soul to intend to sent him and the rest of the people to jail.....I cannot possibly to think anything on that side. Its right outside my gate. (3 Prince+ 1 mother Queen)

They are the pop music. The Ireland is famous groups existing on the map, or in that entire global industry, has an reason. Ronan is one of them as they grew older, all that in the music industry business. But inside the music business, like Shane does the movie sound track. He doesn't create the orchestra piece, but he sings at those movie: Up. Those soundtrack behind. These contracts are in America, but those are the pop culture, the pop music. If you saying Adam Levine American Voice show, right....Ronan probably....stays in the Europe side. The Simon TV those? Right.

That is not a real question to say you are from Ireland, or you intend to say you are living in America to imagine the Bible things all together, or you are near the industry? You ever sing? I think you ask One Direction those boys looking, they are younger, easier to open their mouth to talk. 

No, if I imagine that, I will at least saying Hallo again to Simon to show off, or Keanu to goodbye, I vola again....that entire industry format. Or even these Prince and King combine. They are known that so Simon was there. The music whole field.

What you can really do is....

Okay, you can use this Youtube, you seeing a lot of this new artists from Korea or some Ronan interview, or some older one they sell the album from the company, you check their sold says. I don't know how real those number were. With the Wiki, you guessing at it.

When you leverage your audience, like built up like those ASMR very popular eat out show, those subscribers, you are a show of your own, you sell similar to these Korean artists. When you have that leverage, you enter from your agent, that whom knew something when you hire them, to go behind, because you already has an existing landscape, to bring to the back. The company care about those things. Your presentation, your independence artist works, or whom you collaborate. 

When you are on the Youtube channel, that is almost like the freelance idea. You go to a similar studio, you decorate that, you have the microphone singing, and the camera light you stare at to present that works, and editing. You try to say you look like an independent artists, and every one of them will tell you, they work the hardest behind. All of them.

The day you gonna sign the contract with the bigger company, then that entire things will have the company say, and they will tell you the agent, or you need to change that agent all together to re-wrap up a TV image to get on those real platform. 

At that time, you almost say you get near to Ronan. That is before he this, one lifetime, has anything outside to be noticed, he realized, this is one Earth, or this is one science museum on Earth, that kind. But at least in this next several year, you can call him up and say you are young, if you want to have a dinner. You go on a dinner date.

When the Heaven comes.....you mean Babaji, no page 4? ....he is one of those judge like Nicky = Keanu position.

The division of the Worlds to descending worlds, will have a lot of the traffic idea to say Military Weaponary strategic or the Traffic built up machinary. 

The physics and every rudimentary subjects lines. He just heard about this things exist, he will shift his head, mind, soul already. Not to say, if he already seen 10 video, that is already shifting his attention. You cannot control him, limited to say, you haven't even started it yet. You need to out smart anyone he interviews, I will suggest.  Their wiki album sold.

I have my news time. Today is Sat, my Monday off yet...these prince issues.

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