
Its a schedule sheet, not the "Time Sheet." Me and Lee, any state employee TAX ID in New York State uses....

Every single year, the W 2 form them, all called "the Time Sheet" in America. Its a real excel sheet, and the layout.

They all lived on the sheet, because they have no visa, do you check those every person's visa issue in case they have to enter the Japan any district zones. They enter the retreat venue, do they live there, do you check?

1) The senior officer, his ship tie to where  X X XXX..... 2) your ship.

Do you surveillance all around the water, with your eyes?

Its in the movies, on my website, they all inside the boat, to threaten each other in the yellow light.

The Stationary

Hugh gone to, or without Olivia, after his ATM machine walking about 10 mins if he were succeeding finding them, easy. My video have those folder Japanese flower called Sakura, you have every flyers, or the sheet, or the print out, or the schedule sheets, that you re-create and put a printer somewhere, you and him the senior officer bind to the ship can use, or that has to be your personal computer to uses?

You can ask them your smaller desk the door hits, where you eat, if they give you a bigger room. And you have never buy a laptop, processing the PC skill, writing in writing English, or the excel sheet layout, you have never worked in your life to use any formatting sheets.....

He needs an office chair to sit.

If just you and him 2 small tiny boat on the water, where are the rest of the people, they are not the cruise ship, or the military jet ship (the military airplane landing runway....) ?

They kick their heel out of the deck, they are on the Japan mainland, that is where the deck their Visa passport supposes to be, not before they sit down.

The green uniform is our first lady school, that Hailey dresses. I hardly know anyone, and the youtubers will be the last thing your senior office says like me cross off the behind closet wall, one by one by one....that China youtuber girl, Carter's stuffs without the FDA saying a commercial kitchen.

You can ask your staffs to find these video from my channel....if they were or you were writing them down, one by one with the description line per video, hard working method to revere me....Last year, or every year.

(a) Your missing every ship

(b) You missing his ship, or your boat, 2 drifting away at mid-night by someone else.

(c) The girl's revolution type great on the movie's name. 少女革命 if you were in Korea not Japan one day, that is made in Japan.

(d) How to untie everyone's ship, the anchor or the rope, if they put the anchor down, per ship?

(e) You watch his back, or I watching your everyone's back?

    (e)1, you cannot really destroy every boat ship  (e)2, its just drifting away with the sea current to Taiwan, those weather pattern like that year Japanese nuclear waste. Something hit the Japan, the Earthquake, so the nuclear factory were destroyed every ocean water all the way here.

If you go with him, his emotional attributes is immediately on his jobs low. But you take down that region, 1 week, 1 day, or 3 weeks until he got fired, and you go to his house together. Every day he tells you what to do + that microphone, the schedule all sheets.

Hugh has that 3310 one day, and he might have a little bone scenario - the real literacy training girl, youngers than his age, even if she is 15 years old now, on intern one year.

He feels easy to maid other people running on the Taipei street when the military forces come in 4 Prince of Me, Mably his wifes or the gf combine. Korea, Japan, Taipei and Singapore.



(a) 0 your boat if next by that senior officer, he can watch you "right next" by him, the whole water region area, when they kick all their sneakers up to land in those venue, with or without your schedule sheet. Both him, you and 2 boats - you all living on the water?

But your military girls didn't think that is a point. - okay.

Paris - Olympia

Volleyball or Hugh, are we the Olympia back-up, the man's volleyball.

Every 4 years, or that is the winter Olympia difference? My attention span cannot concentrate my focus at all. I didn't put out those video. Hugh's Tokyo trip for his honey moon was supposed to be those particular bus, or the kit kat chocolate, and Disney combine, bus.

I defense, they just don't hit that hard on the head in the practice game. Step into that position, catch the ball, bounce to the setter, and on our side hitting it back to those Olympia real team to have a correct formation. Its not a real hit hard games.

Right, I was a setter so I know where is the setter, the bounce ball to give him or her too? Right at his hand? 

Look at you I realize its the man's volleyball, today ! 

Olivia !!!

And Ronan was the Magic Breakfast, so he has been a journalist, the China AI that commercial kitchen without the human staffs. I was... in SMTV somewhere. I cannot let that Ronan free bounce just about anywhere on this Earth surface to be honest.

Hugh is in a category, correct. Shooting


You gonna cook your godson's meal? That kind in Tokyo, when you all move in the city those resort other than (the ship tied to)? 


And you had an original home? What is this Panda up to?


Its 5, he only bites the 4.

Are these otters + the birds going with you dutchess, to England and live there Ever Lasting?


Hugh takes them ?

You live alone, or these Asian girls lives alone? Is that the England flag ship?


The birds say....yes, they suppose to live in Japan's land, not on the ship? 

You by the way to create the bread recipe, when they are playing the video games I think.

There are the baby or the youth kids around.

They show this a lot


Not when they all group going out, my painting? On their groups own, the boys and the girls? In 6-8 those people in the groups venturing? Like Hugh and Olivia?

oh ~ That's Hailey's song. Peyton's sister, you both met on the video 1 year ago, or 2 years go, you are missing?

oh ~ sorry, in case, that wasn't I ask, you never cook, right?

My roof only 15 people, everyone has a sit, a couch, a piano soften chair, a real chair to sit. + that red wood glasses table below the TV (15-20), we have only 2 stove, or you all can kick the below renter out, that will be another 20 fine. 4 Stove below, 3 bed below + a couch at least. 

Taipei where Hugh, behind him those settling happened around here, those night market I don't know where they go about, I cannot tell him or them a thing.

1) The dumpling boiled 2) shredded cucumber

3) mince meat can heat up  4) the white rice.

The store near by freezer.

15 is better, not 40 people.

Hugh has a back up 136 坪 room, all floor next by building ~~~~is where they all can eat around there.

Westlife is 3 people.

They don't come in once, they come in a batch, they know its near by they get the food first. We have the cafeteria around here.  We don't need to cook at my roof top.

The pet food?! You need to prepare their pet food, right.

We are not supposed to get one call, us. 

My mother cannot talk to them, so I need to be in the main scene of the house, greeting them or talking to them.  So I cannot cook or she needs to get out of the house....one of those.

They eat the Pizza Hut or 7-11 or the family mart, we have a microwave.

Aldon takes out, I guess, or TGI Friday, or Hugh goes to pick Paul's bread. He knows the taxi fine now. 

We pre-order them, and make those sandwitch the plastic wraps. In a basket. 

It will never happen here .......

Clams? Those are not their food, no. When Hugh settles, he buys once probably, he likes the seafood everyday? You mean the shrimp, not the clams? 

I never learn these groups foods, cooking ~~~

Nick Carter's song, he doesn't cook. He doesn't know whom she is.


She doesn't cook the Western food. 

I know where the pre-made vegetarian red sauce meat in it. (Vegan) + the pasta noodles. 

+ all the boiled eggs + the boiled potato. 

But they can just all eating outside, where I told Hugh all those places ~~~

Its Shane and me ~~~~

If they all staying around here, the other them, I took Shane out of here, to Paul or Sogo or anywhere else to eat, they gonna extent those purchasing easy, or the shopping easy all the way to Sogo, so they live or arrive in Taipei. NOT where your retreat places away from Tokyo.

There are some other groups also.

You need to incentive all of them to move that way, either right to Tokyo, or how to move near by, some places all around there, near your ship too. Access to your military ships, the jet ship, the air supply, or the ship supply, all those things.

Of course I can take Shane far away from here, I know where the foods suppose to be?

This city just no one too much going on, but they are the food everywhere, there are some other people living here.

During the school hour, there are the students breakfast places, but Shane doesn't care what time we get there, near Square's that is the Daan station, its red or the brown line, sight seeing included. Both line.

I am not sure he is on the mood to sight seeing, but they have the food around, this city is only these big of the taxi right or left. Anything by the taxi we can arrive. I just meant we exercise and walk around, its food everywhere. We take a taxi 10 mins home.

I think what you should be doing?

Your schedule sheet, not holding that microphone all day, so you don't need the food, no one else require the food there.

You are too nervous, too distracted, you cannot multi-task.

No one has the food, there.

The sky says the rabbits....maybe that is the parallel lines above, means not relevant. 

Their mind concentrate one hour, its more than they are....I will tell you. Every them, the military, or the student classroom.

Someone else has to run some other activities in those bigger sitting down space, the wood looking to me 4 rows, 2 table, 2 front, 2 back, they sitting face to face, those? Or this is just where your microphone wire line can reach from that speakers, and you can only move between that 2 table going all the way behind? My eyes can only see?

There are the ways the people run those schedule sheets, so I or you don't stay in front of it, sit down......to watch everyone's a show, other than me doing any show anymore.

The schedule sheet until 4 oclock in the afternoon.

The time on that sheet, the schedule sheet.

I own that place - if any your ship drift away, you don't bother coming it back, it goes to south Taiwan that area first, and then....South sea, and then, one of those Malaysia, or Indonesia, it won't get that far to Australia, to say South poles. But I am surely to notice you....it won't get to Australia, but its you looking for your own ship by yourself.

The fresh water is from Costco or they know anyone else as the back-up, we are here....how long.

Your food stock should be also from Costco but they got the pizza, I have the price written in their currency.

.... the house keeping its at the beginning every single day.

Then, you grab all those commanders up, everyone introducing each other ship when they arrive, when did they settle, or where they go about. Staying all together here for how long.

You break apart these tasks, you don't stay in that small room, you go around the entire space to social. The food, the ship, the walk in and out of that venue, the ship and the anchor, or the ropes, where are they? Show me.

The sun reflects on my eyes too much like your sun glasses, I can hardly feeling it,....on your skin or on my skin, so impatient, are you hungry?

You surely know your exit way, its you all go and I got left behind, on your faces. We are fine, everyone has a life turning point, you just don't turn your attention away from this or from me, that's all.

No, I don't need to touch this things, I trust you. So you get enough water on the ship, or in your room? Can you go inside and check? In 5 mins, they put one cargo carts water I ask them if they do have them pushing it here. If you don't need it, we drag it back all together. That is not a big deal, I just want to know. Here, you grab 1, and the rest when you come out, we go.

Any face looks like I ever done this before? That 's why I ask the hotel to do this kinda of extra steps, you have a space, you ship it in your room, and for the rest of the weeks, you have all the water for you yourself, you can grab 5 in your room, now. I wait here.

You cannot do all that, so....CAN you just lighten your own schedule sheet, you yourself can sit down, you can eat, you can mingle inside, you can sit next by them. Just sit down until 4 oclock.

And WHERE is that Mably?

Hugh will be assign to that side, and you run on the retreat wooden table those places....

His name Luke Mably. Sorry.

You go along with the staff teaching you, or showing you, all that.


This would be you getting a Chinese or Japanese Chef?


This is the microwave the rice ball they eat?


Maybe whom suppose to cook, one of those days?


Your kids will intern?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xk1tkZBjgo4

Or you cooking for your kids, all that above? + in-law.

Sorry, I cannot move, not this time. Hugh is not supposed to be there.

Taiwan just won over China, so that segment cannot air in China. (Olympia, Badminton). The national anthem. Those pop singer sings in America, those are the National anthem. My brother's birthday is coming, Its a twin typhoon going to be landing the day before his birthday. I have to read this news myself. Not yet, the typhoon, but you can see, that is Japan's correct land. Below those are the white cloud above the sky ! The link here.

Ronan lives in Ireland I think. He is getting too old for a new land in America I think.


I have yesterday these video and today on dance. You.....ladies from anywhere near the England upper class. The dance? The hip hop? Maybe they all need to lose weight, and...

oh ~ here walking? I let Shane first walk around, and he probably knows more how to say that to Westlife or the other boyband, and someone they go together as the guys, they can talk about it. No, I am behind them. They learn it first time, and we talk about if they go along by themselves. The simple Chinese. I tell them where I can sit down, and waiting them come back.

When they show up, I give him a sheet, what it looks like. He and his best friend, or he with all of them. I am behind them, they see, they look, they keep walking. I go with Shane 1 person first, and then he instructs them. Copy and paste, I am right behind him, keep walking.

I am eating a funny thing today....

Since early morning, I cannot describe to you. Its a white long thick noodles look like the tape worm. Stroke in people's brain, those worn fatty.....vietanese...whatever this is. I have never seen.

Its not thin, its not flat, its not crystal.  Its a fat round long....looks like the colon.

Something about that parrots, or the Taiwanese again?

I thought its for English, those money to imagine, in the legal law or the medicine?

I read they have a news to learn Welsh. A few days ago. Do they mean Japanese?

( How come I cannot change this sheet ? )

Breakfast. - Hugh currently lives at its nothing but the Muesli + the yogurt on the corner, and straight walking to a corner its all the European chocolate, and some local Taiwan candies stuffs. They have the dressing too, the meat, the cheese, and some vegan meat too. The City Super.

Is that sometimes you go with some 4 or 5 girls or the guys to cook for them, the breakfast?


So this is many weeks, many months, all there?

The facial works?


I don't even know....Hugh knows where, in front of that 235, next by the cake place. YoYo box.

Maybe the breakfast, right? They are limited to teach you, not from me, here anything like a retreat style in Japan near by, the nearest city?

They cannot drive their ship to the nearest city cargo anything back to that....what places? The ship speed is FAST.

You were here 1 months ago? When Hugh went anywhere? No, you are not ready for anyone to show up anything there. 

Mably, no. Hugh can go in, and gets out. There is nothing there, that guy has a different IQ brain, no. If I seeing exactly what I see. No, me no. They have all to live without the food, the cake is ...the food 1 day.

Do you find out you live there 3 years or the next 30 years, doing these only?

Your mindset. Your England embassy is at where? Your passport, the inside, what do they say? I take Shane to renew, that is not the American Embassy. You walk on your own, you transport on your own, you taxi on your own, you report on your own, when you done all that to your family, or to your ex husband? The news I read today, those otters say?

You fly to where other than England to renew all that? For you, or for your kids, George? 

No, his mother is not coming back, she was dead. But I understand that is George going your way, he is by himself, Prince William.

You and Luke's location very different? To raise George, and Hugh is....not going to be there until both you and Luke's side these everyone has the food, I tell him don't come back here, move all his family to the medical treatment there? He doesn't need to stay in Asia, right now, if all these just nothing but Chaos including my side.

I don't really know, one meal to the next meal, and landing time....yours smooth, or his just every ladder time frame, per 3 weeks switch one summer?

All of them is empty table ???

No, I think its exactly the things I told Hugh. He doesn't need to bring all those cakes neither, but at Mably. By now he is older enough to watch one kid on the block, and Hugh suppose to come back one afternoon, the immediate take-off, back here comfort room, bean bags all those play station set up?

I check my news, my lunch, my time, my hours.

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