
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I got so mad, my head hurts, coughing, coughing.⭐️ everything trigger inside, I cough.⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tired. They taxi there? Okay. You like those shop? Right, I went, it’s all a lot more expensive but it’s your kinda of every products, very very similar to Europe store idea. 

No, you have to check all these distribute store other than the freezer, they might have an isle carrying those, all of them.  The luxury mall those enter to them franchise business the freezer and those small tiny isle per isle checked.  

( What time this is? Every time I wake up, I cannot wake up.)

Octopod Breeze 2. All of these, those inept Boyband, it’s a very very long walk. It’s very tiring. Usually by myself I go very far. It’s very big. There is an open freezer, all side middle waist height your height, like 10 meter long +10 meter wall, 10 meter isles+ 5 meter wall freezers+2 meter milk session between those 5 meter front. 

Not until the all meat session and octopod without a head. 

You want to imagine Harry Potter, you draw the 10 meters half open freezer, about your waist line height your height. …and Mummies all pillars falls. Behind 10 meters isles.

You went to the wealthy lady mall?


Yeah, I went to all those stairs, it’s all restaurant many by the directory. It’s …the design.

You have a friend the guy, the eyesight or the walking mileages. You tell Olivia stays near the vicinity don’t worry and you two taller guys, keep walking. You get 3 in, the guys. You watch each others back. Yeah, they can bring the girls but you tell them stay in a certain limits so you guys 4 don’t worries. Correct, I walk inside I did.

You put all the ladies that Home Hotel across A13, I think fine. They get theirs snack back on one A13, they will figure it all out all of that, by themselves.  Before you move her or they coming in, you tell her here gets those umbrella or the sandal. Those ugly small bags durable from the City Shopper B1. You can throw out any time you want if you move.

You all guys tell them ladies doing nothing but staring or walking A13 or A11 until you eat or you finds things comfertablely. You know everything in there and they will give your 4 guys supports in return. It’s too much stuffs in there.

You pick a few days going on the dates. Dress up. That’s 4 pairs. Of course they can go to A8 those bookstores.  If they know how to get back. BY THEMSELVES. Separate or together. 

No, you think about it. You know how you feel. Forget about this thunder, the city has to run and operating continuously. If you 4 people to rent one place one year, you have more than enough room to keep everything on those wood table. 8 people. You didn’t think like that, like 3 months, going in and out. 

Every time including you want to relocate to Japan, China or Maryland, the same, you cannot always land at perfect. You sleep, you rest, you relax and gradually or all together move to where you feel safer. Every single time on your any travel without your parents, it’s not to make them worry, those things. Communicate and tell them. Write it down daily later you fix your A4 writing or re-write then USB. 

They would be shopping that Net, or next by the bra place, or that is the Irish Potato fries right next by. Their weight or their money, right? This is the Cinema here.

台北 Irish potato fries  Ireland's Potato and Bar


One building next by, A13 is across (Home Hotel), you walk over one building, its all of that, Net places. Around that, its the Mc Donald, maybe that is very important? 

Have fun !! 4 people ~ 8 its more fun.

I always curse the world every so often ~~ Keep walking.

No, I use both, the regular bank account and that Post Office account. 

When all the ladies got in, Olivia one taxi, you all going to that City Shopper B1, and get all those things she knew already. She tells them what to do, or stay 3 hours just looking around things. Got a small tiny plate the ceramic plate + get one for your parents, in case, one extra plate, not to carry too heavy, and all those Muji snack. When they return to the Home Hotel, then, they finding other snacks in A13. Sometimes so hot, they stay the whole afternoon until 5, more relax, those girls, not run run run, and they see more people at the rush hours, some people walking together.

Muji has.... some of those you all finding it out and telling each other, Olivia how she feels about herself to tell them, or points to them, when they are all getting there with her.

You get a bowl, and put all your rings and earing in there. I know you don't wear everyday, but just drop everything in there, you can find it. The bowl, you can see them when you dump them all out. No, those transparent before you leave, you get them put it in your suitcase.

Yeah, you can invite the parents, which pair wants to come in first. They gonna tell me Mark position .....you ? ....each person how to kill each other behind. Probably the father, he manages all of you. Yeah, you can put all of them in the Home Hotel, he can travel back and forth like you....running between the hotel, but later just put him near the girls. A 13 has the air-con, and Family Mart, he can sit anywhere, and the public water sink its in the middle of that open ground, its vegetarian that restaurant, and the bathroom you know already. The girls call him when they coming in, or near by, or where. 


Its your turn, how would you like to move them, like you did the first 10 days?

okay, I tell him, where he spent his day, whole day sitting there with a public water fountain and champian bread place. 

遠東百貨 信義A13

The 10th photo, he will go more straight seeing his big public open place to sit there.

13th, 19th, next by that ceiling navy blue. That is where he will seats at. 31th is the Apple seats, next by one floor up, so he gets back where he seats is 32th. That is the champion bread place. 37th the same bread place. 

The 4th photo, sorry, that is where he will seat. I didn't just push the arrow key buttom right right right right right.

You want to tell him....the song from Mark and 3310.

You here will be 3 weeks, and no one seeing this video everyday.....

You went back to Taipei station....or? The wall these clothing and the necklace those? Or that is 3C, somewhere you are standing there, I don't know.

So you want to settle in, to think in 2 days, resting and discussion, and resting, and Tokyo? She likes the hair place, or you like it too?

Let me see what options all under the mirror, all that?

They changed, so I don't know which one they are saying it. Usually you sit and they massage your neck, all that. No, not laying it down, no. Sit. There is something about the follacal, but I don't know what that is 去角質, it might be just the head hair those...the keratin or oily, those words. 

Maybe that is not what they mean.

You want to buy the gifts for the fathers' ?? Where you put him seated, walking that escalator, on the photo....the first I mention that walk way, behind....no turning of the escalator, its the entire area before the champion bread, all gifts place, until he be seated, its all gifts he can just stare at that.....where he seats, this gifts photo image there.

That is where me and my mother eats, I look at it. She didn't. No, not in the restaurant.

You put him there for 2 days, you told him so, and then you move all of them down. Its more expensive here, right?

Then you book ten days for him, and you 2 move up. You sight seeing 101, you all go to Chinese museum that tour bus, you hanging around Breeze 1 and 2, or that Lobster outdoor place, or The gaming zone, or ice cream, or A4- A13, and then W you take him pass by to see with the Taxi, and 21th Century Chicken, or TGI Friday, behind. You show it to him. At that time, you 2 talk. He decides what he tells you. You at that time, both decide what to do.

He can book the Hyatt himself, when he knew those location, or you all starting at Hyatt, for 10 days. You yourself prefer this map from Home Hotel

Its walking straight, no explanation, or one building next by. 

No, you let him chooses himself, he books Hyatt himself. 

He coming with the friends, all that? Their kinds? or Whom's father?

No, not necessary, he lands, he found out, he sees, he can just get in to sleep a night, NEXT day, he decides. Its one straight 5 mins taxi, you notice? He sees how that Hyatt looks like to him?

Grand Hyatt Taipei

He never sees it with the taxi....I seen it. They built that very very height, from the bus view, or the taxi view, what a giant front entrance !!!

He goes in, and he walks out at 12 oclock at night?

You one day want to study this Family Mart all by yourself like yesterday, one day you want to study this 3C all by yourself, one day is full furniture street, one day is this easy taxi 2 block traffic light, or 3 traffic light, the Italian Pizza, the fruits store, or the post office, the 7-11 or the Pharmacy store, by yourself....all of that. Do you write it down, what he can go with you, what exactly you seeing this things, you wish someone knows what you are talking about it? 

You say both this Family Mart and 7-11 has a temporary seats, you can be here for 10 mins, I want to see something, I tell you after.  The Family Mart is just one store, that 7-11, its the Post Office second floor to the first floor, to the ATM, to next next by the Pharmacy Store the eye creme, or the sports patches, or that oil I say cooling, then next by its his windows looking at you turning around, to the Italian pizza, or the fruits store, with one small traffic light, his eye sight can tell, you coming it back, not going in the night market. Just the fruits stands, or you calling him when you done your eye creme, you and him walking in that heat, to the fruits store, to carry both of you the coconut water, and some other fruits in the bags. Coming back to 7-11 and take the taxi to somewhere.

You have NEVER take a taxi in 5 mins just you wave, and turn around, in 5 mins you are back to the hotel, where he sits there, you 2 go down there to eat, or talk, what just happened !!!!

You do ONE thing per day, and SIT DOWN, telling him exactly what happened !!!!!!

I cannot tell where you are.....Its still your birthday weeks? The cake?

The stone watch, or what are these....not sure, you like the Japanese restaurant all that?

You two want to go to eat normal...? Have fun ~~~~

If you done your hair, and massage, or some hair remove those top keratin things, you don't eat a lot. Just get something light from the Family Mart, and go back, and rest. Not very digestable at night time. Or you can eat down there too....you like the Chinese food, the fried rice?

I think those are the real Danish cookies, at the entrance to check out the Supermarket near by that Europe Chocolate place.

What is Mc Donald and AI Kitchen ?

You want to go to fortune telling ?? ..... about?

The night market all that around, you walking around to find out what you should be eating? Mos Burger? Coming in around the corner has a Star Bucks, you know that? That street is still a furniture street. (on the Mos Burger towards the Watson that direction)

The Star Bucks next by, that is 三商巧福 you can eat there. (Before you get to  Star Buck, its an immediate sit down)

三商巧福 通化門市

Do you ever skip the meal, you don't eat?

You want a rental place to stay, all your bedding, your pet coming in with you?

no, those plate, the kitchen tools, the bedding, the sheet, the pillow cases are not the stress factor, its very easy, you are right there with the taxi. You just stay in the hotel until all the laundry done. Your correct stress factor is....you know where you want to go, to what things you are doing over here?!!! Not that PC gaming 3C?

You can eat anything you want, I am not sure you stand or you sit down.

How about you guys order, and eat, and walk about. You find out. You don't get distracted it. I lay down a bit. Tired.

My headache hurts ....are you in front of the tallest building, or eating?

Over there is the Mc Donald.

You worry about your desk, your bedding, or you two sleep, and watching that TV with the black box? None of that is the most urgent, you want to sleep for 2 days, you wake up, and you keep talking to your parents, both your parents. You running to that 3C building, anything you talk to them.....

Listen, if you rent a place and put all that in the room

If you leave with your most important things, and just left, and give that owner you rent for some money and say you must leave, he will throw that entire room things outside in the garbage bins, or the truck to go. This is the city, they just do that. Nothing to worry about anything you put in there. None of those are important or matter.

You care about this Westlife - Picture in my Head?

If these otters keep hanging down or any side way sleeping not waking it up....including the baby flying up, or their religious One Eye, to toss and turn over....their genital things 2 legs open all that saying. I personally don't care about the guys, that is probably the last 10 years, this moving none stop, to where I got home 8 years ago. I really don't care about anyone else, other than sleeping.

You understand you got married, and where is your wife's friends, or associates?

You understand there is a China, Japan or Maryland.

You cannot just drop everything, and YOU ARE. Everything if anything to say go, you just got picked up and leave, so are me. You coming back in, and then you re-done that one time, two time, flying to Japan, or get used to, and finding the things there, you calling back and forth from here to there.

You never rush inside your head, in front of your parents, .....

Right, I just random mentioning.

I just brief to guess you might have 4 people on the 1) Eye sight seeing 2) On foot mileage. If that is what you all feeling like to talk about, or just the phone communication. Its not a fix rule.

10 days ago, or 20 days after, you know what date is today, not to add which dates the otter telling me it was July 2nd, or 1st, you two were coming it from ? 

Right, you seeing all these video, where the cars coming it from, your friends, you talking to on the phone. You need to slowly take them one by one, to per place, and explain to them. If your parents coming in, you will do that a little bit different. I say imagine, because....

You put your heads a little bit different stress, I feel also unloaded, this is not a big deal here, in Taipei. You are worried every new place you re-done.

Do you have an urge you buying a PC, hook up the internet from the hotel, and watching all these video or singing, or link, for 3 days straight, not coming it out of the hotel?  Sleep, shower, eat, and go to nap~~~~~~ in the air-con.

Can I go to sleep?

Or this is the time you going to the night market shopping other than the Family Mart? 

Not that giant shrimp looks like those oven big fire made, EXCEPT that. They keep 1 month old shrimps? I see no one purchased at it. 


You just forget all those hanging up there clothing. Those are the women wear, me wear with the necklace all that.

I will never take Shane to see those thing your hand touch all that up there.

Westlife - Picture in my Head.

There is a different how important any of them....really. Me is me. Other than that. but you are a guy, you go and talk to the guys, any guy and then talk to Westlife. Your personality is not me personality. But you have to describe that correctly. Such as?

"Today I gone to somewhere and have been traveling since the end of June, me and xxxx. I don't have too much expression how to say too many things, because I could see a certain development in Asia, other than really using my brain how to verbalize those, you want to come with me? You so and so name. We used to know each other. Tomorrow, we talk, here it the ticket's date very simple, jump in the conversation. I tell you how you go around with the phone to start in the airport, and the bus to land right in front of me. You just tell them.....its very simple. I ask my hotel front desk every words of it, they write it down for me. This weekend, we 3 people talk, right here in this lobby. "

And then until that day, you say to that person. 

Are you done? By yourself? Today is Wedn or with Olivia.

Get in the taxi, you guys both going to 臨江街?


I want to go to 588 the fast lane, to almost reach this Amazing Road, you switch to the slow lane on the right, the next street is called 臨江街, turn right, get to that Night Market. Before that, you can stop, the people walking those traffic light that place.

You both walk til the end of that market, and get the taxi again to go back to the hotel, get your bubble tea. 

Okay, you going home, and they close in the hotel that next by building, anything opens, other than the Family Mart? 

Sometimes I just scream out of my lung, never quit to tell them to go to hell with it. But you still need to eat and drink. You know how to get the instant noodle with the hot water in the Family Mart? You can both eat in there.....

1) The instant noodles + the hot water, (next by the tea eggs ), its a red handle, very boiling hot.

2) The tea hot eggs, you get in those hot hot liquid inside, those eggs. They are fine.

3) Or you can have the instant cup, I don't know what's in it. They have a SUPER spicy instant noodles. SUPER.

4) You see what they left on those frozen open session, to tell them to microwave for you. 微波

5) A snack or a bread.

You working a whole evening, you reward yourself with some food, and Olivia drinks something or eat something. The tea boil eggs. You just eat, drink and sleep. You don't verbalize too well. Its horrible, of course I know its horrible, I already told them its everything horrible. You treat yourself nice, and you treat Olivia nice and good. Its a tour. 

台北車站,這邊是前站? 那你怎麼去信義路,我要在敦化南路快車道右轉,快到底是遠企在左邊,你幫我在前面轉一下,進來這邊遠企有個 全家,你幫我停在他們的門口。

Taipei Station, this is the front station? How do you get to 588 信義,I want to turn right on the fast lane to Amazing Road, almost toward the end, to this Shangri La, on the left, can you go to the front there, to turn around, coming in to where this hotel, has a Family Mart, can you stop at their door?

Hugh, put a smile on your face ~~~ Smile !!! And wave ...you and Olivia.  You are here to live a life. Everything else I process and file later.  Is there a reason Olivia don't want to go to Family Mart anymore? Slam that door? What is in it....?! She is not by herself? 

You don't know how to get the perfect meals in that Family Mart, you and her? That is like 5 tables, you can sit there as long as you want. The hotel is right next by.

Anything looks like that


You purchase, you open that, and get to next by the tea leaf, a red handle, that is the hot water, you never use it? For the instant noodles. 

You pick any kinds of the instant noodles and see if those tea eggs are still in it. You get a plastic below those bags and that clamp, get that 2 eggs, each you, and bring that other items, all together, and you check out + 2 drinks + 2 yogurt tomorrow morning + 2 fruits cups. 

You ask for a bag, you want to buy a bag


I want to buy one bag, you give me another one, two bags' money.

Yes, you can get those freezer, any bag you see, you give to him, and say microwave that and that. The dim sum, the Korean chicken. 



No, he microwave everything for you. You just get everything moves to those tables.

24 hours, correct ! 

So if one of your parents coming in? At mid-night, you can all eating there. Correct. 

Jet leg too?

Yes !

And if in the mid-night I wake up, and going to? 

You eat at mid-night when you wake up? YES, of course, you can.

The chopstick usually just at that front where near the registry, you look down, they are all chopstick.

Okay, pretending you have 30 people coming in. They just rotate 30 times that microwave, and everyone took those bag, per item in their hands, back to that hotel building 1 or 2, depends the time.

1 Hot coco (the registry that person microwave 1 + coco prepare + and charge that person money)

30 times.

If Shane ? I go to the airport that front bench to go and pick him up, its 40 mins each way. Or they are all together, I don't know. If one Shane, just one sitting next by in the tourism those big bus, the higher bus. His luggage is below, and I am right next by. And when we get down, that is dragging the luggage to his room - check in. And then I told him to see next by building anything or he likes the Family Mart, or those ATM, what he exchange the money by himself at the airport, I go to the bank next day if he seeing that right, or I get my side things.

But let's say very late at night, I find everything in that Family Mart, and he eats everything there. The soup rice, or the fruits or chicken salad. Or light things, its at a night.

If Nicky they came in, I just get many bags, they all share each one of those assort things. The mid-night. + their drinks, they pick their drinks, or I asking them. I translate them. I usually grab a stack of the napkin?  紙巾

They are not coming in with the military to say 30 times microwave, that one guy or 2 people keep doing the coffee, or the latte + the microwave tear and slam that microwave door. You seeing them keep doing that every rush hour near that post office 7-11. That is they ever do. They have to check in those mail package too. The....money order? Right. So they stack up behind, or below, that is where people pick them up. 

1) Me would be hot coco

2) Pick up my money order, you pay at 7-11, the address is the 7-11.

3)  Microwave 5 bags food, + take to go every containers,

I taste 5 things and throw it all out in the trash can. + all the napkin and forks + spoon (in the same bags?). I just ask the cashier. 

This is the city, nobody cares what you do here !!!!

You get a carbo box. A depth those carbo box, you microwave all the instant korean chicken drum those, the dim sum, the dumpling, chicken plaque.....all of that bags you see can tear, those are all microwave.

+ one of you hold that entire carbo box, and one of you hold the cup that is the instant noodle with the hot water in it. You put all the chopstick + the plastic spoon + the forks + the tissue in one package, you grab 30 that, all throw in the carbo box, that is how you bring them back to the hotel.

Let's say Olivia using that bus, back and forth, so you get 2 tea leaf bags in the plastic, its very hot, so you get the napkin below that, or a several plastic bag you just keep pulling, the napkin keep pulling pulling pulling pulling pulling....or that table napkin, you pull 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5. I fold it. Sitting it down, and you finish that stack of the napkin with that bag with 2 tea leaf + the lady's purse, you get on the bus, you put that aside, all together.

When Olivia you meet her at the airport, both of you need to wait that bus coming it back, she can swallow that 2 eggs with those napkin to wash her hands or peel those eggs herself sitting next by you.

I go to sleep......Wash up ~~~go to bed, both of you. Brush your teeth before going to sleep, wait 30 mins more, sit til you digest all those food. 

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