
Shopping for a women's lady's bag.....

The public consent those? The popularity such as? Howard Stern those radio not on the Satellites, the Radio City like Westlife in NYC, more to those CBS, ABC, or Fox, those are to the public. You holding up a microphone to manage a riot, those are not enough the street public passing it by. You mean the Washington D.C, the politician consent to their state voters. Those are the public consent, correct.

And you agree?

No, I mean I understand where you get that from, from the judge and there is a saying, correct. I know.

And here is not the public?

Its my website, they come and go. You will be doing a riot, I think that is what you intend to do, that is not the judge says, but those are similar. Like SMCH, a religious riot. 

And you agree? 


But you didn't enter the court.

I cannot reason with you.

You run a female president campaign microphone to talk?

You ....go to those current them, and seeing their youtube, or the facebook, the twitter or the instagram. You starting at a register's account, and starting to your family, the relative, or the near by friends, to sign up your account as your subscribers.

= to be like them. And then you call them with those one click away to message all of them, or on your wall, you want to bring them to a real in-person's meeting, not paid, but free. Everyone can bring their family or the relative to join.

You bring on the first meeting, you go to the public.


You bring on 20 meetings, and one day, you asking them in person some question, or at those meeting or the 21th meeting, "Do you all want to show up with me to the Washington D.C to supporting me to becoming the King of Kings, those myth and the legend, no more democracy world the law degree debates we doing that every night dinner at the restaurant, or the hotel venue, we all have fun to discuss. Its me the real show."

No !

If you bring Westlife like the personal in life....is that the popularity, those talk I need to?

That is not the reason I get rid of them, but I can tell you, I prepare just to get rid of them by looking at them, right.

Is cooking or this third language is not your....born language, one of those define, one of those criteria? 

I have checked.....UN or UNISEF, I think UN. They preserve a certain culture, to align with that nation and Taiwan is not Ireland speaking in English, I am aware of that. I have a situation to be forced into, not I care that is or how it was, or will be, any of those context to claim anything. I have a present situation. 

This city doesn't require to cook, we just happen to be like that. 

Is there something.....I need to know, why some of these look rather strange? 

My mother? Right, you want to ask? No, there is a reason why people have to die, its not right now, right.

Do you look pretty if she is dead?  They might be jailed, not just be dead, right. Long time ago.

I am kinda of busy, that is my best answer to you, so a lot of those trivia things isn't the most priority what that is on the screen, or the afterward outcome, and....when that day comes, I can just say I want the quiet and peace space for another 5 years. My physical head injury and their jailing facts, i don't need any of those spotlight for 5-10 years until my head doing better. I can choose to see a doctor, or sleep at home. Without any of those guys included. I know my terms and condition.

Grieving for the family, those?

Jailing, is not grieving or the mental hospitalized facility, I put the efforts in every day those monitization to the best I can do, and the rest are the people in there to take care + I know their system or the around help fine.

Does that affect you?

You want that to affect me? Its next by, going up the hill with a driver.

You have a driver?

I process my own life.

But you say you are grieving to the family.

That is dead means, she is not dead but I am aware some other internal medicine implying, I do my best to prepare for her and the rest of the near by family, all those included. I have a brain to demonstrate, I think I am fine.

So they, or she won't be dead?

She goes to see a doctor more in confine space, or some other things I am not aware of, those are fine.

So in our cases, she won't be dead?

The judge will tell me if that is she dead, or downstair all those jailed included. 

And that is when you declare?


But that is a judge.

You afraid the judge shows up?

I afraid what you gonna say to the judge.

If its at the home, its not formal.

Its a judge.

(Look at you) I look at the judge, and l listen.

What is not formal?

He and you are not related to the day he present here. My mother is my family member, for 40 years those saying, grieving, or left behind, those comforting words, and my life be disturbed this far, and the necessity my other sibling all those issues.

The police cannot see you, the judge has to greet you?

... ... even the president can tell me, but this case the judge is fine.

What is this case?

You fear of something why I had a case or he has a case, or whom brought a case in the home setting, the discussion is about "a case" other than my mother and my near by every relative shows up on the BIG TV monitor, those are dear to me, or cold hearted not to "listen"? I listen everything and I tell the judge clearly what I think.

That is not our cases here?

Its the family matter I can take care of by myself.

Are you guys close?


Does it help us case here, in America you surely going to speak the third world language and forever not to arrive here.


So anything we do is fine?

None of these are anything relevant to you, to be honest, you or your case, or anyone's business.

So are you going to inquire for us?

The mummies or the Frozen

Anything on our favor?


Why not?

Of course not. That floor is at the court room, not in my house.

So can you and the judge goes to the court room, or you tell the judge to move it?


Its not relevant?!

I need to grief my life another 5 years, that's fine.

Can you tell her to be dead?


If the judge asking you?


But she hurting you ....

The space confine, those are fine. The brain wave testing, all those details, I pay for it. She doesn't need to tell me. 

So you are not going to kill her.

NO! Of course NOT.

Can you make her dead to get what you want, or what we want?

Definitely NOT. I want to be the Super Power, I already am. I threaten the entire planet, I don't need the governmental interference to my claim, none of that required my family members to be dead. Confine is for their health factor, and I visiting them frequent, or participate anything when I get told, there are things, I read read read read read.

You gonna find them a doctor?

Here is the hospital, they have the doctor in there.

You want to improve their health factor with the doctors there?


So you don't want them to be dead?

It will never be my intention, and I will ask why. I assuming something is up, and it will be I NEVER got told until that day. 

You don't want them to be dead?

NO !

Are you gonna get the guys in?

Its next by, a hill up a driver, I don't need a guy in here.

Is that a hill, or is that a ridge mountain?

A hill. 

Is that the metal fence bar?

There are the birds singing outside.

So that is not the top of the mountain seeing a cliff one of those?

NO! Its a hill ~~~~!!! 

How do you define a hill top?

Next by the champion bread place.

He is at where?

Next by the Astro's main office across 101.

1st floor?


What else is on the first floor below the hill going up?

The police station and a bus terminal to park the hill up 5 mins walk, another 5-8 mins is the hill up means. Turn right, and turn left.

So that is not a hill top.

I already say that the thousand times.

Are you going to bring the guys to authority to the hospital to do your favor?

I cannot understand one word you are saying, any of this. This is not anything inside the movie story, the movie: Mummy and the Frozen combine? I never knew they combine.

So you don't know the guys?




Your road ends ???


I choose my life without the movies, that's legal.

Not that.

... ...  the movie plot story inside, again?

Can you tell the guys, this is our road ends?


Are you going to get 4 Westlife coming in?

NO !!

The escort service, if you do it, we can do that too? After you?

NO ! We....the road ends meet, and Westlife is part of the movies story, to all show up to my doctor's offices? The hero save the beauty one of those? You mean they look handsome to show up, or you mean I am inept to sit in the doctor's office MD 6+2?

They are the musician, they are not the MD.

Its our road ends.

I don't understand it. I don't care about it. Is that Mockingjay, inside the movie 1 or 2? I didn't finish the movie, I wonder if I remember any of those movie, neither.

The science museum? I think it might be the real alignment they got.

Westlife has 4 people right now, you talk to their agent, before you can reaching to them personally. I cannot understand what this is the road ends mean, at all. Seriously. 

烘培王 the Japanese cartoon, Ep 01?


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