
What is a secret society?

They are comprised from centuries.

Is that important to me?

Like your charity works. That lady written on the public media.

I used to say some other things you can do, reading your book or written that one letter. You thought about the other lifes having some other options.

Its the TV given you that options. I didn't give you that option.

How is your father?

"I don't think she will leave this one lifetime....she will calm down after 100 years, I don't know I will get any life just by privately telling you that. You are the King, you can do anything, you say?" 

What do they usually do in the secret society? Killing people? (giggling together)

Your movie, Catch me If You Fly. Before you becoming a thing....those scene in someone else's home. 

(Fist up)

You meant they ruin you since 2001, they understand that so the movie continue? Do you understand when someone from an islander like me.....these entire 10 sheet for the last 1 or 2 weeks talks, its you suppose to talking to me, like I am a bimbo on the China TV, a hair band on my head, and sit there face jaw looking front? 

You are not from the islander. 

(I should be giggling tell you Modern VS Killer (Human))

For your father....if that is his dog?  and a kid learn violin.


They give supports to Leonardo? Keanu's neighbor. Both of them, you think they evolve all these years?

So if I ask you, they sent me this panda is a women.

Bolton guy is that someone from your culture, its the man looking at the man those type? 

The age will get younger, and you just like the skin to be saying near by, but from what I can see, you all live in the giant room, you never have a common room to social? Stuck inside one room, walking to another building as the residence?  Eating together with your father, you invited yourself over, just like the TV?

How do you gonna do that?  This one small tiny thing? Invite yourself over? Just one thing.

People tend to like if I put this photo on....many people. Or else they scream to my ears, kinda of. So tell me my options as the pharmaceutical company annual ball room bankquet. That is Nick's neighbor, Carol's husbands. I wrote Washington D.C those letters from middle school resume, to high school resume, to university resume. Keanu was in it. 

No, you are not imagining the things. Your father if next week telling you all, there is a ball room dance with some celebrity he puts on the newspaper, he invites? 

Liongate is the company logo on that Catching Fire (Hunger Game before) that Franchise movies, anyone see that company logo called the "Liongate." - So Keanu's company is called the 3 Art. in 3310 movie script in Chinese.

My Heart, My liver, My honey sweet dew jam jar.

Heart as He art

3 Art, cc at. Keanu's boss. A very very short man. There are a lot of this Keanu's pinks all around him, they surrounding that cc, is that the reality? You answer me?

That reality I say in 2014, was in front of everyone's faces. You are in 2024, you are anxiously waiting that invites, through your father. What do I tell you in this story all sheet says?

None of them are the important people.

Their agent shows up, they will get a call. You think? 

Vogue channel

Tell me which video I should look at it?

6:04 - that is her mother? 

In the channel, her name is:  

Kendall Jenner 

When I say that in Google + 2014, clear, that is once I said, you agree?  So don't make that learning how to learn.

This is Kryon page 2014

Give me initial.

Learning a lesson, is not once of a lifetime, you agree? That will sound sucks. 

You and Peyton's age and the family background is completely gazillion difference, so you hope he doesn't learn per word I say, its per letter I input on Shane's pages not just 2014 I say once, that is once everyone hears and memorize, forever..
What I like, what I know, what you kneel that for....FOREVER.

Only I like to hear, eternal.

Not the medical records lost on the Friday night since 2021.
  • I did the 6 hours talking, every video upload.
  • Lost the car key Friday night.
  • Lost the cell phone in the toilet, the Friday night.
  • Lost the ID badge to enter the hospital, Friday night.

Maybe I re-write once.

Friday night, you can just all staring at me all year round 2021, tell me which time frame, BTX finished? 

Tell me a funny job you ever do, I tell you how the worlds becoming funnier every step the way.

How I wish to lecture this 194 countries military personel, for 1 years Westlife concert, I say 1, 2, 4, break down your movie background music theme song

Since Feb 2023.
I didn't think my make-up makes any difference when that microphone held up, you all close gate, to be honest.

Westlife is finished this year? All tour schedule? At least.....my quiet moment to them, was the silence mode, no one hears a word in Music lecture, or their attitude like 2 or 3 days ago....

Anything you read it from. 


There is a lawsuit 413 profile, sounds like a real deal.

None of you can afford it. 

Love More

You never see him this side, right? Every word heard? Tell me one person useful? Lee? Dean? Their bimbo red hair gf? or wife?

Pete? Evan? Mike? Keegan? Tom? or Tim Cook? They wish they learn every words by 2014, right? The standard was 2006, if not 2000. At all.

You mix it up.

"Love More", accent in Chinese saying means. 
"Indifferent."  冷漠

Opera Show

So do you check, that ex wife yours in 2006. What time you taken them to the beach all those news you ending up in the toilet scene, you remember that? Did she get bankrupt? If she no longer lives in the palace life like PM says keep together ? The razor in the cooking pot, so.....that is no housing, no transportation, no security, no where to be seen?

You 2 like she talking and participating in the palace, some noise, everyone knows everybody around? Did you check if the public did that behind, since 2005 or 2006, when did you do all that on the news? You !

You want me to explain to you the public can do, or that is the public image to keep? 

Even if you are just that small tiny Royal in the entire PM England at that time, or the politics only, never the Royal killing everyone around to even drugs them included. 

I am not in the public space. I never will have that issue. 

Your money is only by the public duty? I just inquire with you, all your hairs. So she must side by to make the money together, right? I just ask you if you knew all these terms and conditions. The reason the Royal family your upper cannot get rid of her, its her classify material cannot stop sending in. Its always end up her name, so they kept her close to that living quarter. You check if she has anything else on that consumer background check? Or they resolve that?

Nick has to settle both Tony and Carla's debts at my faces, during that time the bank collapse. Funny? 

This song is sounding like the "current time" if anyone listened. I am asking you a long long long time ago. They got displaced other than their original home, as early as before you met her, your mother were dead for a several year, you have a media privacy concern for how many years? No, you and your brother.

You want to check clear, just that 25 years ago, clearly. Because....they have a tendency for doing that around you 2. That one privacy concern through that media out of your sight. How long?

So this time is a guy you like, how my Panda turns to a she.

Meaning that is your prospect. Any time you take someone out, that person is a completely ruin, explain to me why or how? 

If you find out why with her, then your per introduction in any meeting, in any fantasy bossing these guy or the girl next by to be with you, you telling them the real situation.

This one guy will explain to you, how the other people will get rid of him for your initial meeting. Try that? Every single time with or without that TV. Fair? 

You want to hurt me only? I am not the public image shows up people on the newspaper, not really. Its Biden he is mix up his classify materials, so I go away, that same name anyone except him. He got too many other lawsuit or including he lawsuit someone else. To that arena, I don't need any of that. Not just him as a person, his entire environment. The lawyer is where they trigger the correct lawsuit as the presidents. You know that is the only democracy movement, or you know that is how they make the money !!! Every legal society, you know how, you can keep making the money by triggering the REAL lawsuit.

The more well off citizen doing that. Their lawyer and them make the money, or that organization. You knew that or you don't know that? Your media privacy concern lawsuit after your mother die. That one.  Do you read it yourself?

If you know how, you can make the money on triggering the correct lawsuit?

Yes ! 

What are those lawsuit?

The civil or the murder case. The phone is killing you on the antenna device near the head when you place your phone near your pillow case, or below of it. It affects the brain activities.

You just want to hurt me?

Its your entire England and America bankrupt, all the citizen included. No one does an obligate public duty scene, just by killing you, everyone is saved. One line on the American line.

That bankrupt date would be 1983. 

You don't know the democracy movement?! Just anyone be so that skillful. You don't know? Those cases are none stop in where they are going, and many of them is the high tech, that is what the DC wants to hear. Those small damage lawsuit the local court can arbitrary settle.

I give everyone their own right to make their money, even give per line, per word, per saying. I cannot do anymore than that, you meant open your mouth, someone fed you spoonful. That is too exaggerating, and I am not actually getting that, 
SO NO ONE turning into the murder case by next day. That is what it means ....to let it go. If my file goes in, everyone imagine that Disney, its the murder trial case.

Next day, like your brother.

If you are connected by ?

You mean you copy him, or assist him? Your intention is on murdering me, so if you try the second time, or the third time none stop entering the court room to see the judge, the judge will ask you, you doing that on purpose? Your lawyers or your father has to intervene somehow behind.....the judge doesn't take that kind of the bribe, but you becoming a Captain, it means you use the military laws to kill anyone in the military or in the England zone during the war time. So no one has a freedom. That is what it is on the countable.

You make the judge in fear, later he or she can sue your entire England, all by himself.  After the war time. 

But that right given you? NO! With the democracy movement, if those niche built around me, a lot of people whom made the democracy world people will come here and gather. They knew every details how to lawsuit, they will make a lot a lot a lot of money, just be on this page. All the time.

The real democracy world is none stop law suing. Never stop. 

Like Westlife and Simon Cowell when they becoming 1999.  (Your brother giggling)

Its funny, I tell you, that is Titanic after your mother be dead dead dead, and you have this bank to spell.....checks 2001. 

Funny .....After AD, everyone or anyone sueing in 2000 none stop. You know what is none stop 2000? 

Anyone be seen on that monitor 2000 front and back, will be subjected in the lawsuit. Keanu, Simon, or Westlife.

911, 2001.

I told you 2014? 
That is 20 years before 2001, and 20 years after 2001, someone seeing the activities from "The One." He got more lawsuit for this one 911 along, no one telling you?

How to do a correct democracy world fun jobs to make loads of the money?

As long as you be seen.......

uhm ? Why? The real venture capitalist are the fanatic to the court room drama or the law making activities. Some people they think its fun. Its seeking the justice of course. 

One Airbender, I can sue all of you, I can tell you that. Your father and me settle that on the arbitrary court. That is what the movie turn real, someone makes and file the claim, that is unlimited lawsuit.

Not my 800 profiles lawsuit intent written. 

Its totally different !!!

If you are very conditioned + smoking with your brother literally a big giant hole inside his brain?

I would suggest you always see a MD per month, per season, per week. You don't need your brother, Tina makes that clear with me.

1st born and the 2nd born, forever forever forever separate far far far far far away........ALL THE TIME.

My TV is on, my mother throat hurts me head twice.

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