
⭐️ If your classmate is not mine great wizard of the potter…their lifetime is a boring those correct life you say.

You mean yesterday I was in error or in your family shame you tear?

They focus the correct jobs to become a real license doctor, per act, per posture, per mirror talking tone, per interaction to the patients and write up perfect. That’s the correct professional MD jobs, being seen reliable by their parents, the parents talk, the parents meeting such as your father bracket. They won’t make it in time. 

They drink like you and Meghan. Or she is stress like SMCH. Drinking. She use a nutmeg for the vegan bottle wine recipe becoming a sale. How much she drinks. The shape of the bottle. It’s not that 3310 inside TV frames. You want to get up fist on? 

You mean Kate curses her wedding, not she Meghan seeing a literal 3000 whip on your back in the River blood that very day - it’s their happiness twin Babaji? Someone burnt the house. To you it’s not the immediate one thing I say is significant. At all.  

2010 my grandmom house, the water boiling was on in the kitchen, there was a pot. I went out, they gone out too. I shut it off when I come back. The spider thing when I move them after I think. It will flip everyone’s heart when you have no money that happened, like Hank’s renter. That will be the frozen property - fires. 

(You love this fist on)

Maybe you should believe that’s a real judgement seat I own by those America not just a glove and a gun, that’s 4 limbs surgery.


If they follow my instruction, it’s just a causal date, not an expected date. A smart date, not those foolish drunk night to practice their speaking tone. Right now it’s very very very chaos all these patience care and they are like Simon, that Tamang to say how to monitor me and Kian / Nicky. Or Shane. A crowd to fill up their front hindrance their neck to pull higher. Simon is very skillful doing all that.

They didn’t put per patience care 1000% perfect so they will never get those clinical trial outside the office to walk around. They are not calm enough to hire the actors to pretend Tamang’s best friend to look up, meaning the older look. If they more delicate to that scheme other than the Disney princess toy play….once they could deliver those patience care 1000%, those records will have a meaning. 

They can be extracted to a better job, or the paper works that has a lot more broaden upper works. A different office, a different city, a different scenery. Right now their best scenery is on Tamang, he trespass the 2 different location, the university or the surgical room to the outside local clinical trial. 

It’s a 9-5 the same office paint wall and those instrument doctors uses. For the rest of their life. They either thought about it or nothing at all to change that, because they hate that jobs and the court gives them hope. They want to see those Hollywood loud noise life, not these 1000 worlds I see.

The hope for a guy, or the hope for the space to breathe. The small rental and the office of faces or those don’t know what they intern the youth face to replace them. You hate those scene too.

What happened or what’s wrong with that ?

Because that office painted wall…it’s saying how long these another 40 years on the same if they accumulated the money to 65 years old on time. The senior housing or the senior care in our modern world, not you fan royal life no matter what. Like Meghan’s mother fist on, you want 3000 whip next by him together she watched ? Seeing is believing the same time and space. 

Added a Ronan, remember the end it’s 3 kisses…film on set. All true love find, old man 9 generation kids none stop born.  Remember the taste of it…

So the painted wall in the real calculated life will be limited to the senior citizen disable too fat on the wheel chair or the electric chair to move 3 meals, getting fat each day on. It’s a real formula. 

Next if not that …tell me?

It’s homeless in the cold wind. 

Your brother has this public duty giant fat black women, or muslin girl, or the black tall guy. You feel he has the love on site ? I am asking you?


It’s only 9-5, set thr jobs and the salary by per monthly, the hr like 12 to 9.

You feel the life like Elizabeth brother he is a police. 

Him and his father fist in

3000 whip and 3 line red scarf.

This is a real judgement day, you will all see. How long that will it takes…

So tell me ….

The real scene. It’s not 194 countries, per science museum 18-25+ Every single year the vitality in life like the movie: Hairsprsy. I don’t go there, correct snd I married to this Kian/ Nicky imagined.

Meaning I am set those they make or I make the building house 

It’s macerille the shoes, not the shoe maker. You don’t know whom he was.


If someone tells you, in the end of the life to reflect back, as long as you orally speaking out loud every page these textbook for 30 books pretending, every English words to the committee board, they knew that in confident was a kid just recite per word. 

Not alcohol, not drug, not smoking, not 4 fists hit on.

Just by that sound of it, it’s the heaven scene. That scene is real to them as the board member but it’s audio heard by you all and play back, except they hear the voice sound a void. Someone is with them in that space. But none of you are careful to shut off the fire without my voice or the car or delicate to the life in front of you. You all did wish others a happier life and wishing that happier tone of life is not your miserable life. You need to close gate to survive on your own.

King 3rd, you don’t like Kabir or your name on their faces?

Interesting, you got a name ! They show to me. So it’s because of you. Oh ~~then, you must be the hell of the whole modern time problems. 

It’s painted red faces with 3 far away line red?? I cannot describe the image. 

Last time we talk about it. 

⭐️ Because …it’s a very simple instruction. They know how much it means to you, those harmless student format building, the high tech, the dynamic learning, the senior officers is stable, that entire environment is very stable. 

Everyone. In the dynamic learning, interactive.

+I will be the only one trespassing a certain world. 

You don’t understand ?

They are the professional so they find out every scenery and hopes and dreams. (Adam Davis fight on like you.) They went to the current time next by me. How she made it even that under 2 years, it may not be any of your options. 

Are they going to help her or help us ?

They find out.

Except with me, you all never will not even them. Anything I was told or shown. Whatever they do with me…one lifetime mischief it’s 85 years if were, everyone by the age 82 will say regrets only 3 years to go. 

Every kinds of regrets.

That’s if they are not homeless.

Correct, you getting smarter.

And that has a meaning ? Because they put them up 40 years ago?


They would be 60 years ago on the street and die. 


It hurts then or it depletes the resources?

It’s an opportunity they given them with a good wish and they abuse it, they sad, they melancholy, they sabotage they themselves and very very careless. So if someone not near, and being careless mean, any good wishes they will suffer after. They know I got told one type of the story. 

It might be s very hellish for them, the day the life review comes. 

They quit ?


You being a doctor wishing them ill?

Me? No. 

And me, why not? We hurting you and everyone in every sphere.

What was the last post I tell you ? I don’t even know they exist, worth a memory to exist.

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