
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ninji Turtle

When I grew up, I only know the girl is the human look. It’s an American ugly cartoon. 

The other channel is the Baby Boss.

Oh ~~

007 縱橫天下 skii. Jones ?

That position in America would be like Simon. Every plot mind imagine the impossible. Plus 25 years he arrives Fox or ABC Family, or CBS? Part of the America has a lot of these talk show other than the soap opera at the real exchange of ….any points of views. In the real white people world the general American in sense. Those TV rating ideas… Voice or American Idol is next by those TV programming schedule. 

Simon is on his intention so there is a VS, the Amazon forest. 

UB or MD 20+, do you live in American hospital to find out? You probably prefer your mother there holding your hands or bring you the water or the snack like the instant noodle. Don’t use the public fountain machines. Caged or not caged.

It’s to find out the real costs, the paper works, going in, coming out procedure. The driving into, the parking, the front desk. Waiting to admit, or you admit on the first entrance. You sleep at the receptionist room. 

Hailey’s dad is your classmate …their kids. My brothers friend the first degree murder. That’s 2 people dead. That case you all void anyway …I guess every MD pretend to file the paper works. At least you can call the social workers, find out that states, and getting near there other than the police. You as the MD has a social workers near by. Saying there is a kid got near that whole thing not steady, the mother is young and not steady. 

My brother got the chairman club ring. Like Lee’s Manson, like I told Prince Harry.

With his last name on it.

No, you don’t get any job like you want it. You wish no one in that 9-5 to walk in your plaza, the family general doctor practices. You don’t want to call MD board to update that case every 6 months. 

I don’t think you plan to grew up to get on any jobs or mingle any social networks like the annual pharmaceutical board company meeting. Nick’s …juicer sell lady Carol. 

He used to for his 2 kids to learn math, he Nick gone to the neighbor whom is the school principle.  He never knew I had a Chem or math looks about the same score far apart from that 90+ percentile. It makes no difference to him. Assuming it’s the Chem…

Are you planning to join your parents the local states the city hall meeting ? Your parents + the pink finding these things helping each other youth age like me? The purchase the property or the investment other than I say the library bulletin board ? That’s not what they do, you imagine they do what I ever did ?

Where to show up? Oh ~~

Movie: Kung Skull Island

You went to tell your arguments how to be honest …get out that jobs, right? You say you lied. You found out you never never never want to be a doctor in life with the judge? You are all like Brian wishing everyone … hey that’s Loki ?! You all wishing everyone is trustful and be honest to report. This is my facebook, not his Facebook, one honor class, you notice ? I walk in the classroom, that’s my issues my Facebook. I can just hand all these my lab side human to Brian. That’s Justin, Jonas he already knows Jonas ?

“It comes to my attention through my studies in the medical field starting at the pre-med having a double major like one of our classmate resume. I copy him major resume I can find through this system talk, I found …one of these classify material air on the TV is a group project more and more each day. Is there a way I found myself out? Meaning get out in front of your faces?”

That’s a question, not an argument!! In the court room, you can just directly asking the judge any directional turn immediately, almost everything. 

You went to pride on bossing the judges and you go and confess every sin you did wrong ? Like she is the first one saying the first degree murder? That’s you say to the police. In the court room, when your claim is wrong, the court judge will 100% correct knowing you are wrong the seeing day they investigate it. They stay on the top of the case. You didn’t need to file that random says has nothing to do with anyone cases, including hurting me. You are not creditable but you can just learn how to lie all the way sound like you know how to talk your way out and in the court room the way you want it. 

That’s the court you got ! You will never win but you can sound like you know what the real legal battle consists of. 

You have no way out but that Heaven road if you becoming…that’s your mouthful IQ issues to end up in the Washington DC those dinner table, your this one life time. It’s to discuss, to debate, to bring out an argument to write it down. They found those people in the Washington DC. Just like walking on the road. 

My mother is Sariputra’s mother, I give her a hand out how to lie to the judge 1 to 10. Not just because she is a handicap, it looks prettier to the judge, in front of that court room experience !! Anything else shut up ~~

No, you didn’t file the correct police report. The judge is the judge !!

The police is the police.

The function of a court room? It can only have 2 kinds of the cases. In Chinese we have a word similar to not authorized, doesn’t accept the file. You don’t feel embarrassed if that’s the court telling you ? 100 years Mickey Mouse happy birthday is not part of the court room established since 1776?

When you hurting people in the court room, is that right ? No, that’s not a debate. 

It’s not a lawsuit? It’s not in the database, I didn’t get one call. 

I lack of the judgements? In front of the judge, he just didn’t ask you what do you do for a living.

And if I told him? He will ensure anything after that you show up, it will forever never have one Mel-practice !!

Even you Anna didn’t walk in the court room to report us? The American medical board when they first put you on, that’s a legal process they get through, you comply only. 

So what will you Anna do to us? I am not doing anything. Originally …because that’s not a case. A certain people have a certain brain, so I cannot enter the court room. That’s not the case I say the thousand time but each you got a file. The TV very clear indicator. 

They do on purpose ? If I had the same like you, meaning I could enter, I could asking some question for you, but I cannot !

But each of our movies? Are not that glamorous looking as you imagined ?

Is the claim like the argument? Your claim gets the evidence then you can go and argue your point. 

How does the lawyer argue to win the case to another party ? He listens to both the judge says and the opposite party lawyer says or that witness account. 

Is that a right thing to do? He will get fired if he lost his concentration every words wrong, that’s what you mean. 

So we could get through our cases just we feel like? To claim or to write a page declare your want or modify the movie plot in front of a judge, that’s to say that’s the producer’s choice or director. Any reason associate with that? The judge has a power immediately end all Wal-mart sale. The day after the night Oscar happens 2014 March.

Can you claim we hurting you and the judge is the witness ? That’s not one lawsuit just how I hurting you, is there? You claim about 1000 things when you show up, nothing is that pieces of paper your lawyer wrote for your you spent the money on it ! I told you to stay on the argument, everything else is not relevant. 

So we are just not creditable? If you are a law student, I think you will be bar out forever !! Any case of that one Mickey Mouse 100 years happy birthday in our time. You cannot say anything else other than that !!! When is the Mickey Mouse are 1 million court cases you supporting it since when ? 1928 the invention the TV starting 1927. You try to fill up and finding the supports for 1 millions cases the law database to stood this one Micky Mouse by 2028…you see what the judge do to you. There is only one database. 

Do we suppose to search this Micky Mouse case in the database in the UB law library? Any law library is the same database. That’s the librarian purchase it in the university. 

Are we supposed to get JD? No! But side by MD such as how you all end up 2019 at, you went back to where to finish your medical class or re-taken Dr T’s class, or every class A, double major? The judge can look at your curriculum and comment a few things.

Next : Ready Player One

No watching. 

I don’t think you plan an eternity your career choice if your one lifetime reckless claim. It’s not analytical. You never think you will get near the law, or the MD in the future existence, you doing all that to yourself. 

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