
Try again ? UB, you say according to the movies….

Wrong. You assuming at the movies plots. Where is the background? Where is this movie from ? You are using me Anna claim as the classify material, you didn’t claim in your saying. You didn’t even describe what’s a classify nature of the material to …be used in this court session, …to???

Discuss….at this time, every coming forth material as the interval time passing 40 years on. 


I just tell you, you don’t know what you are doing. 

Can we claim anything on the first year? I won’t. You assuming no one does a thing behind. They did. The law measurement to ensure all these movies before the public air should be more in a strict measurement. 

But not in compensation ? They re-check it. They know what that is might be more. Because this time it’s from the court judge you all trigger to initiate that process. 

So no compensation to us ? I think …you all got the whole process in thinking wrong. They can compensate you behind without the public air even. 

You doing things are not careful, just you yourself presenting you one person to have a discussion with the judge, I don’t think you say it where that logic was. You all gone there to claim the movie stated it.

What’s wrong with that? They can give you that behind without that painful process. Make a movie and literally movie cinema at. The content went to the distribution channel. 

Is that the content not supposed to be in the distribution channel?  Oh ~ yeh !

Is Wal-mart a part of the distribution channel? Correct. The first thing after the Oscar night announce, it will be on the shelf from behind the warehouse magically landing at the isle front stand. 

Is that every process of that supposed to be in the legal measurement? It is lawfully fence yard but since you ask, if you sue the distribution channel at least it sounds like where you landing at your argument at was exactly what you say you cared about it. 

Instead we sue we are that? Correct.

Is there a difference these 2 suing at? Both will be denial, but at least when you presenting that argument, for your age to enter the court room, you aim at a place you decide other than the movie original claim. It’s not they wish you fault at, how did you conclude it’s that arguments place upon ?

That’s not supposed to be in the argument? If you knew something, you go by that. Correct. I guess you didn’t trust your classmates. That’s a group, everyone does similar. 

Everyone is theft and copy onto ? Correct. 

I need my phone and go to sleep 

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