- Trump got married, not his daughter? I had a dream. Simon buzz bombs everywhere
- Prince Harry +Square (perfect Couple The Wond chose me by Square, yesterday both in detention center + Meghan)
- My mother in the height (Jersey City my brother new move, not 1000 oaks KR 1999 gf dead 101 highway south Prince Harry), she was harming me at the hospital twice. She was told to stay in the hospital together, the police called all around the cases. Earthquake
- Harry Potter - Deathly Hollow (the Wond Chose me)
- Earthquake time 1:15, today 5/25/2024, not stopping.
Movie: In the Height.
I am the giant ship above….once we left, you will feel better at your Timezone. (2018)
A specific dialogue Prince Harry to the nurse, then she suggests the doctor. He twist and turn, them gone to the doctor. That’s America not England. Then he walks in the police station. Again, it’s in America, not England. Ronan got hurt if I said, Zawanna says it’s a juicy story. A bit. Shane is in stress like Prince Harry’s mind, the Live Photo. He Prince Harry, got a lot more money so he moves CA, it’s the position Netflix begging him begging him begging him. He is unsure so he only focus this China coastline not even Taiwan until he realized he might be shooting his own family. On his father’s painting.
It’s Netflix begging him, his attention focus enough money then it’s here.
The specific dialogue the juicy story. His fan club them each will overthrown the government if they hear this.
Comment: no, they are in the head at the TV. That’s why.
If you shift your entire forces not the first day close my website here and go to
- Gov
- Edu
- Hospital
- Org
Like Peyton is learning PCRM, he may not looking at their jobs option on the first day but he www at it and see the page. https://www.pcrm.org/t2dstudy
Under Our Research -> Recruitment.
You getting your LinkedIn pile up, with these www ending.
Me and Nicky, it’s Kian raise us, or 17 boys or Prince William??? The Panda back against his dad.
Not Ronan his big otter butt.
You want me to say that again, something given you the new jobs are not fake. It’s the money and the power. You thread mill your step unsure going forward or got scared and your parents don’t have the most lean on to you hold your hands to talk for you to your new employer, they themselves good at the talking or they learn from me too, per word per line per statement?
Your LinkedIn, focus I say, gov, edu, org, hospital ….
Reptilian is Orc. Like Org. I think … Zawanna is a human flower means.
If you built your fan club is to get on that gov, you need to built clear with your fan clubs how to step by step overthrown that government!
America, not Taiwan. Your military jet, it’s Canada I suspect …a route other than Mexico canal, never South Pole that’s very very very dangerous. No, I saw you go down there with his face giant photo ink in my psychi mind, hurts me.
Ronan if not vampire, it’s heaven, you can all bearing that, I call him just this week early, yesterday I ask him or told him. We are waiting for him.
What? Oh ~Ronan supposed to go to America, his life dream.
Audio link : Here
“Sorry Ronan, the Star Ship is not for you right now, you need to go to America.”
Shane, Facebook ! His daughter graduates, with his fake poster? Congratulations 🎊
Brother+Sister pair
You telling your parents you pair up with your sister ? Peyton is a lot younger and in the school, so I tell him what I used to do in the university having no direction in life. His foot is not stable so he goes home best after his college education. He is mild then he is mild, he is not that Leonardo Da Capri. You all normal brother to pretend like for your sister ? One Direction, the Night Changes. You want to join this conversation, then why don’t you do the normal things in life as a boy or as a guy? You used to be, now Peyton was your college years? I need to get old ?
Leonardo Da Capri.
Ronan has a twin on Charmed. Biden is in it. You want to White House email your president sound like you introducing your sister at the mean time? Saying they are having an election toward the end of year, you are all watching him?
No, Peyton is his father's intern, you mean Shadowing, you seeing those office scene with Hailey introducing her father to the Taiwan's audience. They have a job to do is their missionary. I didn't see them leaving yet like they should? Check that book? That is why I am not saying anything to them? I know that for sure, there is a movie In the Height?
Movie: Dr. Do Little.
This Zawanna bothering you and your sister? How come it doesn't bother me to talk to Kian and Nicky? I should just be rigid and waiting on them the guys to baby me? That is how my title comes, or just say OU all the way to Ireland sound like, I have a throne saying, where is this Ronan and Kian / Nicky?
Marcel the Shell with Shoes (2021), the shoe is very dirty, to cut tail (cocktail, wine). England parliment is being separated, my mother told me it happened very often. Its re-elected in July 4th, that is American independence date.
This is called the Youtube comment box, where you interact with the author (the content creator), this Otter owner isn't like Hailey those Youtuber. Hailey (missionary with Adam), those travel blog diary, is more of the Youtubers idea whom talk, eat, travel, making the gathering between the youtubers to another youtubers. That is their business they built up.
The otter's owner, they are also similar to you saying you having a Youtube business, like the ads money, or you can tell below when you download that movie, this content, this piece of content they create, will be credits back to the author for saying Web3, when you listening to their explainaion on Youtube Channel - how people making the money, or how Google re-structure this format since you all were the younger boys, your sister telling you, I had an Organic Chemistry channel, until this Khan Academia all blacken, and Tamang put a gun on the facebook.
Peyton was not your age, for saying he goes along with his sister, and learning his intern with his dad, because his whole life that foot has to be in his office. I sent him to PCRM. That doctor on the flash points, that is Dr. Barnard. He used to be younger on SMTV.
My blogger caption is not highlight correctly. Pinterest sent me an email 2 days ago?...No more coloring here other than bold?!
oh ~~~
Your sister one day will get old.
Kate Winslet
You gonna stare at this movie to say they won't get old? I won't be a girl anymore, that day that time comes? So is your parents or your other sibling as well. You are not Peyton's age anymore, you used to be, as these 20 years pass on......me and your sister were not the buddy friends, we all set off in a different direction in life. You want to join that American election activities other than these otter keep telling me, its this end of year. Your language, your posture, your presentation other than your current work, you thinking to go near anything inside your life, you have to make that efforts to. Not through your sister or through me.
Say again?
When my brother or Ronan be hang in the Heaven, seat me throne, I would be waiting there seeing them both walking in or they both relief, and imagine, someone else Time Return, re-done this whole things all by themselves.
Simon, Keanu...starting 2014?
So, this is not I go and making the money AGT convincing to trash that Google+ wall or facebook+, to say Web 2.0, or Web3, now.....anyone could see, I just use the interface this screen, that cost is uploading up and use it. You don't follow suit, and you saying if that is the money with it.
And now Taiwan Future and Past meets, UB's movie, there is an Annca or Astor, you insist the Korea TV is not the American TV, to say Hollywood over here the TV money or what I ever speak in Madarin? Is that how so?
Tell me your mind, I know what I am writing about on this one sheet. Start to finish.
Ronan ~~~~ I think.
American I talk to you (Medical Board Lock-in Says) (9:44)
- Ronan and me industry is not conflict
- SMCH = he sitting in front couch, 1 person. Not crowd in the meditation chair pushing each other.
- Ronan asks me about the trajectory....I found out these scene
- Ronan will find out the future corporation sleek
- Steel Building (Smallville), Lionel Luther. (Trailer, few frames)
- The society built upon this infrastructure built upon this System, or the Signal, or AI
- Ronan Keating he will lean toward outside, me says. The corperation sleek that time.
- He already is part of the Western culture
- i didn't get out of my school here environment, I gone to American in 17 years olr 19....not as affected or suffered.
- He will talk to me, asking me, we will talk.
- Ronan, Me, Sariputra
- I am heavily that part SMCH, Sariputra a little bit
- Ronan when he arrives that seat, here or outside.
- We sit down and talk about it.
- He already have 1000 people doing the missionary doing things for him.
- He just wants to know if the system correct, or there is a system error.
- It is the seat he walking at that couch front where the microphone is.
- Not me starting at the disciple that crowd.
Shut up~ I am sorting !
🦜 says System
They say monks, shut up ~~~
1) System 2) 3) 4) Missionaries (monk) 5) Laws.
I say Reptilian kid Ninji Turtle those education at (3)
The real spirituality Zawanna says, they are so giant tall guy, mild, and less words those. But they are the military, means the militant to imagine.....don't trust those military idea, I am telling you. They going into the line, it gonna hurt me, it gonna lose the outside here.
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Ronan and meditation 🦜 (7:08)
- Do you know what is a meditation?
- The spiritual points and the humanity
- The background air clean up
- Your boy bracket class best friend and the best buddies, gf, bf.
- Let's say not the extreme punishment karma clearance for the humanity just the meditation
- The service to the humanity (Babaji's teaching)
- OU langauge - Karma clearance
- They are seeking their business, the corperation, career building
- A concept from SMCH, not how I describing it, the air that I breath.
- How long to meditate to annihilate that.
- I cannot meditate right now, how long that eternity is.
- Timeless, space and time, because you are here, right now.
- To close the eyes, 1 mins, per min, per hour..
- 7 fold vows.
- If that SMTV saying is not fake, the spiritual master going in the Samadhi.
- The Spiritual Master Power Lineage down, the humanity karma This Eon, or Kalpa idea.
- Me and Sariputra
Talking to the birds (Tina)
Tina the stage of life I found out. Talking to my mother. Put my mother's mood, what I used to know. Right....she had a high school here. Tina. I talk to Nicky. My mother talking, I talk. My mother talking, I talk.... Birds coming, its on the right....you see her cartoom, the 2 ears big on the back, the flying cloth strips? Here you have a building right across, 1 stair holder 2 side right where the kitchen window outside. The birds landing on the right.
Tina, I think.
All the Catherine's position, I c. No, I understand now. You mean one day I gonna be a guy. When I becoming a guy, or a man, you figure it out that time. It won't be on Earth, and everyone dead, and be happy the whole universe to go and playing.
She really cried....my mother, my brother called. I go and say hi. I see her crying at it. First time I say hi to my brother !!! First min he calling in.....you think he knows? The big sister shows up mean. I never show up in his life....at all.
The lawsuit, the karma, the bad chi air. My mother talks like that.
She believes those things, or she talks like that.... she really believes in it, that is why she goes to meditate. But she is a handicap. Nothing inside the brain to go and believe? God? That is what she means?
There is a lady she has 3 kids too. 2 boys and 1 girl. All grown up, that wedding in france, that family. A big trouble. So when my mother gets old, and everyone is being scam, or lost the money, lost the future, lost the husband, she got very very upset, everyone faint out that life scene.
She says Tina doesn't know what is 布施? Donation? She really believes those Buddhism term, you think that is the handicap's head, or there is a God above she believes all her life, to carry us 3 to America......Donation to American medical board, they gonna do a thing, or this EF speaking in English. Tina speaks the hell of the cursing words ABC English. She never shows Hank in English.
Like I say. Tina's stage of life, she was from here high school. I told my mother that, I think that is why she is crying weeping at it. Then my brother called, or she called him, so he came in to talk. She must mean I don't exist. God doesn't exist. How come a human like her this handicap, don't think I exist? I look like....no make-up.....
No, I know. Don't listen to my mother. If you gonna write.
Tina has some stage in life. In her high school, as she grew up. One day, she really gone to get married, and stay in NYC life. She got very very lonely in the real America world, the school, the renting, the intern, the Ferris (Director 1900 Tesla), moving to California probably slap her face big, lonely. Very lonely just with the kids, and she cannot stop moving that language talking to have an interaction with Hank.
No, like my mother.
Tina had a middle school, high school, next by me. We grew up somewhat next by this 7th floor. No 6 floor remember? We have 2 different room. She borrows my phone to talking to someone. Right....she used to be.
Just say the stage of Tina's life. I understand.
Until I am dead, all of these above, someone else will handle it. But I am here, I handle everything, that's it. No discussion with this.
The birds say Ronan Ronan Ronan. (Bold words)
You mean Ronan handling that? Ronan Ronan ronan ronan = that.
oh ~~ That is how you have a religion, its to pray to that Jesus like those Rebecca human 911 on my 3000 dollar bills. Those....Christianity, the Bible you mean you sent the Jesus in your heart, what was the yesterday or which book, sent to the heart 2 days ago, these movies,.....Lake house, I remember. Rebecca told me its sent Jesus in your heart...what a terrible movie to say that. I was in UB, I reading the Bible before that dream to get to the initiation 2005 (1 year before I graduate, I just met Tamang, happening to be that. Now I remember, those air is so thin. I have no family there ! None of them have the family there too. Everyone is trying to get ahead.....now I remember.)
So now Ronan is on the phone, that is how you go and asking him to help everyone else, that kind?
Right, I can just tell the police and the American medical board delicate themselves to Buddhism, sorry....the Principe of their booklet print on their building structure and the European medical board, or the UN building, those carving words on their First statement of the first booklet, the first summary, one of those. Only I read those things.....saying the textbook.
Everything is bad, how do you talk everything is bad in the worsen time like this? How come this is not the year Y2K talking about it. I remember all that before 2000. Right now 2024, anything feeling different? Better at? Talking better at it ? How to be a Millionaire TV shows.
I am listening .....The handicap's life has nothing else in life other than these kinds of the logic run about, meaning she even knows there is a offering / donation, praying to God, you will be forgiven those things?The handicap's words and the language scale? And why cannot do IQ? 2+2 = 4?
- Every conversation / ......para phrasing.....at it. Buddhism.
- Tina, she got upset
2 things. oh ~ okay. I understand.
5 Lords Reviews after.....til she keeps doing her throat starting. I told her every evil plan should be. No, i didn't know what was her real condition, I later found out, not that time. ....she listening all that stuffs. Buddhism and religions things. I think she might really remember those things. Not modernize things. She gonna kills that SMCH I think. Whatever this Monk / lady scene. She rememberd. Correct, about 30 years ago, something happened when she got initiate and the second time after I go back to the practice in 2006. She went back after my grandmom gone 2014. She didn't stop going.
The routine, the scene, the meditation chair, the wrap up, the blanket, the VS translator on my head (The train, the booklet in Melinda's hand), the thermal bottle, the floor mat, the yoga mat. All these commodity she knew. Dr. Janez book she mailed it for me when she was in Taiwan.
VS - Board the Train (I am the first one, the radio translator she purchased for me)
She talks a little bit like that ghost women, too old photo, or she used to be 30 years old. 70 years chewing a gum. They talk a little bit similar. King's mother.
Okay ....I remember. She finish a table of the food right now. She was talking to my brother, weepipng in the bathroom. (Spicy food from yesterday take out, she re-make those tofu, or bamboo, or some vegetable she washed this morning)
Maybe I took them all going to Ireland, entire the house floor plan. They just don't come in Taiwan anymore. To Ireland? Europe has the Medicare too. If you pay that....you can go to the hospital for free? UK? or Ireland those. What is my money spent for. I saw they have the Asian store too similar to California. Here is getting too hot. Not those friends, all too old too. My brother can just focus in Ireland. That is where his company coming from. Dublin.
I used to gone to Menton, one lady does this Riki to the baby's head. She was from UK. A blonde older lady. They have a big UK center. She got nothing, she flying back and forth. Ireland and UK. Taiwan has a passport to landing visa in UK. Their flight too. No, I am thinking about it.
You know those immigrants whom move to California those time? When we arrive to CA? Those Asian immigrant. Right, usually the father does that. Some ABC they bring their parents to the Western world to settle too. I am capable to do that very easily. Ireland ... I drew the map last time, I can see their city situate, that is Dublin. They Westlife only know where the concert place to be? Anyway.....They go to Scotland this looks like concert moving around to their fan club base. Gosglow.
No, not right now. There is a War going on and those England things....Shane hasn't talked to me all this garbage and that Ronan.
I move very often re-settlement of the new environment, since my first life ever. How tradition never wane down. Someone else's karma must be.
Pang would be settlement near that NYC I assuming. That is a big City. Flying route towards North East, because Taiwan is South West. I do those thing, not you imagine these things. You never pass your geography at all.
Every town, every city has a city clerk, similar to when Nick and I we settle at South of Orillia, its called the Muskoka. If he does an addition, he went to the town. Those things are all having a city clerk, or the smaller office at. Meaning almost every line map to the Western sphere, its all human populate, not to say the capital city Ireland or London those saying.
The cottage country like we used to be Northern up, that require the water testing. Each household the most, its the filtration water system and the bathing water. Anything near the City, they all equip like that, even Taipei Taiwan here. I was in UK, one of those Taiwan girl she re-settle her parents to Lexington when she attending UK, that was a new development of the housing choice. She did that when she was in the university. Right....
They are not listening to their father I think....when he is alive.
When I flip a certain book like the Family Law or the Consumer Law classes. Our city too, doing it right at the building, its called the urban planning house choice, and in near by us, they are demolishing like 4 big places ashes to the ground. So is my mother this friend. She and her sister, or she takes care of her sister, to that adjcent 2 brothers.
This is where the city development, you go and talking with your mouth opens. They put the legislator on the building. How do you think I get through a certain thing, I say....this Earthquake onward? You open your mouth to talk through.
No, not now. I don't know which things are real or fake to be honest.
For example 101 is a shopping circle, but the Youth they purchase this urban planning design places. You need a car. The route would be they finish shopping, they go to the basement to the car, and drive out to go home. These traffic light are design how to exit the city, or that area of the high way.
There is a travel time involved, not the city near by we say convenience. That is.....I know.
They have those paper writing in Chinese here too. The city Urban Planning. They want to tear down one location, that is why the lady legislator name is on top of it.
I highly doubt you care about that movie, to one word I ever say, in anything in any direction as long as getting your way other than I say, deal with it.
Someone gonna be born in........ (Porslin Doll video + Allan Walker 2020)
That is probably why, I think. I thought about it. Not just the I Ching Holocaust...When I am doing this Keanu or Simon things since 10 years ago, their data were starting in 1999. I told you how these things started, and I put Shawn in 1998, that was Alexandro birth time.
That would be Sam, my US coming back in Taiwan, he went to Cornell, our first democracy elected president gone to. Its 3 hours from UB, toward south East. That guy.....Sam. He used to like a girl was an embassy daughter, she knows a lot of the langauge. We studying the English in the same cram school.
What? the ghost says, its you all owing to me your Eon evolution all that kneel, bow, flat.
I just by the way mentioning, my mind how to turning all around. I am not like you carrying a household if just 2 of us here. This is not the last time, a real assembly those world. Just a Pang, just a Tina that is near NYC. I been there many times. My aunts were there.
My mother has all her friends coming back here. My father if he has a choice, I think he will come back here too. People retired, they coming back here. All these things happened, you don't prepare to run, or re-settle. Why I gone to California?
That starts with the geography.
They England need to go to Germany. The birds say.....I say why, the birds say: Just random say.
So Emily they were in France, Loving the Silent Tear, second train 3 4,....the African? The birds say the mild weather and easy to settle the mind too. Something about they hate that world, all around, looking at them, be friends with them and blastomny on them (?), they hate all that stuffs, and never changed so....the karma stays there.
Next - looking at the map (open)
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