
I told Westlife....Shane

I said too many things in front of my eyes. The real life, the real reality things you have those per step how to proceeding anything. Most people didn't need to do that, but I done so many things in my life, I will tell you each time going forward something, its always me one person to get everything done. I never think how far that will reach, but one thing by one thing, and when I get there, I will know the next step. If I would be having this "The Life Plan Works for One Lifetime", I don't think I will be home, to be honest, finish all these stuffs.

Westlife - Close, read it.

No, I live too long for this kinds of the life plan always got pull, got sideway, get this, get that. Tired. Yeah, a lot of you probably staring at these Youtubers, or some other very popular in America, or anywhere else. I don't ....really watch them, those needie greedie details. Like...you observing them, those included. I get to an age, I have some other plans I want to think about. Some people probably know what that is, except....they are successful, 20 years ago I have probably a lot of that. Some people didn't think 20 years anyone has to work or changed, or splash things literally verbally telling you. These people on the photo, they live like 1000, or up to million years old, so 20 years life span....10 years of my life whenever up to now.

Right, I have heard their civilization its more giant, more inept, more slow, but they use a lot of the years to make up those observation and in learning curves. It might be worsen than that. Probably they all believing to marry out, and having a brighter future with their parents near by to join those classroom activities.

Did I tell you?

i probably will not seeing anyone these much TV makes you believe I have those family.....because it was too long ago got dropped. You tell me next life, or every life, so if I knew MSN those time to keep some contact, it won't be today. There is no going back.

You evaluate, and you tell me next life. 

I don't like. 

oh, if for Babaji ? ( the birds agree)

I born like that I think. I think I literally born like that.

If you going out Taipei, still very expensive to social, any eating around the table.  I am talking in English ....Are they coming to Taipei like I see, already in Taipei?

How I gonna deal the real things here, I will be indoor, on my desk.

Literally speaking? Yeah.

Because.....I am, a....oversea ABC.

Right now, anyone knows ?



2 Family. The Breeze 4th floor. I never had that anymore before the middle school. 

And then if you say the parents sit down like Ella Enchanted idea, the father talks to the kids? First grade. K1. I don't have much literacy writing in Kingdom garden, little bit talking. I can see a lot of these TV, I have...never had any of that. The heart-to-heart to talk, those? The Christian priest does that on the church table? My age...is not that old. You mean reprimand people those? Kinda like Ronan. The birds told me I understand. 

I don't think some parents upper have those langauge neither, and these are the movie side by side. I look at the Breeze 4F, it has never be like that, not they wave the arm, and I make a miracle those talk, no.

The disciple, that is not permanent, I say something, correct. The leadership to something below, I say something because its necessary. There is a lot of things never happened, never done, never was that. 

The vice near the elementary school principle counter table (I had an award).

I am not supposed to be eating, I was waiting before seeing the principle. 

You want to know, I tell you. I remember.

My best friend in the go game association (Henry's first gf) their parents, I talked to working, the manually key-in the timer, watching people recording the score, or writing below the score, the combination games, the combination score, I go behind them. The kingdom garden, 5 years old I think. She has 2 sisters, and their family is close. I been to her house.

Its only the guards kneel to me...like (a) the food, the water, the sitting bench, sit down or the bus or the taxi  (b) the going or hotel or purchase where they stay short or the long, or the planning, or find them where in these location.

These I understand. Anything about the movie, I cannot understand most of...the heart-warming, let's say Square or they all getting near to the parents those. It had never happened between me and....any of them.

Okay, I describe to you.

I got an award (2nd grade), I cannot talk. England has a Lord.

It would be a certain language in Chinese or in English I have never heard.  (his hand up)

You guys go over there on your own.....(1) or (2).

So you are not going? Going where?

Those family the parents talk to the kids?

When Tina bites my thigh when I was 3 or 4 years old, and i told my father, and he went to reprimand her where in the house, I remembered it, I seeing about 10 feet away, I seeing that a man and a kid talking. I remember only that.

Have I seen my parents talk to the kids? Now, on the phone, my mother talks to Tina these.....you mean gossip or guiding to life, she has some other phone calls. The family near by what's happening about them.

(1) and (2), because (2)'s family is not here, that is not yet a bundle.

I used to have a gun and guard appearance someone, she is a taller girl, looks like Riley but rounder face. She....the family if located here, they buy similar to a community near by. That is what they wish to ask me, or find. I understand that. I thought about it....

Sit down, and have a bench, and everyone eats, that I understand, of course. The humane parts.  You would mean, they come here one day its that court room, and + all the UB those flying in, if imagine the 5 star grand hotel, those lobby? UB they never seen those, but being hospitality, the court room judge. 

With me, would be me + my mother, or just me.

Or me + a nick.

I don't have anybody else.

Like the father and his brother or the mother + sister / brothers have the kids, her entire giant relative in that community built up the similar looking house, some has the car, or the family how they gather on the weekend. Many family have those gathering throughout the holiday.

Next next by that volleyball girl has a cell phone, except her family time, she would be in the team. On the weekend she won't be there on the rehearsal or studying in. Someone has a phone and the phone book you get home, you have a relative to call.

I have none.

The birds loud noise so many conversation...oh okay.

The decan....maybe the intern priest like Keith, young. But maybe you mean the priest whom transfer there, and you have the TN priest not the KY, because that church doesn't belong to him, so its the holiday seasonal priest, he will never talk to us.

UB....one of those quoting the chemistry entropy to the blind followers, I give him a word I left. So I gone to maybe near Jonathon's that church, its a college table. In the main front seating. 10 or 14 people or longer.

oh TN has Wayne (Orlando's host family, the radio church TV shows, he supposes to be a priest, correct. ) The sunday salad bar has the eggs in it, he has 3 daughters + his wife, and their bf's family, the Mexican restaurant. I understand all that. The family and the kids.

The highlight things, you mean the correct form, the church ! Sometimes....Sunday after, you have the food table, and the water bottle, or just all sitting there, but not the college kids.

UB...you know every campus you learn English with them? You turn out better, next by Kplan. Its in the Commons, not in the SA union. Its behind the....

The souvenir shop above on the second floor facing the other side, normally people don't go near by. Its for Ronan Keating, him right? 

I told him, its in Target next by Hallmark. The team kids Wedn, and those are the kids Bible and the adult Bible, but the famous might be King James Version of the Bible, like your movie. Nick collects some precious Bible, I use it for the 5 Lords Review. 

Like Fou Lafine, he descend above the church passing it by? 

I am from the city, of course not those. Those are for the illiterates. 

You cannot read or write.  Those people or the kid's face looks very strange to me. You look at Westlife will feel a lot more normal.  A lot of the initiate also from SMCH, none of that is normal. The Victoria Secret - the hand band, the Buddhism, my brother my mother 9 month will be SMCH, thin thin thin thin thin....do you see it? 


Do they still finding their breakfast (1) and (2) ?

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