
America has the gay marriage laws.

Not here Asia. They are the Western world. They move things down to Singapore, one Square or Tina Jojo and that one hell of that Annca TV must be. Tina Jojo's flying routes, is when she feels like. Pang and his husband will be back here this end of year, I guessing our Earthquake is not done, they want to go to South where the Earthquake is to tour. 

Or you want to tell them, its without them the backpack you and your wife, or another friend, without their entourage, together knowing each other entering date, and not just disappeared on your 2 expense, or their own insurance covered?

I am fabricate human enough, my virtue quality, that Prince William thinks his brother is too fabricate only me Anna will sound only fabricate human how to doing all that. He cannot be that fabricated, and not that Kate neither. 

I start to believe, how I got my title to be honest, out of that Ops world in America, its their orientation table, they told me. OU means. Greys say, they always looking for someone.

Are you supposed to learn how to be fabricated all together, or when their whole family travel to America, and you 2 +1 missing on the road, such as the food poison. You know the hospital is you find the real doctor in America? You sure about that?

There is a name in the medical world, the travelers looks like you, humble, no dress code, together in mess, without the entourages. Its a medical world, like Meggie's son. He got theft so there is a West union, same like Dean in Europe out of Oxford that year ends at Victoria Secrets. They all have a lot of those issues. 

The commanders don't really need those food cook in home, or the commander-in-chef. But if you could becoming this, or Titanic that lady, so tall would be Hailey...imagine those positions, the last things imagined a romance, its that in front of me, the error human 1 to zillion. They eat in the cafeteria. Not just the science museum.

I get my plastic container those Target sells, in-room. I am not seeing Nicky or Shane coming near. I go on my own. So many science museum, I can only look at 1 whichever they show it to me. No, I don't travel, I actually HATE anything outside the door, other than my near vicinity I can reach my room to lay down. Being a women, its nothing but keep laying it down, drink and hydrate all the time, and soak in the water, and 4 limbs washing, the mouth washing, and the nail cut. 

Tina bought Aria 50 nail polished hanging on the wall. Me and my mother looked at it. She has this older than her bf, together, staring at that wall. Probably Tina got mad.

Sorry, the birds outside is on sex.

Eat in Japan? Not here Taiwan.


My brother eats a lot....when he travels with that guy. And he comes home to lose weight and he still goes to work. No food on fasting, that worries people?

The roommates from...the city and, xxxxxx


Andromeda? Tolec?


Can you stare at Backstreet Boy poster when you found them in the store?


You mean Asia these Chicken whole pieces, the night market? Hepatitis A and B or C.

NOT America land? With them the entrorouge, your ambassander program?


You are from England to tour in America, all speaking in English, so its the same land? ITS NOT!

The ambassador program or that Harry Potter? You tell a lawyer or a judge with your power, get rid of him. They handle those high school IQ fabricate human.

You treating each other like a shit, and now, you need to fabricate on others, other than, treating each other like a shit. You scream and you yell. You cannot just be diplomatic talking to each other to learn, how not to scream and yell or roaring to each other's ears? You doing that to Riley or you doing that to which secretary? They talking nice, or that is just the part of the Question and Answer? They say yes or they say no? You don't have the IQ to be fabricate, you want to pretend how to EQ driven when the end of the hallway comes?

Its just Prince William, not the rest of you. Him and his father, the ministry of the magic if that is even that world. Its a whole table with the...furnishing hanging.

They will all already younger than you all.

You are already often staying on the television to say, you talking to the public, your endurance to stand there is already way above the average. You are not a lawyers or those Ivy League to join the Silicon Valley, even they are, just conducting the projects meetings. Meaning they prepare ahead of the time.

This is not what you mean the fabricate human? 

Those things are not coming to our worlds. I can just be that fabricate to Nicky or that is Shane. Nicky I thought was on the stage Elsa Blue. 

Its 1 or 2 people ever talked in that space saying 16 hours a day? 

Nick is not that dead yet. He lost the weight. A certain situation he will tell you where his background, that culture where that from with his 2 sons, he can never talk to. He probably regrets starting on the first day WE ever met, not to say how I fabricate this entire world at it. 

You don't go and be confrontation with the real world people, with that elder wand. I am a shorter girl, and you can just pay attention. listen, learn and watch. Do you just want to live that happy world where you are? You don't really need to be that fabricate, but be original?

One day you gonna tell me, I cannot talk about anything in my life. In my life, I cannot go out and saying to make any one normal friend on the street block and go on this Taipei city coffee shop with any friends, nor those high school classmates, you say the team used to be. Its the commercial interests like the Westlife

Does Project Camelot those Bill or Kerry....Kerry, they train Kerry more. 
Its more those Bob Dean, there is an old boy networks, he dead for 6 years at least. And? You think of Kerry, Bill, David Wilcock, David Incke, whistle blowers, not one human looks like that Edward Snowden.

He called himself the whistle blower sponsored by the wiki leak, that is from England, under your nose. You should know about it.

This is not about Harry Potter he Snowden leads the conversation in pretend, and you Prince William is the one in charge, or your dad will step up this time as well? The kid's activities with the American president align? Just curious. Page 3, LST.

You want to say Conan Detective the Black Organization is real, and those theme song music in Man in Black?

Their channel is back with 101 video. There is a DNA talks, and a doctor...

I am an immigrant, not the American native speakers, I can just say, "Pass, that is not the case." (pass the ball)

That is your family side, or whom, "Looking Glass." (your heart is beating )

I have to leave a lot of this high school behind, because that time no facebook + I gone to America, to live there. Immigrant and start to speak in English. Some people feeling that education side if you had a lot more classmate, you might be happier in life. But when this things I have to go alone, after the UB, I just walking that I be smart with it. 

But some people really really cared about it. 

Yesterday, when you collect similar to this morning I yelled at that Hugh guy about this "open gay" scenario, because yesterday you didn't see that clear, they insert a girl next to looks like Peyton's face. If all of you putting your own faces next by, and start arguing, you wonder where are all these UB Linkedin classmates all on the jobs, to deliver what jobs, what expectation instead of going home.

The guys or the girls.

You wish Tim Cook or Steve Jobs would be there, that kind. Mission Impossible when that girl enter Tim Cook's office, and he shot his bodyguard scene. If you check this per movie, to say their age looking young would be Tom Cruise, the main character, you seeing the First movie, the first Mission Impossible, you tell me, you believe that movie, he goes alone by he himself?

There are a lot of movies all looking like that, if you be careful to see why you are near by, be collected next to each other, and why they look like you, or not you. What is the correct situation being analyzed from the outsider, like by the audience.

You got put in the situation very often, you have to carry that conversation, or lead that 2 people talking or might be a social occasion 3 or 4 standing near by or return to the eating table, or continue to carry that conversation if you stand up to go to the stage, stand there, or someone else introducing you be on it, and you have a draft to speak in front of the camera.

Meaning you are already in the training, you don't need to be that nervous. You doing fine.

okay, you want to try each of you have a Reilly, a father, or someone near by....

"Can I ask you a question? When you go to school, til when you got this job, you always know when I ask you a question, and you forward to ask someone else a straight forward question, let's say from me, how do you know that is not the criminal justice department to say the human consumer psychology, or just the psychology itself? That is the MD stuffs, right? You can find me an answer, any answer. I want to hear it."

Do you want to ask me Anna, here. Right here on the website?

"Its the system data like the hospital here I show you in my Youtube, they listing through the hospital computer system. Let's say I seeing the bone doctor for my roller blade, you remember this. They will make a note of each visit, and my hand, when I cook too much. So I gone to the skin department to do my knee behind, there is a bar. These department and my eyes near the nose, are similar clinical surgery. 

Lee's and Tamang's China TV, when I say the physical mall and the UPS store, are the system switch to get rid of Hailey or Adam's father these my door front small dentist office. They fading it out. Similar to the librarian science, they used to be those cataloging cards to search for a book."

You nervous to say the words, or? The question or the answer?

If the American medical board asks me, I would be replying to them - that answer because I knew about the China TV and exactly what I wrote here, because I always knew or already explained to UB and to you. But its because when I practice to say those words, my background is the Instructional Librarian. 

One of the things being replaced in the librarian science, its the new career as the Instructional Librarian - they carry the digital information. You have to know how to talk, so you apply for that kind of the instructional librarian position or goes with the MLS studies, you go and applying for that jobs. You are not getting into those jobs.

You want to ...let's say continue this how you draw a mansion circle to make the fire burning down everybody in it, and somehow its 3 3 1   a 0. This kind of the brilliant plans? You might be happier knowing your dedication will pay of one day? You are not to be 007 that Ronan looking, but if you learn some speaking words those talking art, be accepted more at those confrontation ground when the debates going on. Listen and pay attention the social circle, what do the people says, or how they response. At least just one small tiny step up ward, not a lot, just living in that environment to be a lot happier with another girl in life, or another guy you have in mind. Not a lot of the changes, you are not going to be 007.

You are not me.

Going through this, so coming it back and raise up the whole civilization - that is not your job. Your jobs is to be a better Great Britain King, hold things on your own territory correctly or the near by those countries.

When I going through that X Man Past & the Future, they only ask me, to where just teaching the kingdom garden, Contact (1997), that is not a bad job. Its a very simple job. How scary the world some made of.

(my mother is on the phone, same thing...she talks about the medical expense too high, Tina got baptism in America.... the last 2 hours, its finished, her eating time. )

I am not conditioned, just happened to got near those situation, that's it. You stay with your doctor better.

I think you have the motivation, I watch and learn. You mean its you, not your dad right? But with him around, you get to learn more time, not just out of the breath, one Catching Fire this one year, so many things going on. When you go along to your son's era, this gonna happen 74, 75, what you gonna do?

I will be running the whole universe, upper or in between this physical dimension. I get to know that, just not right now the most immediate things.

Your heart beating, if you thought about this...what you gonna do to your son when the times come? How you gonna do this to your son, and his wife? His gf or changing for a better literacy, not happened that time something Camilla those military near by, he saying what things?

We watched you that time, without talking. You can do that on your own, from the inside. We are outside watching you?

My news or the TV time

Blade Runner 2049.

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