
They eat a lot, so they exercise a lot here...The fitness center.

The plate, the dish, the eat-out, or they go to drink on their own, and walking home. 

I have not fully aware the fitness home suppose to look like, but they are all design in the basement for some reason. I didn't really think they coming, but....Aqua these, that day if they really land, I ask them. How important this is to you?

Right, maybe I ask first.

Why? I didn't know, so I walk over everything myself, but I didn't know all these until I have to explain to Hugh. I was just taking him all around, not really on the route to remember, that is the End of Tunnel, I describe to him, not I really know. 

I screaming myself. I never had anyone coming in.....take him around. 


No, I was finding all the things. Sometimes I follow the crowd kept going. And I keep running in it, so I learn later on, but....there is a lot of the but...until he shows up ! I talk so I realize what do I say??!

Finding things like......those crowd are keep going with it. 

No, of course not everything. He is not farmiliar where he is, and keep moving. Later...maybe, I am not sure what he is doing, or his family, or his friends. It looks like only 3 in NYC, so, it wasn't exactly I see. Those are not his stuffs?!

Shane and Nicky they look like they doing the business, so maybe they do that in Ireland or Europe, but here, they can talk on their own better. They have so many these meeting place, or the cubical romance hotel upper restaurant those seating, between the people they do business all that.

I don't, but they go out, from their apartment. I am guessing, not I really know. They wear these funny eye glasses, inept definition, they used to be, oh okay, they were jumping around, right. 

They....not sure they can walk, so I go on my own.

Probably most of time. 

You know you finding things....what things to find? Right?

No one knows, here everyone moves out, Taiwan has no economic as much like Japan or Korea on tourism. No. These are....they cannot come back here, too high living expense.

I happened to get home, or arriving home.
I happened to stare at the TV, I happened to process all that for 2 years.
I happened to telling you all none stop, I written them down, I drew out, and I keep saying to 194 countries. I didn't know one person whom will come in.

Every route, there is something to find?!

Now I explain, of course I was screaming these few days too. Not I am consciously know that is the Buddha stream. Its a prince religion text documented something...I was checking my vision. I roughly guess that is where the Caser's hotel. There are a few things I am all that intuitive going in.

But right, if Shane or Nicky stop somewhere, on the phone, I tell them, don't move. I arrive and I will find them as long as they are in the people where they can see them. 

They are in any area here, just happened....for some reason walking out, I can find all of them here around. These few place all around.

It started with .....the things I buy.

There are people say they cry on Mark's song. After all these routes.


I teach Hugh the underground, not yet the up ground. 

Here is cheaper, you all asking whom, you all putting your comic book 

Here to sit on those counter top hotel, or the meeting room where you seeing a lot of the people to talk about it. I can buy some flowers, its all the grand hotel venue, you can book. The food its all from outside, you get in the room, you can always find the food outside, inside, order, or Uber.

( Are you serious? )

The ice skating comic book? So.....my video, those? And Hugh went, I am not sure. I didn't teach him. Its in ....the painting I tell Ronan, or Kian one night, the first time we met last year. They didn't know that was the painting.

( Are you serious, this is about the comic book, or you mean the movies, or the scripts line, I say SYSTEM, no one feels.....that is beyond the human intelligence a bit ?  Its horrific? )

Okay, me, or they....Ashram I pretending this China TV, the real thing any Ashram they used to could have, its only the food, the water, the tea container, the shipping gear, the cart, the car, or the van in the city, or where you find these catering people or the moving people. 

I think Aqua, right.....I kinda loose the comic book other than the land structure, I find something else or I was traveling, not finding the correct term I say to Hugh.

The guy comes, and I look at his face.....if he has the reaction, I show him something else next day by or too tired and go home and sleep. My birds outside, they can go to the park and see it. Anywhere I go, they were those trees outside their hotel. 

(  Is this normal ?  )

When these here are finished, right.....some of you 194 whomever has to work out some leading karma. I can re-sume my these jobs. I used to do. I make some money, so I spend on checking it again and again, you used to hear that, not you literally seeing me checking per booth, per structure, per landing scene.

I don't like the comic book anymore.

Did I ever tell you that National Treasure 1 or 2? 

You seeing in this morning, that.....you seeing those Ian guy, or any guy keep walking in the structure, the door frame their height, the glasses, the door rim, the reeling every word in English, I trying to use?

Can you just wait til the Judge they work it out the comic book? The passive human character and not liking every guy, its my money issue, or my title....they should have the money too, all that. But....if the judge or the court room never call me, and I never call them, it has never anything happened, you never think like that?  Never about the comic book? It was not supposed to be real and you all using my comic book? I don't like those things.

Did you try to decode your own comic book? My movie sequence, that is my money living expense. I earn my money that way. Mine stuffs. I know them, not every book content, but I seen it. 

I am guessing they can do that for you, but I don't want to participate it. Per day....if I sit on my desk 194 countries, that is per day I yield my per daily bread, I thought about one comic book to sit with which guys?

With the guys, local here Taiwanese or Chinese will say, 『One less wordy to say, say nothing at all. 』

One less words to say. Similar like that. They are....the gays?! I don't want to give them....the marriage all that, that is my business. I don't know them or any of you. When you re-sort into the last 25 years whatever these 1999 looks to you, my side has these W Two Worlds, you saying the high school, or near the TOEFL or SAT or ACT, all those might mean the hell for you. Sam or Sammy, all those inside the movies, people gone to their direction of the new profession.

I get to becoming.....1, just one me. The job happened to hoovering, and I just stay this is my jobs, my mother I take care of. That is important and means to me. The rest....it doesn't need to mean a thing anymore, all those TV whatever I can see or tell.

You serious? This is somewhat degree, the comic book, or the novel, or the inside movies?


The tape water factory (the underground water factory), the home maintenance, I saying that.

I think its more negative than the positive. You secure with the legal things, that's the best. You don't need a true love, just stay healthy, and not the medical complication to say bankrupt in America too expensive, and not accidental insurance. All the things I already say, its all a lot more negative than the positive. 

The diet, the fat, the internal medicine, where your mother comes from. Very moody, or stable, or be with that things you care about it. Considerate they were the mother, the money short, or the physical short in the health maintenance. 

I have to watch my mother every single step.

My parents, the sibling, or the cousin, just one life long burden, be home....these are all their junks to purchase, or running back and forth, someone is home. No, I listen I don't get involved, but I listen and I find out. Every little details things, every neighbor, every house here, or on the windows for sale, or every sign, every store, every....cubical, dare to have one funny thing!! 

I hate the human to the needle greedie, they will see the end of the hell around where I can see them here. No one cares about the Asian anyway here. Its my house here.

... ... you know, the guys aren't the most important thing in life. I will tell you that.

They are not organized, or they are not the paper in order, the paper works. Inside them, you imagined.....the friends or near by, that is very very bad what these TV evolved to look like. 

They do on purpose inside their mind, or outside in life.....all these TV, you know what's the real life, their own attitude. Without that TV, you already knew, so why going back to those TV and time? To have 2 words debates feeling the novel romance, the guys could response? Back and forth? Is that part of the novel?

No, I want to know? He can shoot back your words you say, that is a romance like the Chinese Ancient time say, those saying? 

We have a lot of those saying, right.

The gays shoot back each other's words, too. They like that better? Their best friends, those?

So, let them choose?! Walk away. 

Don't see, don't know, don't walk. Every seasonal greeting, I will be there for the prayers like your religion, don't think, don't feel, don't even know that person exist in any universe like the TV meant the hell of all these true scene.

None of them is anything significant or importance. Your time will run out, if your parents die that day, one of them.

I want to nap, at home I can brush the teeth, shower, wash up, wash the clothing, mop the floor, hair removal the floor, the counter, the counter cloth.....

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