
⭐️ My voice got accelerated ....⭐️

This must be England which one of you?  I cannot talk to Shane?!

Classify and the legal fee

They are not going to put Snowden......... Me and Ryoya next by (behind)

VS that is irrelevant.

What's the next?  Voice Memo (5:44) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XzOeDbChc-ZcH6GRxVH9I426uhqukpBc/view?usp=sharing

  • Stand like standing, sit like sitting.
  • Edward Snowden, me and Ryoya
  • Without the red hair, none of those on the VS is the reality.
  • Your only clear vision or clear ID badge is your cash flows, and that paychecks you imagine that is a whistle blowers
  • Or MD 6+2 System MD 4+2, to keep that literacy
  • The boundary line, the American or England to represent the public interests.
  • Talking like a kid, or talking like 1000 guys in that side, you would refer them as the Classify.
  • Any women can come out: the weight, the shape, the literacy, the image
  • Just Kerry and Me
  • Everything else is irrelevant, but you can show up. None of that is the cash flows, none of that is relevant to the reality. None of them is the lawyers neither, they want to learn that correctly. 
  • The citizen is the wrong words, to be honest, and probably the judge understands what that is - between the fake or saying that is not down pour to a "citizen". 
  • None of that is correct. 

The Weight

I was the teens time, and after to America or Canada, its the same weight coming it down. You stop eating, the weight will go down. I don't trust this on-line why I aged, and my weight goes up to where, but I ate closer before, and coming it down, staying it put as now, after this year I think about it.

I think...

You stand like you standing, sit like you are sitting, whichever you are more stable to your next evolution - in stage you planning in your life.

How do you draw my desk...your senior officer.



Westlife they are a professional in singing, as a layers of the "sound machine", you watching the Pitch Perfect 2 (or 3), you.....want to tell me something, where you are inside your military to believe that?

Show up to your senior officers, whom sit there?

  • The diamond in the sky
  • The Proposal

Do you mean the solo artists, as YOU as you yourself, you are a label, you are a record deal, you are a platinum ? Those are their music world in their stage award time to "label" them, and this has anything to do with your public fame inside.....where? The Classify or the military? 

I have a feeling, you just like to sing, many of you. Including if the TV camera is on your faces to those advertisement all around the music and the sound and the spot light ( the big camera light ) to talk a few words in front of the TV microphone - I have a sensation that might be the real reason, to be honest. You got it wrong though. These singers, or the professional I believe they built up their character like that, seriously.

No, they know what they are doing, so they succeed in the 80s, 90s, 2000, 2010, 2020. You got mix up, those competition quota are like the million : 1. 

You can just be a music teacher, and having a subscribers like you and me, 1 millions and 1 me without the TV stage to go on the America TV station. Just the same Youtube here, one link to a new Youtube, nothing but the music theory.

So I am asking you, you want to go on the Television network in America, like Westlife in Radio City, those? Howard Stern 20 years ago or Simon leading that American Idol? That time the Youtube wasn't youtube, those?

I think that was not my instruction to any of you?

My Instruction was? None of you becoming the Westlife competitor, that is what you mean, or that is what you enter here in Taiwan, how to move your title to where? Which title would that be? I think you enter in China.

You are a girl or a guy?

You would be label as a solo artist, like Tina Jojo those album CD, and where you publish your music on the music chart performances, or the Broadway Show like those star from Zombie movie 3? 

Those are not Westlife, they are the boyband, similar to Backstreet Boy, or NSYNC, Ireland and American, a little bit different so they are active or living in Ireland. Their business, the music business like Kian and Nicky goes on their TV seasonal shows.

A real TV?

I am asking you, you go on the Germany Voice like Ronan?

Do you speak in Irish? I speak in Madarin ....Kian and Nicky I think they don't speak in English, trying to look like coast to coast, you seeing their label from SHANE?


Is England you all focus on?

The pitch perfect 1 and 2 and 3, and is there anything I didn't see? I am talking this lengthy starting with you all England?

Olympia has a volleyball? Okay I understand where your brain is at.

You mean right now that Paris Olympia? Taiwan ...both Taiwan and China can enter, of course. They both exists. China is very strong in it. Taiwan is not very known to the world, but they all exists, correct. We...no, Taipei ...no.


But I understand what you are saying now. Its a....coach, our real male short coaches comparing to the normal guy's height, he was the National Player, he was.

No, we rarely seeing him, correct. He doesn't exist often. Very few time, he shows up. We were on our own live or die, that kind both in the school, or join in the team with the rest of the other "we seeing each other" at the near by practice court or the gym, everyone needs that original fix class to pass the grade and get on the university. 

The grade ! None of you needs to pass the grade in the Western sphere? We need to.

We don't usually have those Big and Little talk, but....we usually next year becoming the correct Big and Little training them included.

They live or die by themselves with the big = us. That tradition in those teams, do pass on. Most people don't enter the team, not really. 

Both the first lady school, the 3rd lady school.....I think the boys school too. 1st, 3rd and 2nd too.

I don't think we social that much to be honest. Taipei or Taiwan, NO! 

Isn't you ladies should dwell on your Hunger Game, inside your brain imagination included?

Even that is not the best time right now inside your life. Your head.


You all talk behind? No, I am not paying an attention, we are raining in the south. There is nothing here, right now. 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. 

You watching Olympia?

The winter Olypmia has the ice skating or those before jump in the water those, dive, or not sure the words, or those ribbon gymnastic. You watching the volleyball ever?


You imagine your age, or my age, aren't we the same age?

I am too short for those. Your are the white taller race. I grew up here in Taipei.

The practice, right. If they lack those practice people in Olympia, for whichever reason.

AI selecting?

.... No, there is no such things the AI selecting in our world. No such things going outside, I say that so many times now. Forget about all those. Definitely not. 

Each of your brain inside your mansion are on different things

3 months to 3 years your water bathing your 2 hands and 2 feet, you drinking those 20 gallons water inside your room. You have to learn how to maid your service to put through those things inside your own very near space, learn that right.

To your citizen or even the alliance happened....

You are all the leadership they can see. Those are the correct topics inside their life, or they wishing you all well life. What do you usually do on your office desk, and you admin those younger military world NOT the classify worlds, never that?

Me and Shane is me and Shane ! Last year talking should be long enough to be honest. I see the TV, or I see what I used to live, that is I conclude on my own phone, whom I am contacting with. That was not initiated with the romance to say, be together.

"Hi ~~~~ Shane ! You are all on the tour again! I can see ! "

Don't you all have a job in your daily interaction on the desk to reply to the public?

Your grandmom ...... (turn and look)

You suppose to be doing like your father other than that gulfing ? Your public correspondence to them, all? Greeting to all them, all? 

No, I didn't see Shane before. Not the Pitch Perfect, of course not. I see their each boyband MV stories inside. I already forgotten all of them. But correct, the day they show up, and I spent about 2 months to their name first and the last name, they arrive in the end of Feb. I had some weeks to figure it that one out. 

Shane ~~~~~~

Of course not the Pitch Perfect, that was the girl's singing. No. I remembered something in the past. If I seeing these now, the movie, right....okay, the girl's power time. Okay, that is after 1 year and half. 

Yes, the leadership. That entire school....the high school. What do you all do in your high school? The popularity, right? 

No, BGT the Diversity is not very clear, no. 

First image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V1yWKkOngY

That is their group. The guy's. We girls never seeing it....until the last day right on the performance, but that was just between they and us. Not a formal performance. 

You know why I am the guest performance?  The girls don't get enough people and that was a club, not a university team. We just finish the regional, I becoming part of their club?

I don't remember we have the little .....the club, it is strange whom I go with them to the South Taiwan for a trip. I forget, too long ago. Toooooooooo long ago.

Yes, W Two Worlds those time, Jason and Vicky (Henry or Eric)....I actually don't know what they went on those year, no. Yeah, they will be the first boy and the first lady school.

Yeah, when was the last time I seeing so many students clubs activities with the girls? And the boys....next by? 


Not classify

But that is a good thought. They go home, they are like you and me. They eat, they watch the movie and they listen to the music. If they like the music, they purchase those music, including those Korean independent artist, not necessary the TV exposure. 

Any of that looks like me and Thor table desk counter? 

I have a job, he has a job. Both of us have to make a living, so are the rest of the artists, any kinds of the ages, from the youth to his age, near by all those boybands - that is THEIR real jobs? Your real jobs are not to sing, do you?

Your grand mom's desk? Those are your desk soon one day, or side by included?

The father and the daughter singing duet, those are the public near by?


You are not the only one, including the President many kinds, their head put into the right concept where they suppose to be? If Shane comes near, its just one Shane and one me.

Cooking on the table if he comes, or his friends come here.

Next - your.....

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