
It must be Ronan's those video inside....fat and giant women, die, and dying, away those?

No food, no cooking, no interior design, no language, giggling, everything is funny and put in a different way says?

I keep seeing them angry, so I don't talk to them every once a while. Shane or Nicky. I think their home have no food, no driving, no grocery shopping, and every girl talking none sense, not bow, kneel, flat, you know...how to cut the knee, here you have the philiphine's maid, and everything indoor, so the elevator up or down, she and Shane or Nicky has a food, any time like in 10 mins.

Right now, you have no food, without the electrocity such as the gay worlds, no one works, no more nucleus factory, Meaning no heating, you all gonna freeze to death like the Frozen says.

Think in a better term, none of you worthy.....just look at your face and the photo dying away. You need to feed the guy per words, per sentence right. Most guys don't talk, you have to talk to them 24 hours a day, they are so used to talk talk talk, processing the sentence, I Anna write, they react inside their brain, so they text, so they say, or they talk. Meaning they understand what it says in English.

That way, they keep learning in the conversation not just in English, its in comprehensive and logic manner. And if speaking none stop, meaning they practice on it, they can all go to Washington D.C, and meet you all again.

This is so needed to see each other fate again, in the movies or the real world life time. Funny.... clinging, or clingy, lean onto, feeling the sentimental like a child.

What time this is?


My TV, my news.

They have this so giant eye glasses....you mean you don't need them, right? Every time I am looking at these 10,20 eye glasses.....that is the real eyesight, or that is not the thin eye glasses frame? They look horror to me, I never want to talk to them anymore ~~~~I scream !

They are not really supposed to be an inept, ANY guy, not supposed to?

This is not one of those Irene or Hailey's novel, books, detective, or comic books? You flip like you care about it, so you tell them the guys? 

I am scared, or the birds scream, or I went too sleepy, maybe not talking to Shane, so I talking to ALL OF YOU?!!!! That is not Shane, that is Nicky?~~ That is not actually glue next by the Ireland used to be PM?

You all girls so screw it up~~~

I give Shane or Nicky about 2 package instant noodle, just one luggage, I pay for them, in there, they have about 3 days food, not going out to shopping, They call, they mail, they start their car or the car garage.

By the weekend, that is one flight England to Taiwan, back here.

If they want. They didn't need to fix one thing inside the house, just go in, and process all the mails, and.....they decide if they go and grocery shopping for 2 weeks food. They can immediately change!!

Yeah that one luggage

  • The bagel (6)
  • Our cheese, are per slice "wrapped" with the plastic (1 package has 8-10 slice)
  • Chinese we have these white noodles (storage), you use those zip bag. I put like 2 bundle, not everything the instant noodles. (some of these instant noodles package)

No, the cheese don't melt, no. Its soften, and Shane put in the fridge, that is re-set. 

Nicky and Kian I doing all that the same. They can get in the house and have the food, sort all the mails, and lay down, shower, sleep. Next day, staying around these food, and next day.....they might just fly back, boring day, Saturday one weekend flight, they are back here.

Do they want to drive that car to shop for 2 weeks grocery food, to clean the fridge, or these bed sheet again?

  • We have a smaller piko, sweet. No, not sour, no, its very sealed. 
  • Cut a smaller creme cheese in the zip bag.

You pack enough, its the cloth, and the plastic bag, and plastic bag in the soft towel.

But this is all the food in one luggage. 

Shampoo, or the travel VIP longue their Asian airline usually have !!! I got those Muji storage container, its our home shampoo, or the conditioner, I re-package, they have 3 days at least all those things from the luggage. Yeah, the chemist pour those one thing to the container in the traveling pockets stuffs. Its all in Muji.

  • The can gluten. Very tasty+ the peanut can. (small, they are all small)
  •  12345 zip bag those snack here. You seeing it in the photo.
  • Some rice triangle with salmon in it. Its wrap it up. Its probably next day good. But they won't lack of the food even. 
  • The instant cup and the instant noodles
  • A brand new water boiler, they leave that at home, and replace that older one.
  • The seedweed package.
  • 魷魚絲 (The day you find out, that chef's name), it will be .....these made of the fish.
  • Those Swiss chocolate instant package. 
The kitchen one towel, the napkin, or the plastic plate.

When they finish the luggage, they leave that at home. 

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