
The free blood pressure is not too far from here.

There are so many things on the news, to this City where things going on before I retired.


You guys /girls to cook? THESE? 

Yeah, if Shane or Westlife, they really will drink these? ! I make it. The freeze technique? You making a jam like that. The sugar. You if boiling any fruity + the white sugar will always becoming like those slummy, or the gel structure all the time. You condense that sugar form. That is how the jams are made. No, not gelatin. The....stickyiness. You make an apple pie like that, you make a blueberry jam, or the grapes jam like that. You disinfects those mason jar first. You buy a dozen for Christmas, remember? One of those the tradition people make and gifts away in America? Those are disinfected must, and in the end probably turn upside down, to prevent the air pop, that top lid. 

There is something better than that.

Downstair ....

桑椹汁 = Mulberry Juice. Here, down there they put in the ice with it. In the summer, we can get that from a several Eastern or some place Vendor they coming out to sell them. To make them, you get those concentrate (purchase bottle) + the ice. They ever drank that? 

We have to dilute that  +the ice. Shane comes and we have it, usually my mother finds it in the summer. In the Night (morning) market. There are a lot of these small tiny things its by the summer. They put more those smaller farmer out now. In the summer almost...when I guess not so hot, they will put near that Shangri La. I got their....cards.

No, not every bubble tea places. Just my downstair, that is....that High Speed train they committee someone their age groups drinking all that. Some of the older generation snacks those summer snack drinks.

We are similar to NYC those you seeing the movies, inside those human. Without the black those idea to get to the metro and living environment, that's it. You don't care about those UB suburban people. 

= You slam door, just process the office, or the desktop all paper works. I used to live in America, so....its not all that blend here, and my hair color changes to blonde. I speak more in English. They don't go and learning the Taiwanese language, I won't be learning one thing about any of those communication, but right.....they will tell you, per hour I learning those local langauge, like the Japanese, it will be similar. I can hear those words, and knowing roughly things they meant.  - the simple conversation. 

The Cooking

If Shane or whom Westlife seeing that red roasted potato every single day, Shane feels safe? Like...something its every single day, he is so tired of seeing that, or smell that.

He feels safe more of the pasta, or the white long grain rise + the gravy, or the particular bread he likes, maybe the sourdough? In UB, that is where I found that word.  I have made that here. Its a wet dough. For which reason they are different, I don't really know. 

No, I am guessing that is the roasted potato is one item. The rest I don't know.

The fruits, no I don't eat the museli, but that is the hotel selling them. I am guessing a lot of the stuffs. The across to cross? They put it all there !!! 

We can go to the Costco here. I gonna find out first on my own. 

With the guys you be with

You doing per dish correctly. He eats confidently and every single day he is so tired of that. I eat that too. If I freeze my rice here in the freezer, the same? Yes. I often eat the congee soup, the soften rice to digest better. Not a whole lot. 

No, any time, something or someone here, that is an immediate food de-frost. The can meat + that soup congee + some parsley, some bok choi. You mean every guy eats complicate the first thing having a jet let, and tired, and through the bus? The home food means....to nourish. 

Some fruits, and some fruit juice, his head will feel very fresh. Its very different, the warmer climate we have a lot more fruits. 

Sleep better, rest better, I laundry, and he feels its a home. If he has to travel temporarily all these Westlife or Ireland all that. 

No, he doesn't need to eat anything on the bus I go and pick him up, those Family Mart, all the things I say? I ask him what he usually cope with his jet leg, I don't control him like that. He done this, he doesn't know what he wants, so I get it for him. 

I think....you girls are afraid of some of the things 1) Go and find out 2) Shopping to get 3) Ask someone to know and get around the direction. If I have to be in Ireland, I find out everything around him and tell him. 

But I get the things I want to eat, snack on the bus or in the airport. The water all that. 

You girls don't talk to the guys, like ....." What did you say?" 

"Your hair here is longer in front of you, you want me to cut it?" 

"The clothing? The string, I have the scissor, wait."

"The bottom? My mother can do that too. I have a box of the needles up there, you want me to fix it. Which thread color? " Fondle the clothes, "She is down stair. We are the same."  "You want 1 thread or 2 thread? What's the difference?" 

(Look at him)  "The needle with the 2 strings going through, see? Most people cannot get the needle and the thread with their eyesight I think. No, you...the final knot? Its a .....there is a way I learn that from my mother. Very simple. No, not tie those knots by hands. By the needles.  "

"Here, all these beas, like my face. that is 10+, one side is the painting, one is all black. I cannot intuitive grab the bag, so I found out....it helps me."

"Run ! That time."


The home bed. The food, and the sheet, the bed change, or be there, talk to the doctor, check the bill, check the saying. When I did my hand, I was nervous too, I was glad my mother was there. Keep him and his parents talk. Pick up his parents, or make them easy to come to the city, explain to them, or find the translator how to communicate with them. You all have no problems in langauge. 

Prepare the sandal, prepare some t-shirt, prepare some extra things. Running a house home. Be hospitality at it. 

Sometimes be more ....bodily flexibility, I think. Be aware of your own environment, your shopping at, your near by. Walk behind him, check for him, drag his back shirt. My mother's back shirt, let those people bump to us, he walking front first. Me and my mother waited, and stopped. 

Is that funny, that person the old guy or the younger chulby girl doing around us? I move my mother all around. We are in the metro. Someone will go and find out those people. 

I think I look gullible to those people. I told you what the street people, fallen the digital era means. You know that? They don't use the internet. They are on the street to watch people, and define people. So....there is a difference between me and them. Here is not China, so I only need to tackle that coming one person. Normally its one person. 

I stop. They move forward first, and that is a Hallo Kitty unbrella in front of those police station, I sent to the police, "Its in front of your door.".

So on the street....well, I tell Shane when he gets here. 

It really shouldn't be any ONE person like that, seriously. 

No, the police process them. Of course. 

I stop completely at the bank, where the camera if they see from any building, that girl, and then 2 other bad bad European or muslin guy passing it by looking at me, I was looking at them. I stand right in front of the bank where the camera if they are on any building.

I stop my mother many times. I move her out of the way. 

You keep turning and swirling, watching the people, on any direction. How you get down, where is the exit. What time this is, and don't get to....where you are not supposed to go. 

No, you see the whole space, the whole street, indoor light, or if that is outdoor, you watch all of it. By myself I turning things all around. I exit fast. With my mother....I have to keep moving her. 

Most human are very blind, I just tell you that for the thousand times, already. 

Is that the fun things to do on the street? You mean if I am not on my computer?

I will....tell Shane when he or them come.

No, I don't have any contact lens or the eye glasses issue. Its indoor, or outdoor not that much. 

... ... I have never walk with a guy on these street in my whole life. Dragging Shane's shirt, move it, wait, and stop?! I figure it out when he gets here. Now I am not worried. 

I usually have a very bad mood inside my home, these computer or anything across.

Then so I go for a walk, I get more bad mood coming it back. Slam the door, lock it, go to sleep. I don't want to talk about it.

If you live in any space where you want to say, "you live there" or the future having a property all near by, with your family, or your love ones, those things its a decent thing to do, get rid of the junks. I am not sure they are the junks, I just keep jump, flip, bounce, that's why my mood is very bad. 

Moving by August???


They sleep better, they operate better in their head, both people's life. 

You guys required to make a cookie home?


That is not for me, right? No, I don't really .....eat like that. oh ~ I buy them. The soda crackers, that is what they called them? My world is not everyday good, that last thing is putting anything inside my mouth too hard to digest when my mood is very bad. I personally is like that. 

I think.....the red roasted potato, keep marinated them, and keep in the oven every other 30 mins. You never imagine those things go quick, or stay in the container. 

You find one really perfect thing, and that lasting really correctly, with any guy they are a lot more significant included. I try one thing, and then you try the second thing. Sometimes you talk to the guys, be mild.....wait, not when he is on his angry mood, or too tired. 

The second thing?

You think on your own, what's the second best things?

Anything looks correct, exactly that is that, and the boiled or steam is the boiled or steamed. 

Next- my time to sleep, and on the phone, clean up ~~~ Tomorrow is Friday ~~~

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