
Cooking the Japanese food?

We have that many Japanese food here?

Ice Skating, you mean you gone to Ikea, and next by the whole mall, nothing but to eat, right.


That is the Breeze. 

You want to do your mode? Next by it or here next by the police station (red breakfast, Astor real estate....until you see the doctor )

On the way to your milk tea (left turn), or your cookies that passing the traffic light.


You want to freeze that things on your hands or arms, those.

So you find that Orange wash yourself the places? I think that is the name, no one is there, so you have to do that yourself...

Unless you have anything you need to "dry clean"? Just ask. Dry clean is by the human, the real human. Its near me. My bubble tea right next by. Downstairs.

You are in stress?  Do you go back to the hotel and sleep or rest? You wear the eye glasses? Royal eye glasses, you asking me in that Loving Hut cross, they give you a free examination, you just getting a new frame, a lighter frame?


Eye Glasses:  皇家眼鏡

I just tell them: I want a lighter eye glasses frame. You have that the newer technology 20 years ago in America. 

Contact Lens: 隱形眼鏡

Disposable : 丟棄式

How much?  多少錢

Can you get her exam and get a new frame she tried on, lighter on the two head side?


Of course you can walk there.  

This is where you plan to go to US (passport)  -- you mean Muji passport holder that stuffs?

To go to Japan plastic -- your cookies on the way or Focaccia?

Why Obama is a child format, and Britney not the Craig, or Barbie Aqua song?

These lunch boxes.....are you planning to see your options these looooooong walking morning market, or the night market to see your or their Hunger Game, meaning you literally cooking at home?

You nervous this one week? 

Taiwanese sounds like

Its a .....like the tag says in Chinese. I know the price difference. You mean where? My downstairs or the 6 Star hotel? Did you ask the receptionist where is your wood furniture their contact information? They had a display there....they might still have their name card to get on their website. 

Its really really really bright yellow shining the whole display room. Not those darken wood. Its a real those tree wood. 

From German


When you cook at home, you always know your own house, that top, any any anything if more than "the boiling the water steam" meaning just boiling methods, you need that hood on the top? The oil or the frying all that included? You change the single those web net things, or you change the entire whole set of the entire top. If without....you gonna ruin your ceiling the paint, or just that roof, that is the water vapor, humidity.

You know that right? So Night market (that is what we usually called that location), you usually say that is "night market", you don't say the morning vendor markets. You called that night market throughout, and those are all the hardware store to fix the air-con, or the kitchen all those things people.

換冷氣多少錢? 五個房間?

If I want to replace the air-con, how much? 5 rooms?


那如果你們人工過來換那個網子 (四個爐子),你們是小時計價還是,你們可以寫一張給我?

If I want to change the entire hood (pulling air), that entire up, how much?

Then if your workers coming in to change those net web (4 stoves top), you use the hours to charge, or can you write a sheet for me?

你們油漆嗎 ? 五個房間?

Do you paint? 5 rooms?


The water heater, is that to purchase from the company or you all can fix it up, all together to replace and install?

以後就是換電池就可以對吧 ?

Later, you just change the battery, right?

水泥是跟你們買對吧 ? 一袋一袋扛回去的那種?

The concrete is to buy from you? One bag to per bag shoulder carried it back, that kind?

冷氣機有那種漏水的管子,你們有那種管子透明的? 可以給我看一下?

The air con has those leaking water those tubes, do you have those transparent tubes? Can you show it to me to see?

( Night market, your loving hut or Royal Eye glasses the same horizontal street, you going left side of that Royal Eye Glasses, you will see a lot of the bucket outside the store, the bloom, or the brush, or those plastic things. )

Yeah, now? Yeah....its a night market. 8 or 9 probably still opens. You are not too far away.

You gone to the pet shop? Yes!

The end of this night market? YES!

And that is what's going on? 8 years.

The butt are all facing the outside? YES.

Those several shop, the ends of the dumpling vendor those?


Is this where you tell me W hotel to come here the Taxi to stop in the morning?


How many things you gonna buy? You gonna leave those boxes here? Tina's stuffs behind moved away. 

Right, that's why we live near, correct.

I think 101 that side has too, I don't know what's going on that bank, so I will ask them. Those are a lot newer too. The apartment.

I think you guys have a lot of issues. You can rent somewhere, and storage all that stuffs in there. 

No, you carried the bucket paints back. My mother did, and she spill it on the road, the white paint. 

Its spilling.....not too far from there. It horrors right in front of my faces. Its a governmental road arrow for the car.

Can you not to do those I see you dressing like those winter jacket, big boot you going to those American home depot those, drill a wall one of those? You can just ask them the labor costs.

You have fun, I want to go to sleep. Its Thursday night, so...Tomorrow is Friday night. It makes to you no difference but.....

okay, I fall asleep I fall asleep. Its I don't know I keep sleeping.

Cooking? ! No, the night time, that night market....no, you go to the morning market.

Next - cooking recipe?

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