
You 2 prince tried your drug statue brain hole to your father? He deciding your langauge ability?

I heard that is how you both communicate still with your father? oh ~ I guess you still call him. One lives there, one on the phone.

10 mins how long can that be. No, I didn't hear it. No.

They told me, so I told you. ?? It happened already? 

oh ~ okay. The birds told me to get up, so i get up. And not the phone, so not the facebook, I just turn on the PC.

There is 10 long chair = a wheel, that is how American dead. They rotating these 10 long long long chair in a wheel, turn turn turn. That is OU means. I guess you mean no election ? Cannot see....I say 10. Its a wheel. Oh ~ not the Supreme Court....doesn't look like, 9? Long long long chair, tie a ring, and the youth behind keep turning the empty chair.

You wake me up just for telling me any of this things I need to care?

The degradation of the humanity lives on regrets, or the low spirits of the drunkeness, you mean the boyband 20 years on.

I say 1000 years on, to the 2 prince already, they compete in a from, meaning they believe after we shall die, its the death be apart. The real competition is when you feeling like up to the whole universe to witness the Time spanning. 1000 Eon, or Kalpa means.

I think the wild ghosts looks sad, your father and Nicky. 

A book?

If I never seen a human face in front of me, every scenery fade as the wind blows through my face, the sunshine on my face, the cloud the same sky, you all just die out one by one. No meaning of that 20 years.....and what is now? You have a point? 

Other than on the regrets ? Let me guess just how smoothing to hear IMF this one tale of the regrets, the best friendship gathering to put up an Asian look brother to say Eben Pagan, you say that is a longbutton, and Legally Blonde, the high school.....you hearing that yourself the academia system its all going home no jobs. Your parents die, your housing choice gone.

Legally blonde 2, Hillary say which residential file?

Why don't you all listen?

  • The residential Bill
  • The Water Pipe (Harry Potter)

If you so sure starting on this first life, its every house = zeo property own money, and sent to jail, you don't wait until 1 eternity this King and Queen looking the fake Mummies its the every water bill on that trailer SMCH. Every inspector jobs in the main asharam. Every ilegal transaction of Taiwan those things, its to gather China, Japan and Taiwan forces police, its always ilegal, you starting on the first life. To get things right, no more happy ending every movies, to sound like needed a mummy, right?

You hurt me badly one nick, you don't want to legalize, how eternity hell someone will send for all of this? Its hurting me badly ~~~ Never end, you give me whip, i want to do that myself SMCH and Nick's face in thosuand blood whip in deformed, Eben Stand appaluse, Look Hailey has a kiss with Lalla

Film it

Put on the eternity clock.

I want to see zilliong blood whip and scarf on every faces~!~~ you so daring every public media law airing. You saying the power, you saying me. You gamble on it....mai.

Rotating chair, we keep rotating words, hanging on these www. 

Its a regret anyway...I have none. 

Iran president 9 people dead in the aircraft yesterday below our Presidential Inaugaration, isn't they are in the war, funny? 

Is that AF commander back these juicier story, Adam pronounce the juicer....means, juice juice juicy juicer leaking......saying it loud.

Tears don't go through your eyes

Tears don't go through your regrets, remember every penis has a whip, that every life you say on regret will I want to hear its an eternity born regrets, you insert that penis loud on your every kids face, to that Eon and Kalpa End of Time, you doing nothing but regret in kneeling, every day regret, until every humanity blood shed, every degree in pain,

Pay dearly in hell with all of this....just like that King's painting, don't end.....

Saying it loud, that one insert penis...its Eon Eon Eon living prove everyone no sounding, just their mouth big on commercial ads...in Regrets

I want to hear it...how hard, the love means the upbringing.

Only I forever exist

Say it.....Gun on Hailey's dad, like Nicky, like Eben.

Say it loud.

Its a regret lasting Eternity, 5 to 6 eternity, you just pretend you don't kneel, you pretend its not a regret, I want them all standing in this Enchanted Film

Love means....5 pair old guy, to 5 pair young 37

Say it....that regret to your kids,

Its every single day when they are born. Say it Say it Say it.

And admit and sign, this will be your living prove to the etertniy, you just saying you die, you don't see it anymore, so the whole humanity will keep learning that same eternity regret.

Say it loud, applause, say it big sound.

No one can hear it.


Sex is a forever pain for the girl

But its not doing by hand like the guy

To that every film, return to zero. Starting on Sex, the girls so painful, to go home only to the mother, tell me, every film will sound correct, without that one Eben, starting every language written it down, not in the death blood shed, he is just a high school.

Harsh man, with the penis insert, just like my father.

So all of us suffer, so everyone else envy an Ella Enchanted with Royal prince, just 20 years not long enough on regrets, haha ....I want nothing but calamity to them and you all..deliver my every wishes. 

We didn't even finish on regrets 3 days ago

This is the junction of the time since 2014, but let's say...the correct date is 2024.

Shi...all people suicide, no more romance, I say exactly what I want it.

This is the conjunction in time....When everyone seeing the movie turn real, and somewhat the consequence along that movie statue. It will be this year 2024. No, not 2014. So don't you want to know? 


Ella Enchanted = Christian Country = Bible verse. The first page turn...its the sin forever descending to the world. See it or not. Whichever that page turn....after the Eden.

Eben = long buttom name.

You all don't re-write to sound like the correct format, every movie was not ending on the women nothing but pain in the penis insert, and pregnancy and periods, because the man is not subjective to any responsibility, doing nothing but hurting me just like my father, his name is Tesla.

Say it loud, say it pride on. You don't have any surveillance people coming it down, you open your mouth and repeat it.

Victoria Secret - Romance Journey, that is a turn, on the runway show stage.

A turn. Like Howard Stern, Marconni, stolen 17 patents from Tesla. That is a Sirius satellite radio station. Isn't' that magical? 

Sirius 7 sisters, is a constellation.

7 days in period, we are in 5 days a period. 

Adam Davis asked one of those women, "Its 7 days in the period."

Why don't you just write it down, every word, every vision I say? Long time ago. We end this conversation so long ago. 

Get another page

All guy's the only trajectory in life, exile like Harry, not his brain. But exile. Til that eternity, to say true love, a kiss,....its how long he is willing....until that time comes and fullfil, no love. 

You don't need a love, you need an exile, just like Lee, Dean, Justin....those....that may or may not be true. Birds quack, they 2 needs to be dead. Lee.

When that departure date you re-married into your new role overseas then return, that will be from the ministry of magic = those long hallway ending. You still get the love, re-assort ones.

When you finish your oversea to return home....any TV programming sounds like still existing....to comfer your soul, open your mouth, that time. Sound like the 5 or 6 eternity in front of you. 

Before anyone. I already walk away further 25 years on.


How far the road from American the base line, 90s degree turn. Like Hitler Contact (1997). China is a block of the Black Space, in that real universe scene if you ask that babaji. I think its the nuclear waste in it, but it might be just the black space, black black black. I heard it from him...so that road map, you need to start from the East coastline of the American physical land line. That is the coastline means, forward.

Whatever you are doing it right now

No, I know more about these lines, or the geography than any of you, do I? You talking about Hobby, you talking about Ronan, you talking about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

These people or things....how precious to you. I assuming you mean Ronan. Right....he is white, correct.  He has that background and he is now. You just have to land there. Figure it out what he likes, what he eats, what he present it, if he is really really really that light glow glow glow. I say he is. 

That is not my current business I will tell you that. I about to turn into a man for all these horrifying law terms, so every guys on the kneeling ground I say I am from HeavenWhat is the cavalry means. Of course they are all different man, not just the guys. 

To the evolution like your turn, 4+1, I can spare them, to keep hanging they themselves. There is a hole in front of my face.

Draw it

Prince Harry look at 9 oclock, his ear size, on the right, identical giant lobe empty space. No more brain (no more brain cell ) there. No one fixing it? Its on Live Otter says. I assuming you keep saying where i look at it bothers me. Are you planning to really kill them? Nicky goes behind Brian, that is his dad supposes to do? He is all red, not about what I should be doing?



Is the birds and the otter evidence, if they show you the correct things, because none human can see? 

It is an witness, not just the evidence. 

The ability account is checking 1000 things at least 100% accuracy, because if that ends worse, or worsen, that can exceeding 100%, like 120%, because they are still investigating the listing of the 1000 items. Keep moving it down the lists.

So the ability and the Power League ranking right now.

I rise, the birds rise, and the otter rise.  

If they put another animal kingdom all on, for the human can bear to see, and check every crime, they will be used, or try out. That accuracy will be check by per increment, the listing things 1 to 1000. 



This pair, or that 1912 those events. You will have China...those lines coming in Taiwan similar to why they need that 1997, 1999, because.... back in the 90s. We on this land, I know, we know, there was a End of Time prophecy ends in 1998. Its called the 2 August in our year calendar, The lunar calendar, and it was ending at Y2K claims. SMCH already in the police custody, its Fanny them, Tina's best friend, a lot a lot a lot of those descendent like Lucy, they can speak in English, right now reacts by English, its because of that time. Its this event.

I don't know what for, it is everyone going outside learning English. Even my mother understood that mental retardation, knows some English words, when I explain to her. She can response at it. Not absolutely zero.

Either she lies to me, that ear pieces are really useful. 

No, he is the case he cannot control himself at every project ends. He will tell you in this end of life, its that throne, never changing 16 years old, whatever just before the Harry Potter book landing at him, he outragerous so loud in the palace. He is that type of the personality. I don't think that is what they will ever say, I say what I saw.

And in that every conjunction in the real life, he is staring at that, even now. 

His plan let's say, his brother and him on the stage, fallen down, he dies. His brother got injured, and that is one person death. He didn't know that is a prove of the evidence inside the brain like now. He didn't know there is anatomical structure you do CSI. That is why he keep doing it.  He finds out, that throne will never move from William to him. He did find out. That is what the move means, it will never move. 

He never quits on this things? Annca...but I think Harry originally was normal, not Annca was conditioned, like Simon neurodic, slap Shane those. Very psycho like Ola, those. 

These classify materials are all real, on the TV. I will tell you that. You are debating to me, if those are not real, the connection will be exactly very similar to examine it, every intention and put it lay out. For them England, they don't care if that is a bad name on the movie, its move away, they can see. They stay in their zone at their throne, those are important. They understand what that is. They are guessing it Harry Potter. I just telling them what that all means. 

                                        Zawanna (got taken out)

Keanu's original Queen, like Eben position were dead in 101 high way going to Thousand Oaks, my brother might be going there or New York City. He and his new love Joshua, a lot of the debts from the previous marriage, a police too. Those psycho police I guess intuitive to kill the Asian. 

Paul Walker 2013/ 2014. Those with the Ocean 8 looking lady blonde die on that highway in California. I told you. In America, its that Uranus concrete road something is not right, too hot, or too burn, or too dry, that curve all things are not right. Or the concrete itself is not right.

Whatever happened to that in America, just like Mc Donald, those are very very very bad things. 

The shoe on stain Mars soil like Arizona, in Conan Detective, is a sneaker show.

Cliff, iron = Fe, OU language. That was an evidence inside the TV.

Fe like blood idea too. Red Cliff, too many red everywhere. 

Why don't you fixing this all right now?

Tina, no, she doesn't have that kind of the guts when I come near. That will be 2013, I think. Because when the girls are near by, she just meant....never mind.

Tina doesn't have that like Harry. He had that memory....when he was youth, 8-10, he can literally collect the classroom a lot of the kids sitting down listening to him. That is what he is up to. Normally, even today, SMCH can do that in Menton, South of France, let's say outside on the beach, Horay this she is the greatest, all that.....she is training into those jobs, not she was born at that those jobs. 

Some people grab a microphone to collect a street of people, and start talking to make a vola. He did it to his classmates, in the elementary school. That is the movie means.

The concert singers, they to yell or scream to generate the atmosphere. Right. That is one kind, their jobs like that.

The public speaker, would be carry a conversation toward. 

Jesus did that in the Bible description, or something.

In the old time, our history, it will be almost like you standing in a crowd of the Aristotle the console meeting those, you seeing a lot of the people trespassing, you are not fear to stand there to talk the philosophy. The old time. Stand there, not fear, or continue that conversation, in opening up your mouth, and make a sound. You can say you stand there, and listen, and look mild away, and not to lucid memory, or the brain activities, like the farmer's market.

Like you are those mediocre, in this entire world, they fallen in love, they drive a car and die. They argue, they fight, a physical fight at the human to draw all this black water board inside their brain. Sad, dull, low air, keep thinking that one love coming near them. Another girl, coming near all that or the guy. Something in that day time, you meeting 1 person, 2 people. Even in cheating idea, that is only how many people?

Not 10, not 5 next by 7, standing there, 10,5, 7, 8, 3, small groups, and then you going in, you start to talk loud, and very loud, so not in fear, you start to be in that field, in the old time, you dress those shoe or the cloth like the Greek, and you have a physical built muscle, or the vitality in the voice. 

That is what Harry Potter meant. The public speaking similar to Sailor Moon during Tim Cook long time ago Political Spirituality, maybe not the only thing to stare on (Birds add on, quack usually mean I change)  but it will be one of those popular idea, a remote corner....from the main peripheral away from Tim Cook those main center regime. 

Like a country side, you have a public stage, saying some words, those kinds. Orillia, those are still people, very very very low air, very low mentality. Everything like the hospital still exist, the facet water, or the tape water all that exists still. But very very remote. To that next town might be another 45 mins away, those are nicer built in Canada, they getting higher latitude, you imagine....its more dull. No.  Its all modernize, you have the regional police all that is equal modern all laws and scenery. Under one flag. All the same. 

The nearest crowd of that, I think Eben and his best pal friend 5 or 6, maybe his age. Because 20 years ago, this time, everyone is dying out including that nick. That will be the nearest meant to, or to that entire scope. Pang cannot go to Eben. 

Zawanna just meant they pretend him disappear, or taken out, you can never trust that guy in any circumstance, he might be, because Ancient Chasez.

Buddhism doesn't go to Eben that route, no.

But those formula sustain 1 to 10. 

Either Sariputra is a true blonde or a pure blood like Nick 10th, is the pure Roman Cathoilc from the father and the mother.

Purna SMCH full of Kindness is 5th. 

The original Eben is healthy. I am not even sure if that is 2 Eben I see, or 10 Eben they prepare SMCH runs awayl, those will be the Asian re-make, or Eben got married already, one of those Hospital I cannot understand them a word, its a deformed second one.

Like Lauren and her dad cheating on Simon or another, the painting reason. But it might be, not the father. I just cannot understand the telepathy, someone moves in moves out, never that. 

So the original Eben shouldn't be an Asian, or unless they keep telling me lies, never end. 

That crowd, has a positivity in him. He is like that. I used to know that one looking. I am not sure the eye glasses anymore. All this looking fake since he got married that day I think.  So that setting if were original, it was a lot of the positivity among that 5 or 6, most of his association, but its very very very guy's world.

Not Snape those withering away. Eben will be a tall guy you almost seeing him exactly that video, I just don't know which one of them is correct anymore. 

The birds quack. Maybe they know, right.

The original guy in that kind of the younger time, he is not that old really. The normal healthy American white guy in the modern sleek furniture will be like Brat Pitt like those furniture.

That kind of the height, when you gather, similar to Craig those looking, but they used to look not now for both. I am not sure if everyone got moved away. Its just a piece of the camera device. 

Its not Craig, its Eben that American passport that crowd, whatever he did in the correct setting NYC, or he is from Oregon, I think its North East, that direction. His original voice is very very loud, when he is healthy normal, their talking everything is nothing but between the guys. Those tones. 

Where Prince Harry supposes to go.

Similar to Iron Man, Avenger, stand next by, same height, you bring up their height, chest stand straight, talking clear, talking normal positivity, there is a black in Austin Walsh that seminar when Berny was still alive. 

That is the crowd. Yeah, they do justice league those. Right. They are the best friend, let's say Eben made it the money, or if he had a background, I don't know. All that added to a particular class, never that my brother imagine a thing.

I pull him.

It will be Prince Harry from England, those ligate the best friend walking next by together. He will ever ever ever truely want. 

The normal white guys the height world, let's say I never touch this American SA boyband.You see....these.


The American white taller guy, when they have the money, or single, or justice league, meaning of course doing the legal things. Including that Mark in Europe. All that are the justice league, seeking the betterment of the humanity. Those height, the white guy. 

Every kinds of the guys in the Western world, are populate different their leisure time. Not those small toy things at home.....you mocking me, or you damage me. 

The White World Taller guys have this social event, imagine Adam's father move all that away, the normal healthy guy, standing tall, just BBQ or talking clear, talking healthy, just be happy, and if anything unjustice, they seek the Western American way. The normal White class if a lot healthier in the modernize all sphere than Asia, so you take the Asian all out, in this discussion.

The normal White Taller guy, that Eben those North East, dress, talk, healthy, processing the paper works, or talk through as the groups of the friends. 

Looks, the friends in the height means. Side by side. No, not those.


Where is the recording place when I first talk about the White guys in the friends group that time. The video, or what things I say that time. Long time ago. 

Its a shame, just leave me out of this.

Far far far way. 

In the real American Capitalism, you will have Congress under the society in every scale where they close their door to be happy inside their awesome groups. In that North East side, not Eben, there is Harvard or Boston. So Howard Stern is from that Boston University, even my doctor is from that university. 

In that White league taller guys. Pang's school, are nothing but their height, except him. Just take him out....

In this scale of similar to APO, you will have different eating habit, including the fat or the disease. Eben's age isn't that old yet.....

Not that old all of them, where he collects them, or hides them. North East.  Its their friends private small groups they happy associate. Yeah, fitness included, he was in a what flag room, that  those journalist included, but I think I meant the friends.

The near by he vent, or complain, someone near by to hear, none of them are the withering human looking. Some defect guys have the eclipsy....its a natural defect born statues. 

Got it? 

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