
My Sunday, don’t talk to me. It’s just one wire, you put your mouth further away like that Otter did.

You are not faking it, so you like what you doing. They know that, you zealous to tell them something like the original.

I c. 
1. Babaji's cooking / Airbender / Chapattie (2015)  2. These Panda / Paddington / the Birds and the otters  3. The baby?!  4. The Youtuber younger age or my classmate UB all that.

Its not like that. You mean those Battelship (if were real them, they are too tall, and they are lazier outside. They use a very long time to make-up the patience or efforts to learn something, its fake, or its worse than that.)

When Shane they sing that 2007 an immediate Turn Around, Total Eclipse of the Heart . That was the correct time. Your parents or the upper them need to retire, meaning just BBQ similar to Nick or nourish their one life time the up or down inside their heart with these movie or the near by before they depart.
  • Not anymore this Washington D.C, being zealous, you all don't have any credential, nor the real position. 
  • But, that will be the only jobs = the paper file-ing.
  • UB will never make it in time, the moment they becoming, its snatch to Maine, will never be here, they imagine to do what?
  • The current age bracket you and me these whole age, its only Washington D.C, the peer review journal, and the law processing paper file.
  • Nothing else.

You get a dinner date or have fun, was these legal debates, or the discussion.

I WILL NEVER show up in the Washington D.C, with any of these in combine.

They fake all your light shadowy existence to make you feel, you can touch that edge, but there is nothing for you to go on with it. Your age, its to raise the kids properly, and get educated, no more your show, if your direction is no more academia. You will get the diseased, or your children will kill you, or feeling the upside of the life, and you need to be there for them. 

These are the only few departing methods of the current statues of your life.

That microphone wire, doesn't have any meaning anymore.

Our society today is the small nucleus family

Here in Taipei, I told Westlife, or Shane. Each of them living alone with the pet?! Me here just my mother. The topics in the real life, for a lot of these youth growing up, no more 3 generation looks, or their parents dying out earlier, or they move away from the parents on their own.....all of them wish a better life to see a better things in life.

Not really the topics about the animals, their solely focus attention. 

They have the virus, not like that.

I wish Westlife will come, and not the human die out, so I die out with these the birds or the otter when I grew to an age, and keep getting old without anymore my world time people. 

But its usually 1 or 2 people near by, NOT the whole party of the house in the real life measurement. Each of them with 1 or 2 people. A very very small nucleus family. Sometimes the single parents for any reason, or 1 kid, or any of that. So their attention focus wish to hear, wish to know, wish to learn - the health, the money, the cooking, or the comforting without the parents there, or even somewhat the God will hear them even. Anything if the God to be that omni-present. 

Some people never live a certain life, they imagine one thing, they seeing another, or when the people run down thin, its just 1 or 2 people, they are not used to, so they go home and see the friends, or we all have to move away, one of those when the time comes.

I am the real householder most on Top, so I back-up, back-up, back-up in every direction what's might be what I hear from or I see. I prefer just staying here, and I am making the plan to telling everyone its right here.

But these people are ALL small nucleus family as well. They no longer need to cook, or having a family value other than to keep their jobs in focus.

You right now looking at me, Hugh, Hugh's family or any of these Westlife / Justin / Brian American boybands ITS ALL FAKE.

When Babaji's time will come or not coming, its getting worse where you seeing the massive people in crowd, you believing in it, the life its with the people in front of you. Being supportive, because he is the real Babaji. The Heaven or on Earth (his sphere).

Any of you, are not planning anything in any life, to in any degree, you wish other people to take the blame, to take the yelling, to see other falls, to wish other people ill.....You are not taking any responsibility because that is whom you are. You are not worried about your own future, its the TV is fake, the story were everyone else minding their own world, is a selfish one.

I technically didn't care ONE thing anyone does on their own side of the world

a. Europe that you all Ireland or England side       or     b. North America all side

You coming in with some other girls, you consciously knowing that, and where are they? Nicky used to have a gf, or a wife. She has a father. Where are all these girls or the boys, or the daddy ends up a new environment, my entire UB 20+ System file were in fake.

Are you all going to Washington D.C, after 25 years onwards, that is with your current dates or your current kids will be? Or this is not in 2 or 3 years, everyone meets again all in Washington D.C, all at the same time? 

Yesterday....I yell out a very short in Chinese mandarin.

American that side tight up my role here with the rope, it might be just the well wishing from the American medical board, so I step up. But I need to sleep for the time beings.

Yesterday, did I say where I gone to, to leave them a message? I find out why I suppose to go to sleep? Its worse than anything or anyone the whole city people suffer in it?  So yesterday, I was on my channel, I gone to looking at my own video.....I wasn't really talking to Hugh as much. Those time? There is the birds on the background. I start to remember.....these channel its a while ago.

We have some problems, people here have that culture from India, China, HK, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Taiwan....they look like the black hair or the Indian tradition even if some monks or the priesthood they exist still. I am not sure.....maybe they all run down, and cease to exists. The animal Kingdom for some reason....its the people need to see it. So it becoming a SUPER giant problem for me.

This city is a finance center, or we believing in it to go somewhere.

I was telling Hugh another side of my life, and not Westlife, the real music world, I went to talk to Kian yesterday? It was all real if I act on it. But it was.....

The post office  / The pharmacy store   /  7-11 the money order, or pick up  /  Pizza  /   vegetarian banquet booking.


The retired people and with the money, they live that life here. RETIRED.

If I do go down with the police cars them to arrive their ashram, it will only be 2 days out of 365 days when those Indian or the Order of Himalayas whomever, they show up.  That is 2 days out of the 365 days in 1 or 2 years. the rest its my face = 5 years old a crown on the top, you can see that things, the photo hanging somewhere? !!

That is not the point Babaji start killing?

What is the title of my blog title today?

Tell the staff print this for you. You read it when you go back home, you feeling better with the family around, not as this far away from home and near the sea.

The otter is the live show 20 mins !!!! 

Good morning, you tired? Already coming up? Just here 2 mins, you coming near already to come up to the shore? 

They finished.

The other chair. The Animal Diary...  ~~~ Shane !!!

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