
I saw !



So do you like the classroom activities, with or your parents included? Do you like the presenter, the lady, or you imagine that is your job, never? The age where you arrive to becoming that part of the conversation is your tirelessly efforts to "imagine" that. But I think inside your mind, there is something else, and you might even mention to them. They response to you, or you wish me to talk about it?

1) You would like to know if your other facebook, not Anna's facebook to

2) They are all too tall, too survillence looking, too college, too university, too fat included.

3) You think its too tall, too much language or some of their "looks".


I can fly to Ireland, I can stay in Taiwan. I can go to England sight seeing except anything else by imagination. That will be on my map, the left side, West. The direction of West. You are all on the East, in America.

You looking front where the presenters would be. Yeah?

"Of course."

.... right. I can see, you have a doubt?

Your conclusion would be you have never seen this much of the horror, now I can see what you see. Your facebook is all high school or the middle school. You went to your past at 2004 that My Space and the Facebook coming out, and they were your sweet heart those UB days? So where is that Dean at 20 years ago? 

His dormitory and Silas. 

I need to cross off these words:

Your facebook is all high school or the middle school. You went to your past at 2004 that My Space and the Facebook coming out, and they were your sweet heart those UB days? So where is that Dean at 20 years ago? 

No, you stern to looking at the front or when they maneuver the classroom activates, you are still looking at the front, you don't dare to look at the next by assorting table? When the name got called? Dean and Eric didn't file, the rest of you play the double, together, you will form a new alliance legion to the Star.

And because this group so busy to lie, to under table, to guess, no one watching that 2.

All right. okay ....My facebook is my facebook. What's new to your own happiness worlds, other than unload that presenter lady? They wishing me well not to look behind...

I used to tell them why.

  • Do you like the classroom where they assign you, you going along you know whom these people are, or this is hi hi hi hi hi, Ronan they also belonging to, other than some other people, not mentioned?
  • 1 to 10 times, other than?
  • I am not sure you knew you dare to look one person next by your neighbor, so you didn't get all my facebook contact lists, that is what I am saying to you, so many people entry, but do you get ALL the room scene 1 to 20 since 2014, or not 2021 on....when you did all these, 2024?
  • You don't dare to the new best friends in here, or?
  • I need to look forward my marching indicator, right.
  • Dean has a lot of the issues, so I look back.

The new presenter, clap, and mocking of herself or you all, give you yourself all an applause?  So they knew what that mean !!  hahaha ha.....they have a lot of those character in the real presenting space, not just limited for UB, its everywhere. Someone like her will always find a job. Yeah, like her. 

Dealing with the students.  ( not your parents? )

I am asking you do you want to become like her to get a job. If you all each determined, that is the presentation.....one by one will be leaving that classroom the whole space.

Read it again?

No, I didn't listen to the whole things.

Some you approaching her to ask about your facebook, this scene, you feel too special?

oh ~

You live with the drape room to burn like the Tiny home, the dustry air not to open the window door, and your location statues has a passport and a flight itinerary in front of your parents, to join a SA UB local all those scene. None of them looking like the ECC career fair, or the UB Alumni, you never been to, right?

I see ECC career fair, or the UB Alumni, after you all gone in my life and TTC that nick or he talks about it. My momentum, is....his road, their road, or what they intent to tell me, which road ahead? They know what is inside my head, or inside my peripheral, its no more this UB idea? So I can marching on without the past hunting me

You want to trespassing another classroom, with a different "celebrity" A 4 on the door, if she does all that on your past sweet all hearts + their parents your facebook. You think there is a justice, and that justice cannot just you telling her at her table front, that day, that scene, that request, more than 2 mins to say? Or you email her now?

The momentum has nothing to do with your file claim. - you are your own facebook star.

This is....UB SA or that lady....everyone is the combine star, or if behind or the parents, you are nobody in that room. You actually imagine the Washington DC?

oh ~

oh ~ what did you say? My entire peripheral only I understand what I say. I meant the ...

This is what you imagined.

There is a difference between what every scene in front of me, to every punishment you say you are God, or you say they using you, but becoming my vision, what the handicap got called and be warned.

The boyband fan clubs, its they feed them all drugged to die one by one.

The military coming back its to kill their family, and found out the cookie jar sent was the kids neighborhood, and got bombed. That is the hive.

The fan club is the hive when feed the drugs, and got found, and they pray pray pray kneeling, and got bombed.

Have I told you, i seeing this horror every single day? I only tell you 5 things here. 

That will be the 5 Lords Review Punishment calling upon. No, I have never....saying that. I say cut.

Do the police know what I am seeing, because I have a clear face to spell my innocent. Its real, and its worse.

They all dead keep flying in to the second island I told Harry. Hugh is at Obama, my floor. Everyone from Nicky's facebook coming in, or all of them from the 90s Shane and Nicky....

Sorry, its about 500-700 years jail sentence, you put on the top of each person's real jail records, they literally gone to the jail with the efforts or the things they didn't find out behind my back. That is Shane they killing the fan club every step the ways, no way out since the 90s, but they live in....Shane does. All around his doom looking structure like NSYNC, I don't think that is the doom he looking at it, but I don't know how to describe it. Its ....taller than his head and he sits in the middle of it.

There is the best part .....to Hailey's father. Its Dean's eye. No, these two cases are not related. Tamang is England near, Wing is Hong Kong England passport, and Dean went to the Oxford, England. I tell you the pieces and the bites.

When the people all dead in the classroom, to which entry upon, she will feel so lighter seeing the girls only 4 or 5 in front of her. She knows what that means.

Sorry, if I look back, she is dead means.

You mean its Today.

Its Dean and the rest of some people in the classroom cannot put the confidence in her. Whatever they were told. Dean found, and I wasn't concern the American land anymore. But its today ~ ! Because I look back. What day is today?

oh ~ Elvis death date, that is Kian !

The Correct things - Next

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