
I buy the hammer in the Home Depot.

No more talk about this? (I need to get up and clean up, not all that well feeling. My voice is gone)

It’s 35 years they are not required, be happy home. I am just saying if they were planning, they arrive there they find out why it’s not NYC but they like the NYC, so then they try to enter DC, it may not be fruitful  so they check around Maryland. They are freedom all around in America, not like UK.

I am a girl have to reply on myself with my mother. When I gone to UB, I choose to live there. 

I move too many times and sometimes the leadership ….if you say the background wishing you well but less the social degree, as a girl, at least don’t go and bother other people’s eyesight. Make a career, make a happy life, they all wishing everyone good. 

Home Depot back has this dump wood, sometimes it’s exactly the size, other than you buy the brand new and you ask them to cut it free. Not everyone lives that kinda of capital home. Not the first time I use the hammer, but not too many times neither, it’s just ask them one hammer. You don’t really use it.

Sometimes it’s everyone think it’s fun so they go together to America, I think. You can shop free, you can order 50 states things to buy buy buy. Online meaning they sent it to your house door by the mail service. Their land is big.  Fun means they want to get their arguments right, so they go there to seek a solution. “I have heard …” they go chat with the people there. America is the biggest traffic there for their equal right.

The kids are the loudest I think, but the parents have the other things to do. You cannot make them or limit them to say what if this what if that, they go by per yearly to live or breath those years. Some people got told and some people just be watchful.

No one really do those extreme things, but everyone has a regret or everyone has a saying already. I can say I leave that family and just be with my family, not those people’s life.  

None of those looking good on the TV.
Most girls probably think those image means to the guys or the implication means to the guy, like you wave in the air be seen, or you doing this fist up like ghostly those finger gesture. 

Most girls probably care the guys not to be the gays, but not like that neither. I say nothing but other people think of something.

I only facilitate them to the sea and land meets, they be on their own after. Other private life they like it, it’s their ..TV, say nothing probably in case they like that. 

It happens on my side because I had those facebook I think …I just don’t go and discuss anyone anything I leave already. I wish them well. You wish a guy seeing you like that in the TV? I can do the worse thing than the TV. You are not like that, then say, you are not like that.

You think like that is funny? There is nothing funny, not like that.

No, I put my literacy clear like that, then it will never be that. You know what the movies mean so I put forth I think, I don’t ever want to be seen like that, ever! The princess outfit, Disney ? The AC massive distribution was a concept, that is not a thing than the princess outfit ? You put up an electric pole per distance to another distance like the railroad, so one day everyone has a phone and 56k dial up. 

I endure that, not I wish the life like that in CA? The calculation ends there. Ten years ago, no one knows why I insist my calculation, on where ?

The world sorts their things, I am sure they all wishing them well. Other people have to go and input there.

I don’t go there so you all have to look after each other when you get there.

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