
Not yet ! ( The typhoon here yet?)

At south. The eye of the typhoon, not the outskirt you seeing all these clouds, those are the air / the rain / the cloud means the rains !!!

And why its not landing at us?

Its at the south, they are moving from the sea south to north China, that way. South East to North West.

So why its not landing at us?

They are formed in the sea where the water evaporated to becoming a cloud, the basic climate how the rain comes from.

And why its not landing at here?

We are the land, they were from the sea.

Its Tomorrow morning 11 o'clock the map tells you. It getting bigger and bigger you can see it the radius. 

My nap time

Its the neighbor construction time...they use the drill for those concrete made wall.  

You gonna relocated to the basin edge near, one of those towel new built? They are far away from everything BUT, they have the public utility all that, the public gym, or the swimming pool, or anything of that.

Me? No. Movie: Blend. I just happened to saw it.....

I grew up here, I really need all my roads here. I like here, near by they were all grew up here, the family or the sibling.

You delicate 6 months in the language perfection. Those basic conversation. 6 months its more than enough + the writing. The simple conversation, you can do it. 2 Years you are perfect. If that is your plan, and how you utilize this hospital to find out a certain thing, all included.

I need to talk to my Linkedin, Frank says no. But Westlife has their Sensai (that is the Japanese word means the teacher )~~~

You are just walking inside the hotel, they are more than fine. You didn't see the cloud coming, you can run from the rain back to the building from the Family Mart. You can go there, get the things. Tomorrow 11:00 in the morning. Its hot and sunny outside, I see the cloudy, but I didn't see the dark cloud = to rain.

I cannot give the link, Frank says. (someone else says)

The outside that is the military practice siren....its on. The Air Defense Drill

My phone is on.....too.

Do you see it or hear it from your both phone, and the outside?

The typhoon siren, of course not. Its at the land where the typhoon land, near by those sea siren and the land siren. Anywhere you seeing the typhoon?

The sea siren is at the sea.

The land siren is at the land.

Its in English on my phone, (where they two suppose to be).

I like that fried rice ~~~

You really want that pizza? You order on the phone and you pick from the taxi, tell him wait, he just going around that street turn left, another left, at this traffic light turn left again to Peace Ann Road, it may not even rain by 5 oclock, you want to eat your pizza that late?

oh ~you check their time? No. Its raining outside now. 

So its just rains, right. You want to see?

At muji there you cannot see, right. You go to the doorman, you tell him, where he stands, you stands next by, its all roof there they make for the car, that is how you see, right.

The military siren on again, the drill is lifted, at 14:00. Right now.

The birds can talk now.....

So humid, the rain stopped, you cannot breath outside, the siren off... a long sounding ? Right, first time. The sun is outside now. Too hot.....

Right, there is nothing outside. Correct.

Just wait? You go back to your room, or you want to go to Family Mart? You just stay indoor until the rain pass, and walk back. Its tomorrow 11:00. 

Yeah, you want to go to Burger King?! hahaha......

okay, you know what is a typhoon? 

You want to go to 京站區? You can, you stay until 7 oclock? 

Is that raining again?

Yeah, you can go to 101, its more near. You just stay in the hotel walking around all that.

Its dark cloud .....

Its bigger rain now.

I want to wash my hair again.....can you two walking on your own ~~~stop raining, just too humid /wet/ hot....not breathing at it.

Is England reading this Burger King?

The option.....3 down on the main page. King...its says.  A very long term and conditioned about your play game that controller. 

You want to know the afternoon tea?


銅板下午茶 = The coin afternoon tea.

Buy one get one. 買一送一

The birds say that is not good, because 7x7 =49. 

Peter didn't die. My mother says last week.

This spicy.....anyway I tell the birds know. That is not good, so stop me. I didn't look at the price.


This is 99 like forever...


The fish burger.

Sorry, with the Asian floor, I have to keep glueing, after hair dry...because....you never had a long hair, and I didn't get my hair cut yet. Its that every time you finger through to dry, you will know the hair falls. If not glueing, its mopping. Laterly I cannot really mopping, so I just keep glueing these floor. 

Watching the news ~~~ the typhoon !

So ....its this morning that baby things?

System people, that typhoon is not destroyed by the Taiwan mountain, the middle ridge parts if you look clear that entire geography where the correct ridge to be, you all evacuated where?

This is going your way......bye ~~~~~~

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