
I don't care about the drugs, the substance, the alcohol - those things bankrupt them best, to be honest, anyone like that.

Those personal choice in life, (both the alcoholic / smoking + the religious faith ). Most time people tell you as long as your public stage looks fine, the audience believe you until the police find out, and someone file a police report. They hide to keep a job.

  • Most people only have a real job, sad, home, sleep, and take anything inside their mouth and no one knows.
  • Many people got put through the education program, that will be 20-40 years later seeing you all again.
  • You can choose to talk about anything - me, other than your parents dead, you cannot cope your jobs related environment, because you hide that piece of the information. Simon's mom dead.
  • You cannot cope the lost, your jobs, so you lose the jobs. You lose the house payment.
  • The street homeless.

Without a claim ...this is just someone taken my website to say "she says in her website, not even the public media." she says this is the things she believe. The zero court show-up, she is not sure, she tested it, you are all taken my written words to say, you file for me, the judge put that aside, without the charging fee. You volunteer next by my documents to hand the judges the money, she or he puts that aside.

Therefore, we both, everyone= you and the rest of you, including the public, can equally saying the movies is a fantasy idea, we imagine thing how to legally run through life.

1) Your straight ahead legal battle.

2) Me at zero.

That's it.

You suppose to be busy while Biden is still there, finish your education requirement. He is up there. He does education, and one of the reason I think he succeed that 4 years ago. You suppose to call up him and ask the real leadership. I think he is the best in these few months, if you pass all your MD program, as fast as he is still there, seriously. 

Helium......by the way. 

Pleiadian     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades

            also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45

is an asterism of an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars in the northwest of the constellation Taurus. At a distance of about 444 light-years, it is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and the nearest Messier object to Earth, being the most obvious star cluster to the naked eye in the night sky. It is also observed to house the reflection nebula NGC 1432, an HII region.

  • 444 light years
  • Hll region

What's the helium for?

haha.....why should I tell you? Everything?

I think you believe this ~~ I tell you what's the one thing to believe. Everyone retired before 65 years or just right on the 65 years old in this society or in America, its all acceptable. Without the movie anything, just 4 barren wall, keep sleeping, resting, eating, feeling fine, and be with the family or near by 1 or 2 friends. Sometimes people walk til the end, no more lovers, its the face issue.

Never this Pleiadian talks.

You mean Kryon all that New Age 2012, it was all for the TV knowledge.

oh if your parents ask, right.

I don't do magic, no. You do magic? So you should be the main character to say replace ____ KR movie "Replacement" or "Matrix", you don't want to eat this congee liquid food anymore, in the short version talking.

By the way, Ronan and Keanu has these 2 typhoon pathway. We know what happened. 

You mean we don't have the same language sounding by the little says? You go to the Harvard laws class in the summer, sometimes people willing to take the online class, and register 3 credits the Private University tuition to learn. Copy and paste the professor talks, per words, per sentence, per degree habitual used 1000 times he or she ever did. That is what the experience to copy and re-format.  People usually stay in America, a lot bigger room, and the mirror to rehearsal the stage performance, and all that stand right, talk right, posture right.

I need to stay in my chair ~~~~

You want to stay away from the TV or the comic book, or the music, or the movies away, close the gates, rest for 1 or 2 years. Starting from the zero point ground, this is your 20 years ago starting life, again.

You want me to comment you went to yelling, or you turn around from the judge. What did you do stand there and shout, those things? So you left, or you argue and left, or you get mad, and talking back and forth, and left? That is the end, okay.

Yeah I know, you all left. 

You what? You want me to camera you that entire scene, because the judge's table don't move, that is...none moving I understand.

You have to be clear. My comment? oh, you moving somewhat when you talk, everyone is different in the standing position with the judge, I think people yelling correct. Not sure whom.

No, no lawyer, or someone can be at the bench.

You what?  You want me to comment about that entire run about, because you got the notice, or you enter the court room proceeding, you mean you step in the court room door, and finding the room and enter. I understand.

You have to be clear.  My understanding? You gone to the judge many times. Its a heated discussion and many people brought in a different argument because I have no reason to know what those are, or else you will all best friend by telling me all that, right? 

My vision is impaired, my listening audio parts is nicky...impaired. I don't listen well, he or Shane doesn't want...something. 

You what? You want me to put the camera closer? 

You have to be clear. Every arguments or every sentence to your 50 mins planning starting,

 "I come here today with some profile or the case study through the laws database in regards of the plaintiff and the defendant interaction, I have thought in this heated discussion. My total hours in this burning mid-night oil in otherwise to my lawyer that in presenting this case one of this days in my liking or dislike, to that evidence wise controversial or the contradicting probability in done that math to my IQ or that future perceive to then the past, it was evidently to that many combination in possibility, not the probability, to thereof, and in addition to the 901(a), to 902(b), to 903(ccc), all these in combine, that I put up some of the reasoning and in logics, and in today, in conjure to that I myself in voting right, and to that saying the democracy freedom wise, it was the part of the participation, I done that volunteer service at the archive to where the military service in gun and the powder storage warehouse, in this service there I acquire some knowledge or the TV China drama didn't make the opening of that begger to end... that thread as a name associated, Austin! To that acquiring that one such name it takes me 6 years in compile, and one network, to 10 phone calls, it was on the website I realize it was one name results, and to that database, I brought you.....for example : ......"

That is 3 mins you say those words, where you writing your rest of the 47:00 on your own?

I am telling you...

You are all motivated on the first day and no one daring to collaborate with you because you are not honest by being here. If people knew very clearly how you sound like, or you tell them how you go forth any of this private interaction behind the court room.

100 people, just 1 me seriously saying all this loud.

You what?

How it looks like, or how it sounds like, or how it presenting? It would be your paper, not even you show up that matter maybe. Your paper, the ones you given to the judge, that paper in front of the judge.

Its the homework? Yeah !

Like Harry Potter? Yes.

The handing out things? Yes, of course.

So if snowing or raining....no show is okay? Those?

Where you file-ing again? No show to the court room, and....no more court?

You tell the judge, he or she should send someone to shut off what I say to the public to copy and paste, like the above that paragraph stuffs? Because everyone looking it down your grades or your diploma issues, or you flunk out, those things? You will never talk like that, and no one should in public talking down how you talk in the real scene and present in the most reverence your honor.

oh ~but this is not an argument, you bossing the judge to do. We don't have a royal in America, never in the court room, never will be in England court room neither, you know that. This is not for you only. 

Why cannot people talk like that?

It has to be an argument on the paper and in person, you are in the legal court room battle.  47 mins remaining the mins....

They just asking you and your best flunk friends or Ashley together, but you say...if she does behind your back to the judge, shut at the judge's desk, "DID SHE FILE against you?" those?"

oh ~ none of those are the arguments, again. 47 mins remaining.

Say that again, what's the 47 mins remaining? (Put the glasses on)

Its not an argument, none of these words used were.

(Take off the glasses), they just ask me a question, that is not an argument.

It is. Your lawyer would.

Its just an yes and no question (wearing the eye glasses)

Like I say, everything must be an argument, not an open question. That is an open question.

  1. a matter that is not yet decided or is unable to be decided.
    "whether his claim was genuine or not is an open question"

You wait for 10 years to tell me this, is that legal, your mind game?

If you would have just asked me 10 years ago, the fallacy in my UB class for pre-pharm, that will never be an open question.

You know what is an open quesiton when you learning in English, Anna?

Fallacy again, its not an open and ended clause type of the question.

You making a lot of the excuses to me, and in front of a lot of the people, you are not afraid (in fear)?

Again, the arguable style when presence in the court room should always be advised with the lawyers adjacent by, but for a such foolish the emotion up-turn, those again, its an open question I will remind you each and every time. The judge if I present, that will not be in between our cases into that "interaction", my above paragraph, its noted very clearly, "the behalf interactive the interaction."

(put the eye glasses back)  I already say, they keep saying me those open or not open, just an yes or no question, that I thought was very straight forward.

Right, your lawyer have talked to you, if you asking him your presentation style behind without his presence and until his next presence in the court room, its you all sum of this, he cannot deal with it, if you just tell him each and every time what did you do exactly. Anna was also tried to understand what was that, but if he did ask you, you thought he against you.

Like I telling you, its an open / close question.

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