
🔥🔥 The gov, edu, md institute, hospital, city of Hope, Roswell Park 🔥🔥

About 6 years ago, you glue to Dr Bing or Jonathon’s father ….

I don’t have a paycheck too. It’s a freelance job. It happened like that. You build your life resume how? So you must go near the important organization doing the real job, so are these Prince and their dad. Like the real military project in America or in England. The important works are at these higher sphere of gov, edu, hospital, City of Hope. The more you built through these people, you see more and the more working projects that has a meaning to the humanity. 

A meaning to the humanity. 

People need to see you glue these organization their friends, their colleague to trust you. They are all serious projects and the groups of the organization. They come near, you keep saying me Anna stuffs. If you die down these voice, and start to focus on them, they will tell you a lot of the meaningful projects and more serious friends, the guys and the girls. They work very hard to built this projects so when they present to you, it’s serious !!

Your real jobs are to go to these real meaningful things in life, to then built a network and built a meaningful work environment !

I didn’t force this talk, but long time ago I did tell you, before Westlife. Now me and them 2 get together let’s say they already separate, it means it’s a private home. If we accumulate enough to live alone, that’s 2 or 3 people’s life. It’s very very simple. Any household whom can afford it, can be together. 

You get in the way because I look like, I don’t look like?

I don’t give you a lecture what it is, or is not. When they show up, I leave. So are you dragging into a different direction that time, that’s your near by groups will know when is the best time to talk to you those meaningful projects, the youth or the old.

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