
I have to cook for ....UB guys.

Someone birthday?


The bok choi washed, and soy paste (the thick soy sauce) on the top.

The fried rice +with the eggs.

The salad washed and spinning the water out

The seedweed + mayo + honey mustard + shredded carrots + slice cucumber  (in the plate)

Fried mushroom ( any kind ) + the white flour / water to make the batter, this is with black pepper.

Here Taipei we have the package those yeast, and baking soda + powder, almost like "the self rising..." so the frying mushroom has the volume in the flour when you fried.

They are cooking? Someone is birthday? JC?

The temperature makes the flour rise with the yeast.

The fried zucchini, just that two, you can eat a long time. If Its Westlife whole today, still....I frying for one person for lasting one week, one meal, they finish all of that. 

If you gone to the freezer in Wagman, that is where the "pastry" sheet, so you ate that Koshi place Lee passing it by the Jewish club with Keegan by themselves, that is where you get the grapes jam, and fill up inside, and that is the identical things they make there.

Me and Joann ate there once.

I am still cooking...I wonder why.

The youtube, show you a lot of these tomato, expensive....you getting a lot is for that you eating that, and you are too lazy to cook for you yourself. The farmer's market.

Let's say the last time conversation you over heard.

How to cook one extra meal at night, that is for someone else. Any kind of the recipe, re-make? 

The soup, its for the bread to dip (at night, you don't eat a lot)
Some kale, a little bit cooked, a little bit cold out of the refrigerator. A small salad, with the slice of the almond, I have seen that.

Or you making those bread crumb, you know how to make a bread crumb. Anything a finger food added up, you have a full table is nothing but the food. The Devil eggs.

They given you all a kitchen counter like the ABC cooking studio 101?

中華一番  or  烘培王

So the physical location inside a mall and a domain name, those things have the power? I seen ....( !#$#!$#!$ cannot talk)

In UB, near UB those, or going out of your new geographic location to make you yourself dominating that entire state just all the geography mapping location?

Shopping, I mean.

Wegman used to have.....

Is there something going on? The Youtube these food looking, you mean the burrito with the layers inside to make a full meal those?

A lot of the eggs liquid, the meat and the cheese, and mayo those.

Not the boiling full eggs a dozen + a whole bags the potato.

You look at that things as a whole thing, its like a whole food. 

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