
They gone to sleep, and Hugh / Olivia cage in....11:00.

Well....that is a different time and space jobs. Its a lot more relax, very similar to FL, you are inside, right. There are 2 of you, or you were one at the control panel, the other one is down like that Pierre (Taiwan Youtuber), on your personal computer? That is your small tiny room?

We all know what's the basic standard, whatever those words are. But other than, what else you or them bring on the table. To the Earth Court Room Judge, included.....

That is a.....living quarter's leadership. You are all inside that doom. Your unit leadership. You are?

I am sure, you or anyone = you type...talking to him, to me, to Babaji one day, to any leadership, funny ~~~Its one here on Earth, she pretends like us. 

Right ...

You feel your umbrella covered? I am asking you?

Any question has an answer, or a method.

okay ...you all just buddy unit together, you sit alone in-room those? They are outside in the doom. Not the natural scenery? Its all blue inside color those no light idea. Yeah, the windows all in front I can see. The floor, the classroom those color made.

They outside toss the cup, the savila, or the forks utensil, the paper plate..... not your age ...okay.

You are all using the paper plates?! okay.

No, those soften white pie line around, those paper, those are fine. Wipe their mouth, they can see it. Its soft. For the pizza, right? okay.

I want to fix that thing, that one day I fix anything.

So Harry (Prince), your new title is Duke, and your father says, or the news say, so I just called your name Harry. Everyone all has their own original name? Real?


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