
You write it down, you need a nail cutter, some hand wipe towel, if you traveling to stay in the lodge, not everyday running on the check-in hotel.

You collect your notes, per day, you write 2 or 3 things down. You organize that in the hotel, and by the 7th days, you will be happy when you return home, when you get home, you re-organize those notes, you cared about it. I know you cared about it. Seriously.

The details things like the fruits, like the morning drinks, or the organic store, or the supplement, or some Chinese words, some English words. You know your next time, you bring your personal habit in, you have to go to the bathroom everyday to stay in shape !  The fruits or the vitamin C bottler re-filled. Your immune system check up, too. 

Let's say a rental agreement, you put a table, some those dollar store (weaving pattern, dry, polyester, some mat from the dollar store) - you leave your vitamin bottle on, some green super food, some enzyme thing when you eat too much. (probiotic)

You buy a new laptop, the new software (let's say you have the money those kinds)

You buy a new expo stationary table. You got the name card, you called that 7-11 how to ship all these goods in, or the UPS. (its the city service)

You settle one thing one trip, you come back you know how you re-organize to live like the city, to do those running without your head on too many things.

You get the soy yogurt, or the foreign supermarket. You get your waffle machine, you get your some stuffs, Its called the City Super, it was in my near by these 6 Star hotel. You find your own happy diets, other than the 7-11. You make some friends, you feel more breathing.


They have the supermarket, or the entire kitchen outlet. Its both in that same 6 Star Hotel near me. You want to rent near this Trio ?!!!

Its best you have the money, to come in here. You can do a lot of the things to stay more comfort, and you running this city on fun things. SIT DOWN when you can, every single time. The bus, or the metro. And go home lay down, all the time. You are on your feet, you are keep moving, these metro indoor design, its walk walk walk walk walk walk. Don't bring too heavy bags, I tell you how to lighten those load up. Its a pleasant strolling those indoor shopping experience like the Y like the K. Settle clear next time.

You put a security lock outside your home. Me and my mother stay here.

No, you don't do those head running on too many things, including you and your family. You go home to settle down things clear, and you come back. This time you learn the lease, or the lodging more clear. Get your water, get your food, get your table or Hola, or Costco. Its in the middle of the penis on the map. You take the taxi. 


You are not living here or easy...the first time. If you becoming a lot more settle, you every time before you entering 101 the basement, like me walking there 4 blocks to keep the fitness, its every booth you already know before you enter, which booth you will eat.

That is not turn back time, you just ask me.

You already know every structure inside outside that 101, that time....you feel like you living here, its every booth you already try, knowing what is your favorite food. Those ABC.

They are not going to get married in 1 or 2 years. Not really.

That Mark and Brian. Is them your height?

You can hear their voice difference? You care about it? All these running ....

All these Lords of Rings: Westlife - Pictures in my Head.


For Good (From Wicked)


  1. The Japanese foam toilet formula bottle spray (here or going home?)
  2. The metro card other than, Y above ground (humility running deep looking)
  3. The weight scale (Y above) - Ryoya weight scale, the vegan chef.
  4. The stationary expo - the electric book shelf frame up or down.
  5. The Earth glowing globe.
  6. The stationary teens style, every weekend those expo ground.
  7. You bar code in the email, you just walk in with that bar code high tech world (not your country)
  8. The pillow case, the comforter ...its the wrap outside to wash.
  9. The geese made for the women's feet, too cold in your country, or here. Heavy to keep you sleep better at night.
  10. The cell phone modern version in all Asia.
  11. PC game, the second half of Y. 
  12. How do you walking without the first part? Up ground.....jump your train to the green line to one of the stop, that is you stopping at the ending of the Y coming it back.....
  13. Its a giant green scrabber....not those dollar store, your hand small with those yellow like Kian touch unlimited soap.
  14. The sea food, per Friday night, on your own. Just eat on your own, the entire garbage down alone inside this 4 side wall. You boil yourself, its one pick up walking to the grocery. No driving, not even to piers. Just the same store.

1-1000 things, you decide you ship all your junks back to your country flag, its through the sea shipping. You use for yourself, not selling, so should be no tax, but you ask.

2 or 3 months I think.

For Good (From Wicked)


Just your head space, you knowing you can collect these entire Line app junks or the Hallo Kitty my house here, the mountain fold all that.....fill up the entire one office room. You just never see how much junks you want to ship it back.

You just get one stainless pot.

1. One bag clam

2. One container plastic box - shrimp

3. One fish next by, the same shopping place. 

You can just all putting in the boiling water, and that is your one day meal. That is fat, right? No, they don't sell the crab, no. I think you eating 4 people serving, really. 

No, you just need one stainless pot, and the tape water. You boil that, and dump that 3 things in, you don't need the cooking skill, you cooking for 20 mins, its all boiled, you are fine. You can eat that in one week. That is 4 people's serving I am saying that. 

7-11 you seeing those cans...ABC getting in those clam, the fish, or your shrimp, those better grocery. 全聯, you buy a dozen each has the 6. You stack it up.

Or my facebook 好丘, but those are salty, my brother not eating a whole lot that, but my mother pack them to go for him in the luggage. You are sea shipping together? You just buy 5 packs each, that is 6 in it. You have the salmon can, you have the spicy meat can, you have the mince meat with the congee when you return home to eat.

That is cold in your country. We are the sub-tropical, the sub-tropical fruits.

Your next meal when you landing after your airport, its your family pick you up, and in 2 or 3 months, you have this shipment, so you put one can in the luggage, you going home, you boil some pasta or some rice, you can eat that can with the rest of the things. 

I always show you the exactly things I am telling you.

You finish eating, then you call Mark or Brian. I think you call Mark, better money possible have a career.

Here you get used to everywhere you see its the food. You will not be doing that, if someone drives you home even.

Next- your morning route...where you gonna go next?

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