
Panda 熊貓 (你們去跟他說他爸爸現在他跟她跳舞,是英國國王,不需要討稐輪迴,在書上旁邊的寫字,現在英國國王跟自己跳舞)


Its a her.

If you escort your father, his title currently is England King when you dance with him on the history margin notes next by any kinds of the book. (Lake House, that book edition). Your grandmom was a princess to Queen. I used to say that, a lot of time. That means to you.

像他的奶奶是公主,變成英國皇后 ! 這種東西很重要 ...你們要做點事情,做這種看得懂的電視的事情。(寫書旁邊的那種,在 Lake House 電視李維收到有一本書,西門,隨便亂講的那種。文藝復興的達文西兩個義大利 (西門),法國李維很喜歡去法國以前。 看一下 Mona Lisa 後面有倆個背景。)

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