
Hugh, Japan has the 7.1 Earthquake

I fall asleep.

The rice cooker, the sandal. 

The mushroom, the tofu, steaming chicken !!!

You two know how to cook.

You cannot wait til 3 oclock to step out, or going somewhere? The afternoon tea?

You seeing all these afternoon tea places....We done the summer yet?! Not yet. It was JC's birthday. another 2 months probably. Your walking hour is not going to be 6 oclock in the morning? 

Hugh, you do this Mon-Fri 9-5, my hours are not here yet.

+ ...if they whom coming in to do all these house keeping, I can retire to sleep through.

You cared about this High School Musical?


The BTX system file, like I said. No, there is the police oversees if there is the criminal activities in people's doing. I would say IT, the medicine knowledge base, or the laws. Or you want to asking me all that details? You mean what me and Shane talked about laterly? Not that much, because I am not sure whom he goes and talks to. They pretend, or their IQ brain is dull human behind. These are the girls talking about them, or judge them, or the TV, or the transmission broken, and in one of those message, there is one correct thing.

Which things are corrected?

The outside too hot, I need my air-con to go to sleep. My life is when they rescue me, all these Earthquake here, they go debates in the city hall, or the capital hill? ! 

Hugh, you are not from America.

I am a girl dictating that one America on their classify just like that VS Army, because they just need one girl coming up to replace that Kerry, one by one coming up. With the Euro currency talking....I can retired too~~~~

If I ever land in D.C, I think its the education sector, Biden is still here, and he does the education, I think? I heard....They suppose to know about the education including they themselves to stay on that microphone every move they make. 

Olivia following you, is that she wears the sandal, or you check her foot? The socks or the sneaker? Walking easy all around? When the fall season comes, you all gonna keep walking all these pavement road around here? The retired people they doing that too. To exercise.

(Thundering...) England Lords I cannot talk to you Hugh...he moving to the Green Line last stop? He knows he exists near the King, or what? Someone will imposter him one of these days? (The thundering coming more)

(Again) (Again.....................)


With America, you can do these military talk. In Europe culture (Thundering), I am not sure.

I am forceful on that, because they have one time chance ! Every one of them, they conscious knowing that or don't ( thundering ) know that.

(These are a lot of the thunders, let me check. )

This is about Mark? Westlife that (super crispy)  Mark?


American has some of those driven conscious in those ranking, so I although didn't put that as clear, because too far away to imagine those, or ever will be any reality. That....its the whole cosmo, you stand out as the military commander-in-chef, or military iconic, or military ranking all uniform, they have no idea how those peripheral looking, so they put a short version stories in the Lords of Rings.

You and Mark owing to each other?

Your mother knows? That is not the love? Between the guys for some reason?

You can tell Olivia, now!

And Kian is not your true love? 

You two looking for a cleaning supply?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jHLynZY4jqc

Is those bubble tea near? You like that stuffs, those are not good for the kidney. 

You went to the Hong Kong style food, or that is the afternoon tea? All those food amount too big, to get fat, I think. 

I tell you what, you buy a luggage case, is that the second floor that hotel, the escalator up straight, like a vendor, you put that in your room. You go shopping, don't think, don't act, just shopping you yourself, put on you, or put on her. You wash all that in the machine, and wear all that. That suitcase if you going back to the Europe, the day you go home, or the day you leave the hotel, ( you leave that suit case at the hotel, telling them, can they handle that for you. Throw all that out)

You just mind thinking...let's say, you give that suitcase lives for 3 months. 

"You will all die in the end of the fall season." 

You look like, or you don't look like having this one luaggage extra?

No. your mind is somewhere else. You eating that food, you like, or you hate, you like the French dessert? Ku talked about it I know where. You eats Olivia's plate, you don't have your own food, so you don't really like this food? 

You gone to the second cafe on the 7th floor, I think the dessert is at the 2nd floor.

oh ~~~ You like their menu better, I see. 

I am seeing these menu again.

You don't know how you order 5 dishes you all share those?

The cheese casserole, the French fries, the dinner roll (with something) the basket you are used to. Then you each order something.

You did eat, or you just arrive to order? Flipping that menu.  She does....  I went to sleep.....~~~~too tired, you were strolling along the sidewalk, its raining now, no more thundering. 

Is there something wrong on the 2nd floor?

They are the smaller portion, you are all on the weight watches, just walking a little bit. 

You are with the eye glasses, this is you, or this is Nicky?! Everyone wearing the eye glasses, I cannot tell whom is whom. You wrote it down your suitcase, and my neighbor's wall is knocking ~~~you know there is an Earthquake, so you stay indoor to sleep?

Sorry, you have the contact lens. Above your menu. Its you flipping the menu book.

You can uber the Second Floor (maybe ask your both mother), too fat?

Near me, you all hotel next by. Near the Amazing Road.

You are writing, or you are flipping that menu, still?

You want me to find you another restaurant to eat? NO! 



Its in B1.

Not the menu anyway....you don't want to cook at home, yet?

Ku's video, he was doing it for funny on Taro that time. You like those Korean breakfast looking? About 3 street walking all full of food, its near the parking lot basement coming out, if you seeing these  (near the compass that 235 stops)

Niko And...Tom's World ....next stop I think. (how to walk in? jump down, on your right, walking about you seeing anything called the See's Candies, behind that 1 2 3 street. You are not going today !

Its at...A13. You want to go to See's Candies?

時思糖果 A13 遠東百貨

Its not on that road anymore, let me find it. Its a Family Mart Now. 

You go to the lunch time, its nothing but the office people coming out, you seeing them dress the white shirt and tie, those offices all around here. 

You can keep walking all the way pass A4, there is this blue line, to 國父紀念館 2 nd exit. That is coming out, you are right there. That is people with the correct car, to go there and parking underground, on your right, that 3 street back and forth, its all the restaurant, the near the parking lot exit, the better. Long big giant windows, you know what I mean. 

Disney Gifting Series

迪士尼系列伴手禮 忠孝東路

I have to find it, cannot be seen.

Sorry, the map was orange, right now its Green Disney with the Micky Mouse. 3 years ago photo.

BAC Cake&Sweets 光復忠孝門市


You saying no?! Close the door. So you indoor, so you cooking? They are the cokes, the tiramisu, the French Fries, the risotto. 

You don't know when I say the office workers coming out of the building there, means? These are the means reasons. Those are the offices workers in the Eastern Area.

It says American ....so, you are not the American, they look like the panini machine. 

Maybe they tear down so many things after....not sure now, in those streets. 

Hotties Fried Chicken - 美式辣炸雞

The American fried chicken. They have the American style things here....funny.

Osteria Rialto 雅朵義大利餐館-台北餐酒館 義大利麵 窯烤pizza 人氣訂位推薦 2024必吃推薦美食 道地異國料理 創意料理 聚餐慶生餐廳 Italian restaurant東區國父紀念館附近 PTT Dcard

Across the Disney, looks small to me. 

If you go and seeing them, the office time, you may not have a food there, the lunch hours.



Dreamers Coffee Roasters 光復店

Japanese restaurant or cafe.

Tomorrow I have to go out, and these are close maybe on the weekend. You figure it out your own food?  Its close, you can check the hours too. 


okay.....keep flipping your own menu, how come you ate, or you didn't eat, or you are indoor. I can go to sleep ~~~~

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