
Middleton - The House Keeping list would be (演講的時候,但是這有點領導的位置,一開場的一張紙叫做 house keeping, 罵人之前今天要做什麼 )

1. God has come, Eben that last channel playlist. A Panda's kid's lid. No, not my sister's name. The book to rotating 360 degree with that pens - George.

2. The audio to the last blog post.

3.  Its otter's brain.

You all brain or China 中國她們奧林匹亞 (還是楊洋)  _____________

4.1912 sorry 是 19:12 that would be Taipei Mayor 蔣萬安 ??!! Toward later someone getting married? 有人要結婚了

5. SMCH or that Peyton otter yesterday or 2 days ago.

王一搏  (he is the actor in that film 楊洋 those ages? I think Pang's age maybe, or Hugh's? Someone is 3 years younger than my brother, maybe Hugh.)


6. My news haven't read it yet.....

7. Eternal Love 3310, How to forgotten, or don't forget me, this is very important? 

oh ~ Mark. Its must be Will has a real name other than Will, right? 

One of them will ending at Jack, not Jackie, or something becoming a Mably ~~~ Look !

8. Last night, I have to called Kian, Nicky...sorry Shane, not Brian. I finding Ronan to finding all of them. My air-con broken for the last 4 weeks, so I leave a message on my facebook. Its not UN or anything.

Its not UNISEF or anything

Its not election or anything.

9. This morning I woke up....I realize I am inside the ice coffin like that flower Thousand Bones, with all things around supposes to be ice making wall, the floor, the bed, the chamber, you mean?

10. Babaji is the newly crown Master.

Right, everyone knew that 40 years ago already, so there was a 1986 SMCH exists, its says no Master above her line Indian 500 years old, that was her existence comes about. 3310 again, these video? 

11. Green kids 

12. 13.

Reptilian just put all military uniform standing like the human, ALL. 全部軍服

Grey just all those officer workers Harvard tight tight tight tight tight things those look. All. Talking like Riley.  全部白衣打領帶( 哈佛) "國家寶藏" Riley 那個旁邊的長相,緊緊緊緊緊的紙張文書走到其他人書桌如果你們出現

if you passing it by, he finds something behind to the counter you all at. It would be the military orientation staffs those. 

Tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight

Last Facebook - All Boyband audio (the housing keeping 20 second on England) (2:54)

  • 7-11 you pay at the counter = the Money order, you imagine the reality not your credit cards.
  • 7-11 is the address.

SMCH this is 3:28 floor looks like the thunbmail yesterday, Prince and King knew what is a thumbnail in Egypt horror? The High School Musical You want it all, that kinds of the things.

Your poem 47 - Pass Love, suicide? Hung girl, Hungary retreat ...that is when they fucking, you asked? Nick?

Here (0:47) Its a cup inside the Last Supper to swallow Anita 19, your contact person after Calvin. To fuck hard, say it loud, everyone, hard, harder, more harder......its a kiss initiative from the girl AT THE WALL. National Treasure, say it loud, say it hard, say it right...its a camera airing... I want to see, how you get it all ~~~~ harder. It will be everyone's rose thorny....vegina. 


Gifts, you know, the Chinese Spring roll, Wei wei below Annca, Celine Dion. Thailand retreat gift gift gift, Kerry Underwood. American Idol Farewell....hahha.....

Why so horror....should !!! 


hahah....It has to be "thin Chinese spring roll."

Taipei all Asian knows, no cooking required, all Japan, all Korea, tell me.......you will eat it down, personally, SMCH.

Commando !~~~~~~ 2018.

"Nothing as it seems." Say it.


Put a bowl with nothing but the human bowl. Tina's name from.

苑      菀

Panda's kid with the trash can lid.....

the old words for pavillion, or the yard (with the flowers)                 Tina's real name.

ㄩㄢˋ                  ㄨㄢˇ 

Terror so complain like the civil hates from the people.                    bowl

(in sounding)

Your housing keeping. (11:12)  Here.

The overall scene, your side, near you, around. Past, and towards the future.

The security, talk to your bodyguard.

Where is Mably?

They are all deficient vitamin C in the water all the time, near the water, any body jobs in the sea world. Their spirits are low.

Green Kids, Here (3:00)

Earth-Celestial (10:57)

Commander. Norman is a very common name....to be honest.


87+-92 I think.....not 100+ colony.

(finding....things after the talk)

Are they those Kail's looking cloth in the Red River Manga? One day they are the shining guard, about 2 days ago.....they were the primitive....you mean the Evolutionary Biology 200? My last channel. 

UB and Dean

Here (10:06)

Hugh, you are breakfast finish, or that is the same breakfast places?

You cannot eat anything else, other than those looking?

I am not done with you UB, wait ....every human in your life has A LOT of the prides for being the American, or any kids around where you from. None of that is the decent things, but you got nosy into their life, or if you care, you have to do per throat their words out of their mouth, not those Dean's hint on his what description line on his Linkedin, he got an award, or my brother got an award, he got 3 on Vita Health report, one of those rating.

No, I never input that reports, I have no idea what those are. I say....every throat words out of someone, being a doctor in that way, you die on your patient's care or your own family parents or mother. You didn't get married, then those things break apart, you already know how the guys telling lies never stop. Other than your own very family, they mean to you.

Hugh 1, here (2:24)

Hugh 2, here (4:21)

Your mother cared about her world, so are your sister. Olivia's too. You are that purpose, exists....Hugh. You throat every guy or near by friends to improve their life. So you don't get a life, almost like that. Because they mean to you.

I have only 1 mother, not even this Tina, or Pang, or Square. We depart 25-30 years since the middle school I will tell you that.

Hugh 3  here  (6:24)

Let me finish with these Dean them UB other parts. You....have 2 hours before anything opens, so you have the afternoon tea like your mother or sister at 3:00, you don't need to wake up until 11:00. I know they all open at 11:00, you cannot sit quietly inside your room moving all around? You want to move your family, you need to teach them everything, every word, every routes, including to both your dozen friends or just 3 or 4 friends for Olivia. Make it easy, meaning to make some efforts other than that Play Station. The neighborhood Watch, its...talking to your neighbor, and finding it out the area. The human mentality, Hugh. 

Be less impaired is better. 

or....this is about that same breakfast hot iron plate? The Japanese any restaurant in America, those? They are sensational? They are the dollar penny food, you eating those?

Wait.....101 across, its a bar now at night, they used to. We take the bus, so its not needed for me or them, no money human. I think it is a breakfast too, wait.

No, not there. You order tomorrow, or they still those breakfast? No. Right, I thought so the breakfast is in the hotel every day?

No, it doesn't exist anymore.  

Maybe you just change to all those 2 toast bread made the sandwitch.

總匯三明治   this might be the club sandwich 60 NT (2 US dollars)

鮪魚蛋三明治 Salmon egg sandwich  40 NT

培根蛋三明治 Bacon egg sandwich 40 NT

火腿蛋三明治  Ham egg sandwich  35 NT

肉鬆蛋三明治 pork shredded dry egg sandwich 35 NT.

I never order those local a sheet those egg things inside. Similar like the top, just not the 2 toasted bread. You tell them that word and then 蛋餅 = sandwitch.

煎餃  Pan fried small dumpling   35

港式囉蔔糕  Hong Kong Style radish cake (soft inside), fried top. 35

巧克力牛奶 The chocolate milk 30

奶茶  The milk tea

Passion fruits juice / the orange tea / the almond tea.

百香果果汁 / 柳丁汁 / 杏仁茶       30/30/  20

都大杯  All Large cup

The news, its too fat, the stomach belly.....You mean your gym? or you renovating my neighbor's wall? 

You mean Every Afternoon Tea is too fat, these are not fat? 

For the military?  Of course they all eating that, right. 

I talk to those MD UB.  You two go to watch the television in your room, you renovating, right? I still cannot talk about the night market. 

Here (5:53)

News...Hugh, you drinking......stop milktea, that is not good for the kidney, correct. You should drink that 全聯 water. You getting those gallons water, you get a taxi, and you and Olivia tell the taxi wait, and you going in, you each get 2 or 3 gallons each = 6 gallons, and put in the taxi, you drive all that with the taxi, going back to the hotel, (turn right, that is the Peace Anna rd), and you get your hotel cart to carry all that up for Olivia?

My lunch time, the news. What or where is this Hugh and Olivia.

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