
The boybands 90s becoming the zombie like the TV - all your books, and your pairs of those eye glasses in pairs.

I want to know how zombify THEY make you - NOT TO HURT ME. That is the pop idol, and what books exactly you reading? When did the GED IQ human could put an eye glasses on to say reading per line in English literacy, your lyrics its all plain English you could ever utter right, you from America for real? Originally? Speaking in ENGLISH?

HOW DO YOU ALL BECOMING THE ZOMBIE? By reading WHAT BOOKS? Your company recommend you to reading the books with the eyes glasses?  WHAT KINDS OF THE BOOKS? Zombie, HOW DO YOU all becoming a ZOMBIE? The eye glasses degree, You all put that on the table, I can see HOW YOU BECOMING blinds?

I want a table = your company staff people, .....how do these novels, what kinds of the novel, or the curse, or the bloods....you have an interest in the books? GED has an IQ to say reading a book?

You can tell me how you getting 1000 no, and for what reason, whom becoming so needed to staff yourself inside one lonely house, to say your leisure things its to read the books. Its okay, tell me. I personally just want to piece everyone.....all of this I hear or see.

1. The eye glasses on your faces.

2. Which books your company or near by you recommanding you to sit in the lonely house to read it. ITS NOT TO HURT ME.

3. And why don't you tell someone, all of you finding a great leisure things to do, its together having a book club? You all want to start it now? 

You can be honest to tell me, what do other people do to you.

I read the books, too. There are all the different kinds of the books in the Barns & Nobles or the library. The boyband sounds like capable to read the books.....this is the first time I ever hear that, seeing that. Do you all finish the school, the high school and the university? 25 years pass, those military protocol, must be somewhere they are capable to turn 25 years to be one house, one human, one book, one couch.....okay. I want to know how it becoming like that.

No, I read the books, too.

I will read the books. I know what's a Barns & Nobles. I cannot take it what I see....that's why I react. Shane and Nicky and Brian.....you all love the books, so you even know what is a bookmark, how wonderful. There is an English strange words to me: the "bookmark". 

Meaning my head is blank, whenever I hear that word, momentarily. I don't really know what that words mean, I never use it early in my English study. 

No, you can tell me. I just tell you I read the books. I have my own method reading the books. We can all stack up our books on the same table. What exactly this book content you are reading.....through your eyes that is so interesting?!

The novel, the thriller, the detective plots (like the conan), the blood curses, what are those....

Thank God, it was not those romance. American has a way selling those in the bookstore how they arrange them in front of the buyers, I take SAT or GRE that time, sorry, PCAT.

No, I don't want to. I will ask them these books, what exactly your eye glasses so big on your eyes to these dedicating books in front of them - it makes them happy. That big house, with or without food, 

No, we are not reading the same books in anything else....it makes them happy, just means, it makes them happy. That's all.

It was too late, that's what it means.

I personally....one day when I was a kid, and I stay the night with Irene, in her room, I found a fan will smell fragment and some books. This is the book on that Kenshin's up there cliff, hanging 13 cross with the dead people on it. I still remember the image. I used to read the book, not the comic books, its those China ancient history, the general 3 generations graphic drawing, not the comic books, almost all my history books were from there.

So when the Old Man and Sea comes, or Tom's Adventure, or To the Center of the Earth came, those are the English literacy, I did read vertical line Chinese up to down, but I hardly remember any. I didn't like the reading anymore. So I don't remember any one details, but one thing for sure, it will never be...those Irene's reads.

I want to know if you like those, and those make you happy. 

Its near the sea, its story is about the island far remote, I remember very little bit. Some of these books I don't know if defined as a thriller, its....horror? Is that the horror books, or the thriller's books? I just don't need to be there.

Its better you quit those books, to be honest. Right now, I told you, what the original Classic Disney came from, the TV invention, and 1900, a lot of these history or that time, a certain thing, I need all of you drop those kinds of the books can open and close. Slowly move that out of your life, and that pairs of the eye glasses. Move to my side, not those things.

No, I don't need any of this communication how great you all are, I am not interested. If without me pulling you this side, and you fall back on your own, you can be happy and stay on those books, no, I won't join any of that to be honest.

I don't want to be in any part of that. You can be happy for the rest of your life. We already have nothing truely in common, this is the personal freedom, I know that, and you all can keep stuff yourself one person, one home, one place. Something like that. But I don't want it. I do not wish to......seeing my personal freedom, I do exactly what I want. I originally thought.......I read some other different kinds of the books. I will read the books, just not right now. I find the books I like to read, and I will stack up the books from the library, from here or America, I do read the books.

I need to close my eyes sleep a little bit, probably an hour, I get up and watch that Hugh and Olivia.

Its best you really drop that, but if the legal measurement its how happy you can do those things, and the snack its those the books next by, right.

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