
My mother's agenda....to go to another hospital, not the one I gone to.

Tina got another node at her throat, another time for the surgery.

You know Hollywood 2014 what happened after she did that OU language in August? Laura Ball, she dies on the surgical table, its the throat something very very old age. 

Tina drinks a lot of the alcohol, and her high heels is not going to bend her toe back anymore. The big meat, the big sauce, the big spicy thing. From my father side, those you say they have what things, the Chinese way saying that.

This is about you Harry, what now? You have no mother? I know exactly what she gonna make that Royal Family does, if she comes back. Everyone moves in with you, doing nothing but watch you keep vola this Harry Potter, that is the movies means, and she will get the credits she telling everyone, so my life is the only free, like they promised only.

The judge makes you do, until I see you are the Greatest Wizard of that Harry Potter?  Funny, I fallen back to sleep in the darkness. A person like you Harry, until that 10 worlds in those fire big torturing, with that judge, you will never never never learn whom you are, what you do, how you will ever repent, just for the Lords to lay an eye on the humanity, that is exactly what you are. That SMCH...I tell you, I am the Lords, everyone will see the ends of the abyss hell. Its real. 

A lot of the kids like you, its dare to bet, dare to be willful, one second, like your brother, haha....one willful, daring. You don't think the humanity road how sad it will ever be?

The outside they laugh !!!

In front of my eyes, per muscle dare to move with their eye sight, not to bow, kneel, flat, none of this is the standard.  Never will....

You love sadness, you will use 1000 tons against your sadness

You missing brain, you will use 100000 time missing brain

You don't need to run to get well, fear why don't you try harder, or 1000 coupled fucking harder, get up and beat the crap of the judge and dead, its the fist strength at the lower his or her knee at, I know the court room look like.

The fist to hold, remember, hold tighter.....a kid like you, my Eon evolution, i know exactly how to, one elevation one degree tiny....before dead.

You hang on the cliff, to keep holding tighter, you repeat 1000 times, your brain chemistry, you are not in a hurry....not in a hurry, any will is not appreciated. You will see....what it means the greater Harry Potter ends.....to this whole galaxy of the power, you will know why it shouldn't be has a beginning to talk, at all, you use Eon will never look, wane, know. In the darkness withered. 

2014 I already say, every eyes Keanu on that newspaper, its per scooping.....haha...

You don't believing at it. By your bear hand, its not your fault. The blood, the wipe 4 limbs, to make every one touch and feel your body warmth, like this otter scene, you see....the greater fame to the end, its not everyone hates you, its how great the Harry Potter should be.

Say it.

Say it right.

The promising land, you will ever be.

Say it loud, "I will what?" "Kill"? Say it louder and louder, the chest cannot contain, the greatest of the show man sing bug like in front of the Simon Jojo...funny....There are all the funny way, for someone like you....being every second funny in Eon time. You don't know the technology, you don't know me. 

The Greatest Wizard (3:59)


Very Bad Things (3:32)


  • The guys gambling making the troubles.
  • Mischef (very very very bad)
  • Murphy laws
  • You talking about you doing the paper works.

You see a great friend, here or out there, the same. One extra person standing next by you, you believe it? If they are mischef? That is so so so psycho !!!

Earth and outside (best friend side by) (3:42)


  • One extra friend next by you
  • Identify these people
  • The medical records
  • Its not ilegal if you lost your bank money
  • But everyone near by will flip out their hearts. 
  • You can no longer talk to this guy anymore.
  • The bank will not tell you, its all separate bank account.

I thought about one thing, because at least at least at least.....I just tell you, the safest road you don't LOSE everything. Taiwan we can save the pension, so is this America. There is a difference you imagine the penniless. This is horrific to me, just when I see it. I see nothing good in that monitor. Its everything terrible.

 ⭐⭐⭐ Susan Show (90s) ⭐⭐⭐


  • Now, I believe she is the only correct things.
  • I scream when I found out.
  • I think she meant it, that is a show
  • The back up things, the pension
  • The back up, the health package
  • Your American culture, NEVER like that.
  • She keep repeating it, she was. Every single week.
  • I am the Buddhism. They can fail, not me.
  • This is the First Life ! 
  • The bank found out, its all of you RIGHT NOW, to be rid of, I am telling you.

That lady saying a lot of those things in the past. I remember....and its on the movie.

WE WILL NEVER GO OUT, let's say whatever that reason is. Some people when they mingle to some people more establish, including each year, the younger and the younger people's face coming up.  Imaging you never find one of those....I tell you, there are worsen things.

To that American market, some kids keep spending, to that per weekend, and the bank runs out, he still inside that nice home, and the police came. Took him out or the bank took him out, the last weekend, he was still inside the party.

NOW I remember what this Victoria Secrets, whom is doing what, and whom's son of all these combine.

The correct paper works, its keep buying the ink, to re-fill !!!!!! You need to print them out, highlighter, writing the DATES as big as you can see. I used to cross that Canadian border, to run this 3 months statement or the T-mobile that time, or the internet. Staple those, and put in the file with your invitation letter to enter that Canada.

I used to didn't know I had a virtue doing that.

Whom teach me that re-fill, that is the Prince Char, Adam Ella Enchanted. This is horrific, whatever you could done to ruin your life. There are a lot of those CNN putting a foreclosure case, a father took the baby scroller to walking out of the home with the baby !!! Where are they going?

I never need to imagine the credit things. When the money is enough, you never never do those things, but nick did, or that show says. Tony was in debts. They never pick up a call !!! Your one extra payment if you owe someone's money, you don't spend on the clothing, on the eat-out, you do your math on your desk !!!


And now this medical world shows up, that is really really bad. Slim down, exercise, see the doctor, get the health package, warm up your entire body system you will age, or old age. Change your diet.

Not one accidental insurance, I keep saying it. You wish you find the doctor in time in America and you can afford it not bankrupt.

I seen it, I seen it, I seeing it !!!

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