
No, not last year case. Do I know ....the debates to move the humanity if could...to the celestial, Mitchin, for example?

oh ~~~ (big eyes). got you. Yes. I know, my first sentence. No, not the last year that case. No. 

You would mean the Game of Throne.

No? The judge says.

Have you talked to Mitchin that rulership, one judge did?!

Mitchin is not a thing over there. He admits that to me now, or he just always knowing that. His sensation that rulership or when they got told to be that sunshine brighten place, too bright, results in this skin tone, or later longer age to the oxygen mask to be killed...included, that was defined as the lower celestial sunshine too bright place. 

They didn't know, the whole unit didn't know until I am telling them. You all take for granted, what was told to me. They have to be alert or that sense no matter what. They know there is Zen or the spiritual guidance, but the classify America, they....he....Mitchin will tell you, that is not how that guy being drawn on the comic book that simple. Its exactly or worsen of that background, when they show up...he reads online free?

That is not the definition on Earth.

"God endow the better day, to your sweat of your forehead, that sincerity to running thin like that Ronan, or Jesus fuck up a one lifetime mistake....to say Vampire, all of that a bite, a kiss, a kill...by mistaken. "

Which sounds, the correct description that I am that I am?

So Mitchin, or any of them....technically with that MD too, no one ever thought that contracts, or the expense to end up there, was a celestial saying. Of course not. They know its okay, not that they know its with their life can be all killed, all that.

It looks like 100 units of them, not his world, or...1 or 2, FAR away, another edge. That rulership knows. 

Can the president meeting and pick up that Mitchin? I think they can ask and demand, yes.

Can he just land on the White House top? I think....someone emits that thoughts.

(Thunder, thundering )

He would be sitting like sitting, correct. The zen bending knee before him at his throne. But I don't know he actually literally seeing that. Everyone has a throne.

You want me to use that language?

No, everyone's throne suppose to be golden, bright and shining inside. I cannot see it on the google image. I cannot see his, I see mine and Babaji's, right. When he was in his correct form. 

Maybe you just use that book Loving the Silent Tear.

First square +500 - 500 dollar per month the witness program: Emily to Paris

To sound like, all these metro when you walk around near the time 5 oclock, even Hugh can seeing it this Daan Station, that is okay, safe. But this people walking behind shorter than him, he and Oliva walking to buy those small vendor's shining things, these Asian are tired, a lunch box carried in the hand, walking slow, not turning right or left to watch, or the oily hair black hair folicle. 

That LST first square will mean...

1. Emily keep buying other people stuffs to comfort others in her religion sounds like a church Sunday. She is that type, but that is not the expense.

2. Rigid and screaming attitude, too tight. No, not necessary saying the murdering nature.

3. A quick show up, a quick home, its debts or the expense at the monthly.

4. Every fallen digital era in this Taipei city, where.....a. and b. type of the people watching, guess what......you hurry home, you are in debts like my mother, or eating home, or stress felt, or shopping somewhere, imagine the window shopping cannot afford. She is a handicap. I mean the youth. Very very thin on the legs, very very thin in a color like being hunger means.

5. All the identifier of 9-5 jobs will be restricted going home is the immediate things for the next day works to get the paychecks.

You are not living here, so you didn't feel the human population, and in debts or the true facts of the human world looks like.

You just compare to those white trash anymore in debts and in political heighten, you know what you are saying to push further, a legal fee.....funny. I care to explain one more time?

You want me to describe to the whole universe, 10 years ago....because with the correct description, they might realize, the true facts, what is a legal fee means....at all.

I have a such talent to write.

"With the gratitude, to this air and space, how the car door slam, and felt, my brand new file, this moment in life, how I gonna walk in, my heart pumping with the heart beats, my parents can no longer restrain me, that day I will come and becoming....the magic King."

No, not the magic queen. Why don't you just always adhere my every word, cross, cross....it off.

I already told you what the omnipresent felt, if you were me, you would have cut the Earth in half, I am telling you, writing these 1000 kinds of the variation.

"To this brand new day, so earth fresh of that air.....only I can hear my own heart beat. This car slam door was quiet, I am sincere. I am humble servant, I am ....I am ...I am....looking straight this door to the touch of the magic lawyer door knob."

"When I am coming out, I will breath again, deep breath, close my eyes, this is exciting, no one says the life is not positive, anyway, I am sincere." 

"One more step to the screen door, breath. breath, breath, the light is with me, the Jesus is with me. I know I am I am I am."

We finish about this?

The debates can go on in the city hall, not actually moving the civilization to define a military domination, roughly they have an order of the hierarchy, but each sphere, that is where they breath, and the general mass of the traffic people they breath and go home. 

Right, its nothing like you think, correct.

Most time, right. The sensation is not correct, whatever the imprint to you, I understand.

No, the celestial always collaborate, of course. You have a spirituality, you go to the heaven with that background of yours. No, not the nun or the monks, they go to where their oath to be.

No, it would be the central I think....those are the physical dimension, we.....party home in the heaven, but correct. Babaji, I don't know which story he gonna change in the end of the every day, but there is one story of his crime, that is the correct story, I can tell you that. He operates, right.

What, which correct current story?

Its ....a ....I think its becoming like the TV, its the million years he was in the hell, not the first time I say, and he and his wifes - the celestial wifes have the problems. Don't think, don't talk about him, don't dream about him, don't look at him....don't imagine him, sorry...

So 10 years, right. Okay, the legal fee?

Right, I told you the truth.  a) Do you use the credit card online  b) You pay at the court room how do you submit the file through the lawyer, or you 2 walk in together to pay, or he pays?

No, I have not. You told me 10 years ago, I will stop them all of these.

No, I have never seen a correct reason, the uniform, or the police that much, to say.....the court room door rim. The TV says what, I don't touch it, no. The Super Power, right. But I think for that too, including the police line.

I went to somewhere, walking....to see. Here. The line on the ground, its red. The do those pig painting on the wall all over this city, makes the ugly all steel door.

I want to think about it. That was my conclusion, but those time, I don't even know the word, "The court", 6 years ago. I didn't know there is a word like that.

hmm...no. It was the time, I calculate the time. The system time.  2021.

No, those are not to directly at the court room, no. I let people know or I obligate doing something, I can do that. No, not walking in, no. I can test it, like I used to say - testing. 

I comprehend a several thing, I can only do that, I know there is no defendant, no, I wasn't very clear the detail details of anything later I found out how to call those, or that one formula. At the beginning, it was....a lot more comprehend that that that that that, I can only do  "this", but none of that is the correct form, I know that, I testing, and try to see......how I can maneuver that. Like you maneuver the water those sensation. Its a lot more like a profile.

But, now I can describe that a lot more clear. When I was too in a hurry to write, I only know how to...keep putting it down the statement, I cannot literally putting an order for you, why or how. I comprehend, that that that that that, this is I nail it first-to-do.

Can I withdraw?

..... God gives the humanity a justice, in the modern all walk of life. Its our obligation to efface all the society garbage if we endow with a correct power.

None of those is what you called that, I think. that is my answer.

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