
I put the regrets on the right column

Yesterday. Today on Chinese monks that ….forward things. 

I only eat 5 lychee last night, that thing over there. 


Westlife, not sure Shane and Nicky. Or Nicky and Kian. I call Kian and Shane. 

Whitney lost the necklace from Lana.



Metropolis ....you could just saying those words in English, I could hear. I don't watch the TV anymore, it has to go by almost every English I heard the first time, I learn it, and repeat it right here. French?

Two poison pills

The master and the disciple lineages discussion


Justin (Chris and Joey jump out, flying out) NSYNC


My father or he got a friend does the Satellite things....all immigrant out of here.

Sailor Moon

In the evolution if that means Earth, One Judgement Date. Before all of us time, its 2000 years. If in 10,000 years on, in 50,000 years on..... All the church supposes to still be using that Bible, if they suspend them this year? You think?

This will going on, 500,000 years. Because that Bible passing it down, were given to the entire world since 2000 years ago. It may not be to another planet, but to us, the edge planet. It could be more than one planet, but it could be just one planet - Earth.

So, which role you seeing you all inside the frame, that you regrets.

The guys regrets the money, or the academia brain IQ doesn't arrive to write, or they imagine, its "I Do", after, their per word in their mouth sounds like in English? They are from Ireland. No girls coming to traveling pants I think. 

I check my other channel, that Google Browser, and Youtube for sometimes, not everyday. I see something, we talk about it. I will. Not everyday. Its my meeting up the true love romance tale with them - Westlife.

I just give you all girls the standard. Per word in English, per statement, per write-out, until their brain be freeze up, how inept they the guy'\s world were keep doing these 4 limbs swing methods. 

No, it doesn't need to be in this one lifetime, you can do it on the 500,000 years of the Earth year, by that time, people don't register why that ever important whom before whom to that 2000 years, none of those are the modern sleek.

You only have the modern sleek.

There is some story about the girls die young ....those parable story, or that would be Ancient Chinese passing it down.

The modern technology on the cancer but the Past Era long long time, they don't have enough these warm water to bathing, and the climate too cold, everything is none hygenic, and they live on the superstitious. It might be just the finger tips are not washing 1000 times a day with the soap. 

I close that browser.


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