
Flower Thousand Bones

You never seen a women talk like me?

The plot? 

I am 尊上? or that Dark side, those are the real human faces? I only have 1 me and 1 her.

They didn't say quit lie, the underground water application process form. What the birds made for. I say that too many times. 

I have the towel on my head, I press it is fine.

You are all no longer kids, its comforting in the TV, given you a little bit supports. Most of these works are I am writing it, doing it, facing it, investigating at it, watching, seeing, and show up the court, again.

1 person.

Tell me which part of the TV is the reality? 

The legal and the cooking?

I think its your own freedom how you approach to the local court and access that judge. As for the cooking, its my own blog, I keep writing to my own wall and people didn't need to read all those details. But correct, I can say before hands, something is not right. I test it to see what's going on. I don't need this year all those stuffs, we sort that before. But something came up....

No, I don't know how people lost their limbs. 

Correct, I say the "limb".

No, its different than a finger, I know the difference.

I think, I probably know what it means for that position if the future comes to a time, whatever that TV ends results would be, or nothing at all.

You collect a group of the human to hit that Throne position.

1) The Eco- Planet committee : you generate your whole life + your friends the total plastic garbage.

2) The universal police

You wish the God exists, so I give you 2 options. You and your groups of the buddies might end, if you are seriously groups your friends, and together....going forward this you proclaim the funding or the spirituality. 

I go to sleep, the police find them. Those....the built.

Why is my left big Toe in blood? That nail cut, its one "nail", its not that long, but per weekly I trim them. Its on my nail clipper, on that silver thing I looking at it, inside I have to wipe it.

And its not on my tissue paper until I get up, its a nail with the blood stain on it.

A ...schedule sheet is a break down time to where every hour there is an arrange activity, and to eat food while deliver a speech or....that supposes to be a speech, not the projector powerpoint slide, big bright eating table long....bright shining the wood color room.

I mean

Is there a sheet?!

A microphone.....Its you, whichever the you, my monitor confused me its the green uniform in the cartoon format, they graduate 165 in the animation. 

A speaker, and you, and other than you on this schedule sheet the whole day run? Til? 4??

A sheet, can be print out. In the printing shop, around the Peter's Cafe, Shane and me going to....

A flyer is usually SMTV those in a boxes in printing the color format.

So what is on this sheet?  You are a MC all day presenter? 

So you dining alone inside your room? The other people prepare for you, that sheet too pack up?

You can stop talking all day long, and someone else does the talk, or the student group activities those?

Too nervous?

I am on my throne, next whom gets up here.....

They...have a team leader the first one on the right, older looking than they are, a guy or a man. I think normally its like that.

"Hi, what do you usually fed them, you are their team unit leader, you look older, where you sits at?" (without the microphone)

With the microphone, "So, today we have a schedule here written, all your gathering room, we thinking about your food options, after I just talked with your team leader here, I am thinking....I have a pen and sheet here, he told me some options, and I tell you all what mine current options for all of you before....I can find his options what he says I written it down here. You all raise your hand here. Whom.....wants...."

"Sorry, you have a week schedule, and you will have 4 options this far."

I am busy.....I have to clean up and go to sleep.

If Shane comes with me, he doesn't need to talk. He eats one person seat next by, in front.

Is that difficult to get one extra Mc Donald bag....the same Mc Donald bag?

Were you a MC before? A day in life, I mean whole day until 4?

If they teach you a chef like Hugh's this pizza night market can fly in, its real. Cargo his entire take-out boxes right there, its all true. And they make him a brand new oven there, to thin pizza.

You social there by yourself?

I have never really run a microphone schedule in my life. You cannot call anybody? They calling you, now?

I go and call Shane?~~!!!

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