
The Lunch

Why....there is a lunch menu here supposed to be? You all ladies the girl's power all around the world Time Zone schedule, how to run these everyone missing food on which land access to the main city, to get a commercial kitchen to do a catering? You yourself never run a group meeting to say cook for them, prepare the jam, or the grape jams, or the farmer's market, the blueberry jam, or Mamalai (the orange jam), with the white bread toast. This is what we are talking about your guests or your VIP, or those youth buddy together 6-8 per morning breakfast you seeing them, talking to them in groups?

And why there is a lunch menu again? Other than your commercial kitchen for the table length, that runs the 9-4 schedule sheets.

I don't eat the spicy stuffs, but I prepare them early in the morning. They soaked to emit those taste til the Noon time. My mother does something else too. The hot oil.

Most time you get too hungry, too tired, too long on the foot, your sandal, or your pajamas in the house, your hair, your face, or your make-up, or your contact lens, or your eye glasses. You make up your mind doing this, you need to tidy up your entire.....simplicity way (Babaji's teaching), how you run almost everything....not in the super hungry mode: you eat your own cooking food, no one is there to eat it.

The salad  (Why I have to stop?)

Its the salad plate, or the salad container? 

The dressing !!! Hugh's that isle next by few isles, any City Super A13. This is what we required to talk about it? 

This is about Hugh, or about them? His.....room.

I don't have the next dish.

This is about the movie: what I know about your, them, UB MD 20+?

Mably when he is very busy, his minds are split in many parts, he happy to see people, just tooooooooooo many people in front of the flow charts, the whole day itinerary. 

I am in too many places, so I didn't think of it. UB, not them, but the American medical board supposes to be correct; I did trust them, but right now I got very hurt about the last 5 mins. They have a belief why I pay attention to them, not run about any more this vision things or the people landing in front of me, the birds or the otters. 

You want to know.

Your current situation is all you can see, and felt. We didn't imagine you are like that.

  • They don't listen to one word you say.
  • They didn't pay attention the microphone in front of you.
  • That is the food, its not about your food or their food.
  • Its every hour you deliver that wire you hold in front of your mouth to talk, every word or the sheet you prepare for all of them, per week, or the weeks passing it by.
  • You are standing very long that per hour the whole days doing these.
  • They don't respect you (or enough), they seeing you sick, or not enough response you felt. You are the most engaging to this, everyday dead tired to all of them, dedicating the whole day doing this for them.
  • You think, you prepare very correctly, or hard for this, you working hard for them.
  • For this entire things without any support, but these people are inept, lazy, or not much to say in front of them, or don't know what should be said, or not too much happiness, or the activities felt, they sleep, or they close their eyes, you have to rehearsal all of those schedule saying, or talking, or presentation, or arrange everyone else the details schedules, how they live all there with you.
  • They are too young, not too much knowledge, not too many air, young. The younger look, the younger behavior, or look at you, wait for your response all that.

They all look similar to Mark with the eye glasses or the black frames those, 90s, any of Westlife those video MV. No, not particular. And....you don't have a student activity for them on the sheet.

You meant MD 20+ the original purpose is to help in American land to bankcrupt everyone as the client, if were to be that useful, they delicate that cause, would be your microphone wire that coming all the way to your hand, and you stand in front of it, stand tall. A very short sight things at you, in front of you, and no one knows.

You want people to like you, to like about the things you, or you say, or be attractive to someone like you, you didn't see anything of that. Any of these...inept people motion on the table with the hat on. They sleep, or they lay down, or they lay the side to talk far away, all that.

They are 20 years younger (more)

How long you want to transform them? How long they live with you, that's what I mean.

You built up they can trust you, or you built up their confidence....

You are not this age to get their approval anymore, that is what you mean. You have a job, and just deliver that what you got told, and you present it. 

We finish chatting? 

They need to have 3 meals, you got those package in, and they rubbery all those boxes?

You get your head space, too ...zealous over something when you hear, when you see, when you react on anything in front of you. 

People care about the eating, and maybe so are you, be more refine and delicate on it, they are away from home, and be more spoiled to those tiny things, the nuts, or the managing that place. You have enough people to oversees all those details things. You are on a show, but they all have a job, a real sailing in the water, above the water, the food to make it full, or snacks side by all afternoon, the drink, the water, the shower, the fun things to talk about, to aim for, or anything inside their life, it means to them.

How long you gonna live with them? 3 weeks?

I retired, so I don't have to be in any of this jobs, anymore....for the later days. But you foster or breed this kinds of the environment to raise your kids, let's say, on pending, whatever that those scene people talk about it. You live there, or you need to bring people in, it all starting there, they are there with you thick and thin. So later, you can introduce others people they can trust them, or rely on them more. Those people leave, they die on it with you around. You are that type?

I have no idea, you eat the microwave there, the hotel staff, a retreat place, or they get the hot water, or something to eat or the chopstick throw and toss, or those utensil, all that.

If they are hungry....do they get the fridge, the land the dorm, or where they live, whom has the fridge and the freezer, so its all the instant noodle cups, or the instant noodles?

The hotel staffs cannot prepare some of these cucumber, tomato slice +some cheese + the balsamic vinegar? + some bread stick. Not every single day, but everyday you have something totally different. Some extra grape juice or the orange juice. 

You talk to the hotel staffs? You inquire can they get the cucumber or the tomato quantity they themselves and make those arrangement in those paper bowl? 

Its a retreat venue, party place ~~~~~ not on the microphone !!

"Do you have the farmers, or the farmer's market near by? I want to go and bring some gifts or some extra amount, for some people the staffs, the senior officers, and those kids." 

Yeah, you doing nothing but shopping for the food, and the amount, it doesn't need to be perfect ! 

"But I get an address, and the phone number to call !!!"

You tell the staffs you want a box to bribe....You go in those any table 5-8 and put that boxes in front of them. You go in to ask them where they come from, how they are doing, if they call their parents on the phone, how is the water, how is the ship, all those venture things they ever did on the water. Did they tell their parents what happened these 2 or 3 weeks, when they arrived, or the summer ladder schedule, which session? 

What you all gonna do when you go back? Seeing your parents, they worry about you, they are both parents or the single parents, and each you have a name, and you all shared to each other facebook? No, not my facebook, but do you chat and connect more people here with their facebook, I think some more ships joining in, or you all want to go out and venturing, if those days come? 

We are sorting some basic arrangement how you all intake your fruits juice we provide you, anything you wish to see the item lists, I can go and check? The snack, or the solid food or the banana milk for the guys or the strawberry milk for the girls? 

You think those works?

Yeah, you talking in them.

Or right now....you screaming at them in front of that mic? To hold up 9-11, 1-4?

Some fried rice + some grill tofu with broccoli. They know you are not supposed to give them anything vegetarian, but you tell them those are the light meal, every so often you all have, other than eating the lunch box, you can take in-room, you eat the later day.

The skillet with the shrimp, or the bell pepper or the tofu again.

Some toast with the ham and the cheese, a piece of lettuce in it.

Every few days is different. They only things they do is to eat.

Some juice + some milk + a fruit.

A snack + a juice + an apple / a Chinese pear.

An eggroll + an orange + a cracker.

You pick a day and say, these are the ice cream sandwich + a juice + a map

They will learn they expect they getting something every once a while.

Some baguette (the French bread), inside you tell the hotel what you want them to put in there, and wrap up in the plastic cover, and you pass it in the afternoon time. They are growing still? Just eat and eat and eat. 

You ship enough these 1 case of the bottle, how you pass down each dorm their water statue?

Yeah, you tell the staffs you want to implementing these things, and they tell you what you can do.

Is your life there settling, the new place, the new bedding, or the new environment, the new microphone, the new working hours, and how many people you have to MC the whole talk, every single day?

You do one thing at a time, including the future, you get to the grocery store, or you seeing something, then you think about why I getting this you cook, or you find the chef in the hotel cooking these, I am seeing many, so I tell you.

You never done this other than to join a table fight? You done anything in your life other than carrying a conversation and now you need to hold that microphone up a little bit? You get upset, and this is away from home, you watch what you intake the fiber and the drinking water content ? They can carry you the distilled water? You get yourself those thermal, for the winter for the summer, your health reason. The water boiler, everyone goes somewhere and shop?

No, you do get upset, you can see the people in front of you, these tables?

Those jobs are not super important, if people response, or they sleep on it, or if you deliver only 60%, you do better next time. You got tired, you got too stressful, and too many little trivial thing you worry everyone where to eat, where to shop, where to locate, and all that? 

You get upset for the correct thing, none of these are the correct things at all.

You have anyone you can vent, to talk to, what really happened in the venue? The exactly how you feel about the things, in front of you like you ....talk or the speaker doesn't work, or something something, and you say you think this is important to you, so what do you think?

Two red raccoon fighting



You are not going to adjust to a new place in a month. You watch for yourself now, so you watch it later for your kids, or anyone around. Your family included all them if they visiting you here, or you just here for the summer? 

I have a cloud photo outside cannot take.....(England)

Washing my everything, and laundry too...dry outside.

You like Nicky? I have a this....10 color on my sleep ware no sleeve those. Its pink ~

I hate my life so I cannot imagine how to be with Shane~~~~~


The dinner roll with the butter. ( Taiwan we called it 餐包)

They make my life miserable. It would be ....they change their mind.

I doing something else and then I go and talk on my phone. Its...everyone's dinner time. Have fun ~~~

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