
⭐️ Hugh, seeing the weather better, having a better mood to think what you gonna do next? ⭐️

Olivia has to cook, and two people stays indoor with the air-con this summer, while renovating and you getting out or come back in. Are you planning to move the entire complex sea shipping to......where? Japan, or America? You don't feel you limited to be here.

And on the few weekend, you saying, if you going back to Europe and coming back here in Taipei. You thought about it? The hospital visits included with your family, those hospital bed sent in those ambulance those? 

You need the room to have people lay down where you rest, or you going to the edge where these new apartment to be, you getting here these new built, your security, or Prince William security, to truck your entire needed things + 7-11 + post mail + the bubble tea, to arrive your new purchase anywhere, you don't need to come out of the building those places?

+ your 6+1 family (then in-laws all )

= you cooking bok choi 10 bags, and why your parents cannot order the pizza hut is for all of them to eat better. Not Olivia to cook, its you Hugh to wash the Bok Choi.


The frozen vegetable + the green bean cans (???) 

I don't know for sure if here that Costco has the green bean cans.

7 + 4 + 3 they married?

=14 people to eat inside where you gonna be?

Maybe just 7 on the table?

Your dining ware to purchase, Sogo ?!  Breeze, A13 / 11/ 9.....Or you going to next by A4, the wealthy lady ? (any restaurant inside, cargo their dining ware? )

You sit on every one of them and talk to them?

You want to just call your mother or sister, to go shopping they themselves with someone, the translator, or the security guy, or calling someone whom does all those shopping to put in that one space you get?

You get a place and tell them shopping til they fill up those things inside?

You will only worry about the pick-up, your transportation and that apartment utility per month and go to the gym inside. 

Or you want to get those single 5 floor those? Those has no elevator in them.

Your security and Prince William's = 2 floor, that is brand new right now.

They eating the bubble tea in front of them, and since they will be similar to you? Nothing to do and taller, they can walk in the night market every single day, no harm to them. They are nothing important people. Correct.

How about your keyboard all that? Where? If just here, you ask them like on the weekend they go to 2 or 3 place in the night market, and Monday they go to 光華商場,every time they go, they take a photo to show you what they get that month, and you tell them to wait, or they keep walking, so you staying home. They ship it with the truck (the next load all vegetable, or the produce, or the household item - including with the Costco + the bubble tea), they unload that next Monday for you, or Monday + Friday, those hours.

They....will be every single day eating those food, and sleep there, drinking, seeing, checking their mail box, or your 7-11 order to arrive and storage them in that space. Its not that giant. I saw the sq meter just now.

That is brand new for you or for them. My dentist don't like them, but I think....because you come here to sleep and rest, and recuperate, those mountain somewhere is more quiet. 

I am not sure you like to go out and walking, or you can just stay indoor for the 2 or 3 weeks, never walking out, but you say its those 5 floor without the public utility, you don't have a gym inside.

They will be there every morning and night market, 3 seasons of the year times, right.

No, its fine for the normal people too. No, you can come with them, you sleep on which floor, they 2 put in one apartment, that is only 7-10 floor, near me, my dentist next by?

They are very noisy. They are right on the road. 

Is there a reason you and Prince William need that Shangri La location + this new place location, and not at W Hotel + the Hyatt those 2 places where if the King arrives, they all there with you 2? 

There is a membership counter on the floor somewhere, bright and shining....the swimming pool. You need those membership card for a year you feel better? I never see it if that is the gym, or just the swimming pool. You getting 1 year, you don't feel you lost the card, or lost that ground where you belong to?

The same building, one of those upper floor, the same elevator you going up, those elevator circle. There is a membership bright and shining....its a souvenir shop. You ask for the pamphlet? 

You give them the blind choice in the car then....you use the traffic time. They don't see the map, or never required to use the map, just the location to get from W to Hyatt to edge. You deliver everything else manually. 


I had this on my facebook the first time....

Your Fedex number 12345 -10

The first link the first click - "The normal temperature"


The lower temperature: https://www.t-cat.com.tw/product/cool.aspx

The economic Fedex https://www.t-cat.com.tw/product/economy.aspx

The same day Fedex (to your home): https://www.t-cat.com.tw/product/day.aspx

Street....or the facebook, one of those. 

No, my eye sight see, or someone just hand it to me. On the street. I live here, Hugh.

Might be.....a truck to the bakery, I key in the phone number, or the facebook, one of those. 

My TV, my news, my lunch.....

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